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2 sightings

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  • 2 sightings

    First sighting:
    My co-worker told me what happened yesterday at work during her shift.

    The phone inside the Visitor parking booth rings. She answers it.

    co-worker: "How may I help you?"
    guy at Visitor parking garage exit gate: "I was here for special event. Let me out."
    co-worker: "I'm sorry, but you need to get a token to exit. So could you please back up, go back to where you were, & get a token to exit."
    guy at Visitor parking garage exit gate: "Let me out. I was here for the special event."
    co-worker: "What special event?"
    guy at Visitor parking garage exit gate: "The special event. Can you raise the gate for me *not a question; a demand*
    co-worker: "I'm sorry, but I cannot do that."
    guy at Visitor parking exit gate: "Let me out. I was here for the special event."
    co-worker: "I'm sorry, but you need to back up & get a token from the dept. to exit."
    guy at Visitor parking exit gate: "I'm not backing up. Let me out. I was here for the special event."

    Co-worker transfers the call to the parking office. Someone from that office answers the phone. She tells that person what happend.

    co-worker: "The guy at the exit gate was here for a special event, but he will not back up & get a token to exit."
    parking office employee: "What special event."
    co-worker: "I do not know. I asked him, but he keeps on saying let me out. I was here for the special event. I told him to get a toke to exit, but he will not back up. Do you want to speak to him?"
    parking office employee: "Sure"

    She hangs up the phone. The guy at the exit gate speaks to the call box, but he does not back up. He literally sat inside his car at the exit gate for several minutes before finally backing up.

    Second sighting:
    happened on the bus while on the way home from work

    I'm sitting on the bus when the bus stops at a high school located on the bus route. 3 teenage guys sit behind me.

    They talk about the fact that they prank call health care clinics for fun

    After that first guys says "hey, where are your parents from?"
    Second guy says "No, where are your parents from?"
    Third guy says "No, where are your parents from?
    First guy says to second guy "where are you from?"
    Second guy says "I'm from Nigeria"
    First guy says "No, you are from Canada"

    Then the three guys toss around a cell phone for fun while laughing. It flies over my head & lands between the seat & the wall. It is stuck.
    Last edited by snugglegirl05; 10-13-2010, 10:48 PM.

  • #2
    "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut

