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Just admit you like Twilight

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  • #46
    Quoth Kaylyn View Post
    does she have to use SO many modifiers and descriptors? And what happened to a good old "he said" or "she said"? Why is everything, "he mused", "she insisted", or even "he asked angrily" or "she said wearily"? Sometimes you just need to know "he shrugged", not "he shrugged uncertainly". We KNOW a shrug is uncertain...
    Well, this totally kills any faint curiosity I might have had. It sounds like a newbie submission on my writing workshop.

    I don't really get the whole vampire thing, anyway. What's the appeal? Somebody even came out with a cologne called "Vampire"....oy...

    Ah well. Whatever floats your least people are reading. That's a good thing.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #47
      Two comments:

      1) I don't really mind Twilight fans in general. It's the middle-aged rabid fans who scare me. If it was middle-aged men freaking out over the equivalent of hot high school girls, we'd all think "perv central." Why do women my age get a pass?

      2) Twilight = a young girl's difficult decision between necrophilia and beastiality.
      Enjoy my latest stupid quest for immortality.


      • #48
        Quoth blas View Post
        Um, hey guys, there are Twilight fans on this board. Just so you know. I don't share my opinions on how much I dislike anime and most cartoons and other stuff I find dorky and geeky, please don't insult something I like.

        Granted, I am not one of those screaming, out of control "ZOMG TWILIGHT MUST BE FIRST IN LINE!" people, and I haven't read any of the books and I never even saw the first one until it was actually out on video, but I DO enjoy the series and the cast and do tire of the constant jokes and making fun of Twilight fans. We aren't all pathetic 14 year old girls, ok?
        Blas you MUST read the books, the films don't do them justice at all. I've seen the first one in film form....haven't watched the others and may not really until they do Breaking Dawn.
        Great YouTube channel check it out!


        • #49
          Quoth LingualMonkey View Post

          2) Twilight = a young girl's difficult decision between necrophilia and beastiality.
          Yeah? and?

          Great YouTube channel check it out!


          • #50
            Everytime I hear about crazy fans, I think about the scene in "Trekkies" where the woman who was obsessed with Brent Spiner (Data) was going through her album. For some reason, I half expected her to say, "And this is the restraining order he put on me".


            • #51
              Quoth MoonCat View Post
              Well, this totally kills any faint curiosity I might have had. It sounds like a newbie submission on my writing workshop.

              I don't really get the whole vampire thing, anyway. What's the appeal? Somebody even came out with a cologne called "Vampire"....oy...

              Ah well. Whatever floats your least people are reading. That's a good thing.
              Blame Anne Rice, Mark Rein(dot)Hagen and the Neo-Goth Movement, Vampires went from undead who view you as cattle to vampires who are sympathetic to vampires are sexy.

              Personally I like them better than the other overused horror monster, the zombie, at least vampires can exist... kinda, I mean someone could have that one condition and be a hemophage I guess.

              If anything, I want to see the Mercy Thompson series kick off the Werewolf craze... been itching to have the best of the classic monsters (IMO) have their craze.

              Quoth telecom_goddess View Post
              ...haven't watched the others and may not really until they do Breaking Dawn.
              I seriously wonder how they're gonna do Breaking Dawn. Audiobooks FTW.


              • #52
                I heard something on the radio yesterday about vampire pirates?
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #53
                  Quoth blas View Post
                  I heard something on the radio yesterday about vampire pirates?
                  say what? I'm intrigued...I love vampires
                  Great YouTube channel check it out!


                  • #54
                    Quoth blas View Post
                    I heard something on the radio yesterday about vampire pirates?
                    Versus ninja werewolves? Actually, I'd be interested in Vampire wonderfully evil.

                    I haven't seen the Twilight movies, but I did read the 1st two books. Poorly wrritten, and addicting, ha. Might see the movies on some drunken girls nite in.
                    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                    • #55
                      Quoth Cat View Post
                      Versus ninja werewolves?
                      No. Ninja pirates.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #56
                        Quoth Kaylyn View Post
                        It's MUCH easier to tune out the bad writing when it's being read to you...does she have to use SO many modifiers and descriptors? And what happened to a good old "he said" or "she said"? Why is everything, "he mused", "she insisted", or even "he asked angrily" or "she said wearily"? Sometimes you just need to know "he shrugged", not "he shrugged uncertainly". We KNOW a shrug is uncertain..
                        That's bad editing.

                        If you read any classic literature, or even most good modern literature, you'll find very little in the way of "he said, she mused, the cat thought" modifiers. A good bit of dialogue should stand on its own without any of those.

                        Sorry. Pet peeve. My aunt is an author & editor, and she's corrected my writing many times.

                        But that's one reason I couldn't get past the first couple chapters in Twilight. The writing is dull, the editing drives me up a wall.


                        • #57
                          I do have to admit that the poor guy in the OP really did a bad job at obfuscating his interest,

                          For Twilight itself, my major beef with it is that it seems like yet another World of Darkness knockoff, and a bad one at that. Vampires vs. Werewolves is growing rather tiresome. I also disliked the Underworld series for this same reason. How White Wolf Studios did not end up suing over Underworld I will never know. In my opinion, if you want a real nice taste of a world where supernatural nasties battle it out among the "herd of humanity", check out both the Old of World of Darkness and New World of Darkness. You will find nothing in film that compares to the rich mythologies of each sect. Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, Daemons, Mummies, and mortal Hunters ply those worlds, and they make anything else in the genre look impotent in comparison.

                          Ur-Shulgidoes what to your intestines?

                          As for the the Twilight fan base, I never have mocked them or belittled them. People like to read what they like to read, and everybody is a "Fanboy" of something. I will sometimes read the most stilted Warhammer 40,000 books and still find some enjoyment, even if I am screaming at the author for bad writing and F***** up cannon lore.


                          • #58
                            Quoth Crawling_Chaos View Post
                            For Twilight itself, my major beef with it is that it seems like yet another World of Darkness knockoff, and a bad one at that. Vampires vs. Werewolves is growing rather tiresome. I also disliked the Underworld series for this same reason. How White Wolf Studios did not end up suing over Underworld I will never know.
                            The only thing that I've seen that was based off of the White Wolf world and was done well, in my opinion at least, is the Kindred: The Embraced series. Too bad there was only one season, but what they did I thoroughly enjoyed. I'm also a Vampire: The Masquerade geek, so that probably skewed my view a bit

                            I did not like Underworld, though. Actually, I didn't mind it at first, and then the more I thought about it, the less I liked it. Too bad I didn't realize that before I bought the DVD, since I haven't even considered watching it since. Waste of money
                            "So, let's build a snowman! We can make him our best friend. We can name him Bob or we can name him Beowulf! We can make him tall, or we can make him not so tall!"


                            • #59
                              I don't bother to bash on the movies - I'd watch them on DVD and they really aren't that bad. And I've been used as the 'lets see twilight' excuse before by a male friend. It was hilarious in itself. (He has not lived that down yet)
                              I keep my mouth firmly shut on the books though.


                              • #60
                                Quoth Crawling_Chaos View Post
                                I How White Wolf Studios did not end up suing over Underworld I will never know.
                                Mainly due to the fact it was done even before they did anything of the sort, there was the old clasics like "Dracula vs. The Wolfman!" and such. Having monsters fight each other isn't anything new. Some of the early mythological stories even had heroes who were smart enough to set their monsterous enemies at each other while they crept away with the prize.

                                And besides, why not allow a movie like that? All they had to do was say, "Hey, you liked that movie? Well, we have a game that will let you play as either a werewolf or vampire! Ain't it great?!" Probably bumped their sales a bit that year.
                                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                                Hoc spatio locantur.

