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Hmm.. Not so friendly..

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  • Hmm.. Not so friendly..

    This was from a bit ago. The friends and I decided we were going to trivia at Applebee's by mine and B's work. It's half off appetizers then, so if anyone ate before then, they could still get snack food.

    One friend of mine won't eat after taking her medicine, and she had to take it before trivia. So while the rest of us ordered, she got water. That started bad things..

    Our waitress was hateful after K said she would like a water please, and wouldn't be ordering food. "You have to order."

    Me to K: "It's alright. If you get hungry, you can have some of my cheese sticks or pasta. I'm sure we've ordered more than enough to cover you not ordering anything."

    The waitress gave me a look of 'I'm telling on you.' but finished the order. I spent 15.50 on my own food, not to mention the drink from the bar that was about 4. My friend Mike (Also called Bean :P ) ordered Nachos when he joined us about 9, after the rest of us had eaten and were playing.

    By this time, we're all out of drinks (Except Bean). Que B (Barb) getting out of the round booth to see if she could locate and ask our waitress nicely for refills. Our waitress is talking to another co-worker about how "The table I'm waiting on doesn't follow the rules, and I think that medical bull that one glasses girl spouted is bs. She can order food, who can't order after a certain time?"

    Barbie didn't bother asking for drinks. She instead turned and went to the manager. By now, it's 9:30 and Bean has found the waitress to ask if the nachos were still in back or possibly not put in.

    The waitress told him "To sit his illegal ass back down and I'll bring your food when I'm good and ready."

    Barb has rejoined the table, Bean looks pissed and I've heard it all (being in the center is a joy somedays >.<)

    I got out of the booth and went to find the manager. I told him that our service was slacked since we apparently didn't matter to his waitress, and while we could handle SOME rude behavior by late food or drinks, waiting HALF an hour for nachos and then being told to sit down and we'd get the food when SHE was ready, was unacceptable. I also explained K not ordering wasn't in direct violation of their rules, they had to accomodate for allergies and medical reasons all the time, and K not ordering was no different.

    He looked at me and told me I was a child. So, I took his name and the waitresses name, and after we paid to leave, called and got the information on HIS higher up.

    Now neither the waitress nor manager works there, and we've not had a problem since. And yes, though we did pay for the food that night, we WERE reimbursed for it with either the money back on our credit cards, OR gift cards for the full amount that the 3 cash payers had paid. (This is why I've kept the reciepts and HAPPILY faxed them.)

  • #2
    That's HORRIBLE and I'm glad the channels you followed resulted in some action against their descriminatory behavior; which they showed in so many ways. There was no reason for their comments or attitudes; you sounded like you were pleasant and reasonable, but even if you weren't, there's no room for name calling. I'm glad they got what they deserved, and that you got compensation.

    I've seen plenty of people sit in restaurants, have a drink, but not order. It's not like it was a high-end place where they were waiting for 'better' customers to fill the tables!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      They were basically saying that instead of three people ordering and one person sitting with them it would be better if all three didn't come (since you aren't going to not make your friend sit at home) Thats a real good business plan.


      • #4
        It's not like the rest of us didn't order. If the whole table hadn't ordered, I'd have gotten the annoyance, but out of 6 of us, 5 ordered. It's not like they weren't getting ANY money from us.
        I dislike people that are rude, and I 98% of the time, am nice to the waitresses/waiters I deal with, even on their bad days cause I know how they feel.


        • #5
          I don't even have words about that waitress. I hope she gets fired for her obvious bigoted remark. I'd say this is one of those rare cases where you'd be justified in not tipping.
          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


          • #6
            Glad to hear you got it resolved so nicely.... I may not have been so nice. But you handled it like a pro.
            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


            • #7
              My mom taught me to play nice first, and if that doesn't work THEN be an epic bitch. And I have the second part down pat I can be so sweet the whole time I'm stating how pissed I am.
              Hero: The worst insult you can leave a waitress besides no tip, is a penny. She got 6 of tem.


              • #8
                "The table I'm waiting on doesn't follow the rules, and I think that medical bull that one glasses girl spouted is bs. She can order food, who can't order after a certain time?"
                Uh...Me? I have to take omeprazole (generic prilosec), and I can't eat for two hours before I take it, or for an hour after. That is an OTC drug. Lots of people take it.

                Just as an example. But damn. Totally unacceptable.
                We are actors! We are the opposite of people! -Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

                All we can do is hate. And they ALL deserve it.


                • #9
                  actually it sounds like she and the manager both got fired for their actions...


                  • #10
                    Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                    "The table I'm waiting on doesn't follow the rules, and I think that medical bull that one glasses girl spouted is bs. She can order food, who can't order after a certain time?"
                    I can't. One of my immune suppressants, Prograf, says, "Do not eat or drink for one hour after taking this medication." or something like that.

                    Really? You can't? My doctor prescribed Prilosec to me but never mentioned anything about no eating after taking it. Granted, I probably should have looked at the bottle before calling in my prescription, but the doc said eating while taking this medication was fine. Maybe it's just me?
                    "But I don't want to be among mad people."
                    You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.


                    • #11
                      The information supplied by the manufacturer of omeprazole capsules says: "Omeprazole DR capsules should be taken before eating." The tablets have similar verbiage. Neither say anything about 1 hour before/2 hours after. I generally tell my patients to take it 1/2 hour before a meal (mostly because eating is what causes the acid to go up), but even this is really only for the first 3-4 days until they reach steady state. Note that the capsules (though not the tablets) can be emptied into applesauce if you can't swallow them, which implies that presence of food isn't relevant.

                      (Now if you were taking the old Helidac therapy pack for H. pylori eradication along with that omeprazole, one of the components in that was tetracycline, which does in fact have that restriction of eating. You only take that for 14 days though. I wonder why you have that restriction; I'd say consult with your pharmacist next time you go for a refill.)


                      • #12
                        Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                        Hero: The worst insult you can leave a waitress besides no tip, is a penny. She got 6 of tem.
                        Actually, I can kind of see the logic behind this. It leaves no room for doubt that maybe you could have forgotten a tip.
                        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                        • #13
                          Quoth Shalom View Post
                          (Now if you were taking the old Helidac therapy pack for H. pylori eradication along with that omeprazole, one of the components in that was tetracycline, which does in fact have that restriction of eating. You only take that for 14 days though. I wonder why you have that restriction; I'd say consult with your pharmacist next time you go for a refill.)
                          Well, it's OTC like I said. I had an EGD done, and the doctor that performed the procedure told me my acid levels were too high, and I needed to start taking an acid reducer. My dad has the same problem, so he asked if prilosec would work, the doc said fine. So my dad passed on the I figure it doesn't hurt me, since I take it at 9 AM every day.
                          We are actors! We are the opposite of people! -Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

                          All we can do is hate. And they ALL deserve it.


                          • #14
                            Penny tip: You weren't worth this, but this is the best you're getting.

                            Manager Mommy of mine, used to be a waitress. She said it was the most insulting thing you could leave a waitress next to NO tip.

