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Too good to last for long... (and Lupo's back to having shopping shenanigans...)

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  • Too good to last for long... (and Lupo's back to having shopping shenanigans...)

    So, after my wondrous incident in which I bounced off a car and then bounced off of pavement, I’ve been grocery shopping twice. Apparently, the gods felt the need to take it easy on me in my ventures, and both were without incident. Largely because the first time, trailerparkmedic took me to the store and I was too busy talking to her to notice any stupidity (though people kept coming around corners and almost hitting me on the hip that has all the bruising…) and the second time I was on painkillers, so I really didn’t care.

    Third time, however? So not the charm. Boo. But, here we go.

    the wheels on the bus…are stopped
    This particular bus route I take passes two sets of train tracks. As such, the bus is sometimes forced to, you know, STOP FOR TRAINS. One such time occurred this morning on the way to the store. We hit the tracks right as the arm was going down and the train started crossing. There is a stop right after the train tracks, and there was a guy standing at said stop. Takes the train a few minutes to pass, and it’s a long one. And, when the arm raises, the bus driver goes right up to where the arm is, stops like she’s supposed to, to check, and then continues to the stop. Holy crap, you’d think she just committed a capital felony. Dude gets on the bus and starts ripping into her.

    Idiot: Man, why you taking so long to get to the stop, why you driving so slow?!
    Driver: Sir, there was a TRAIN.
    Idiot: You could’ve made it through before it came! The bar hadn’t gotten down all the way!
    Driver: Sir, it was a train crossing, and the warning lights were flashing.
    Idiot: but you coulda made it!! <snarlranrantrantravewhathaveyou> You put me behind schedule!
    Driver: And by standing here arguing, I’m further behind, sir. The train was crossing. I have to follow the laws.
    Idiot: <takes his seat and snarls some more, and the guy sitting behind him randomly comments out loud>
    OtherGuy: You know, man, if you’re that upset about waiting to board, next time, why don’t YOU try and make it across in time…?

    Idiot had no answer. Lupo turned up the volume on her mp3 player.

    wherein Lupo confuses a barista
    So, I get to the store and make it across the street unscathed (have I mentioned I’m now super paranoid about walking anywhere and check each way in traffic about 12 times before taking a step? Yeah, well, I am…) first stop is the in-store starbucks. Haven’t been to this store in a while, and they’re renovating, so I have to re-orient myself. I find the starbucks, greet the barista and ask her to make a pumpkin chai for me. She looks confused, but it is awesome (OMG, thank you Treasure for introducing me to this joyous delight!!!)

    I explain how to make it. And end up getting it free! (store has a program where if you swipe your loyalty card, every 10 drinks you by, you get 1 free) Well, as the barista is making it, other barista comes over and he does a double take at the cup and asks what she’s making. She tells him it’s a chai. Male barista looks confused. Female barista laughs. Customer behind me is apparently impatient, and buts into the convo we’re having.

    MB: But that looks a little…orange, to be a chai
    Me: It’s a pumpkin spice chai and it’s AWESOME!!
    FB: She started ordering them when the pumpkin spice became available again.
    Me: All thanks to a friend in Austin ^__^
    SC: It looks DISGUSTING!!
    MB: <blinks and looks at the guy behind me. I turn around and stare at him too>
    SC: It looks gross. Like orange puke in a glass.
    Me: Well, no accounting for taste… <eyebrow twitching>
    MB: <having seen me react to stupids before, he asks the SC what he can make for him>
    SC: some real coffee. I’ll have a pumpkin spice latte
    Me: So…you’re getting pumpkin spice, too?
    SC: Yeah, but I’m getting it in what it’s supposed to go in. Coffee. So it doesn’t look like orange puke!
    FB: <stares at me and winces>
    Me: <Cheerfully> Nope, it looks like orange shit instead!
    Me: Well, technically maybe diarrhea?
    FB: <snickers>
    SC: You’re disgusting!!
    Me: You ever try pumpkin chai?
    SC: NO!
    Me: Then shut up, drink your poo, and stop making comments. <I grab my drink and start to walk away>
    SC: but it’s gross looking!
    Me: Oh, bite me…

    Illiteracy is sad…
    I’m in the produce section, grabbing some roma tomatoes. Now the new way the store is set up, everything has an individual sign, clearly marked and it’s wonderful. Or so I think. There’s this cranky old bad next to me looking at the tomatoes on the vine, and she’s bitching to her husband about price gouging. See, the sign reads 4/$5.00 and underneath that, it says “per lb”. So, translation on THAT would be, 4 lbs of tomatoes on the vine for $5, right?

    Apparently not. She flags down an employee.

    COB: Excuse me, can I ask why these are so expensive?!
    E: Uh…I’m not sure what you mean?
    COB: what does that sign say? What does it MEAN?!
    E: Er…it means that—
    COB: 4 tomatoes for $5 is RIDICULOUS!
    (Right around this point, I give a mental facepalm…)
    E: No, ma’am, it means that 4 lbs of tomatoes is $5. So it’s more like $1.25 a lb.
    COB: are you SURE?
    E: Well, that’s what the sign says.
    COB: It says 4/$5!
    E: ma’am, the per lb part is underneath.
    COB: but it says EACH!
    E: Erm. Ma’am, that’s the sign for the packages of grape tomatoes, and they’re $3.49. Each.
    COB: <Grumbles something, and then> Oh, I guess that’s better then…

    I made a not so graceful escape and generally avoided eye contact the rest of my trip, until I got to the self checkouts.

    Illiteracy is sad...redux
    I’m at the SCO. I’m ringing out my purchases, bagging them, life is good. I push total, then the coupon button because I have coupons and coupons are wonderful. At the SCO directly behind me, the attendant is listening to someone whine. Hey, that voice sounds familiar. Oh, it’s COB. AGAIN. Apparently she had coupons too. Buy 3 boxes of Kleenex, save $1 or something like that, but it was specific sizes, and it was not to be combined with anything else. Apparently the store also had Kleenex on sale for something or other. I don’t know the exact situation, she was just once again harping about signs and what the coupon says. SCO attendant had to call a supe over. While I’m waiting to be acknowledged, I overhear key points of the argument.

    COB: But my coupon says I save $1. I want my $1 off!
    Supe: ma’am, the terms and conditions of the coupon clearly state this. (insert explanation) I can’t override a machine because you haven’t bought what they indicated.
    COB: But it SAYS I save $1. I bought 3!
    SCO: yes, ma’am, but you also applied another promotion. They can’t be combined. <her little scanner dings indicating I’ve got coupons and she turns to face me. Quick note: I go to this store a lot, and am friendly with the employees, to the point she greeted me with a hug and asked me where I had been for so long>
    Me: Recovering. Got hit by a car, so I’ve been avoiding parking lots for a while.
    SCO: Oh no! Were you on your bike for exercise again?
    Me: Nope, walking to a bus stop

    Mind you, our conversation is going on while she’s scanning my coupons and doing her job.

    COB: <clearing her throat> ExCUSE me, but I’m still waiting for MY coupon to be scanned.
    Supe: <Still trying to explain to her that she’s not reading the coupon right>
    Me: <smiles at the SCO, and thanks her and tells her that I’m fine now.>
    SCO: < tells me I’m blessed, she’s going to keep me in her prayers, etc, etc and turns back to COB.
    COB: Just scan my coupon and give me $1 off!
    SCO: But ma’am, it’s $1 off for Kleenex--
    COB: <Waves a box of Kleenex in SCO’s face> and I BOUGHT Kleenex
    SCO: and if you buy 3 more, you can use the coupon.
    COB: Oh, you’re fuuuunnnny.
    Me: <snickers>
    COB: and what do YOU find so funny!!
    Me: <as I’m putting my bags in my cart> Your lack of reading comprehension…in a pitifully funny kind of way…
    COB: But the coupon says—
    Me: I’m sorry, is this my “I give a damn” face? Shit, let me change real quick.
    COB: Why you—
    Me: reading. It’s fundamental.

    And I walk away.

    Bonus creeper at the bus stop!
    Most of my bruising on the arms have faded, to the point I feel comfortable wearing tank tops again. I’m wearing a black one that has a skull and roses on it, with the word wicked in scroll script. I’m standing at the bus stop, waiting, and this guy is standing there, too. He grins at me. I smile, nod politely, and that was my first mistake.

    Him: So. You’s wicked, huh?
    Me: Um, what?
    Him: That how you got them hickies?
    Me: What??
    Him: <points to the fading BRUISES still on my shoulder> You wicked?
    Me: …. <Take out my mp3 player and put my headphones in.>
    Him: <Grabs the shoulder. With the bruises> Hey, I was talking to—
    Me: <I yelp, turn around and glare> Do NOT put your hands on me. EVER.
    Him: But I was—
    Me: Being a pervert. A skeeze. A creeper. Take your pick. Leave me the fuck alone! Take a clue, I do not want to talk to you!!
    Him: Bitch.
    Me: Yes, and?
    Him: <stares at me blankly>

    Thankfully the bus pulls up at that point and I climb aboard. He gets on too, but goes all the way to the back to sit and I just grab a seat near the driver.

    The end.

  • #2
    Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
    ...OtherGuy: You know, man, if you’re that upset about waiting to board, next time Stuporman, step in front of the train and stop it.

    Me: Oh, bite me…
    Where? And how hard?

    (Is there a toe unbruised?)
    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


    • #3
      oy. glad to hear you're recovering.

      what's with people and needing to comment on what someone else eats/drinks? get your crap and gtfo of my face; it's not your concern, move along now, before i hurt your feelings.

      idiots and reading...sigh.

      creepers and touching; maybe you need to upgrade to a tazer?
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        ok...I have to admit. I would have probably thought that the tomatoes were 4 for $5. I can't remember when I've seen a sign like that per lb instead of each. Then again...I don't pretend that I'm the best shopper either..That lady is crazy!

        btw..I'm glad you're okay!
        Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


        • #5
          Glad you're feeling better! Too bad the idiots came out again. The train guy...gah...what a moron.

          The guy commenting on your shirt...yeah, putting hands on a stranger? That's knee-to-the-groin-time.

          And the pumpkin chai sounds great! One of the coffee shops here had "chaider" for a while...chai mixed with cider. It was yummy. The pumpkin one sounds even better!
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
            I’m sorry, is this my “I give a damn” face? Shit, let me change real quick.
            As if I needed a reason to you...
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Oh those freaking skeezy specimens parading around as men...

              I'm so sorry hun.

              I just totally thought of something.

              I'm sick of cold and snow.

              You need someone to drive you around.

              I come move in with you
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                ::Gives lupo a jumbo sized can of creeper repellant::


                • #9
                  why don’t YOU try and make it across in time…?
                  and have him take the creeper with him.


                  • #10
                    Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                    Him: <Grabs the shoulder. With the bruises> Hey, I was talking to—
                    Me: <I yelp, turn around and glare> Do NOT put your hands on me. EVER.
                    This is why I carry a knife, because some guys have no problem invading your personal space.


                    • #11
                      Why the hell don't people have healthy respect for vehicles that when they run into you will end up destroying your vehicle and basically scratch the paint on their own (although a bus might...I say might put up a fair fight against a train)?

                      And as for the creeper, don't let your judgement of all men be based on that guy.


                      • #12
                        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post

                        [Idiot: Man, why you taking so long to get to the stop, why you driving so slow?!
                        Driver: Sir, there was a TRAIN.
                        Idiot: You could’ve made it through before it came! The bar hadn’t gotten down all the way!

                        OtherGuy: You know, man, if you’re that upset about waiting to board, next time, why don’t YOU try and make it across in time…?
                        He won't.

                        I am hideously terrible at math. I have been known to be confused by simple equations. But there is one inarguable truth, one square root, that I know in my heart to be true and correct. And that mathematical equation is:

                        small object + BIG FRAKKEN OBJECT = DOOM.

                        I've seen what happens when people, regardless of the vehicle they're driving (or not), think they can beat a train. So have the coroners. The train ALWAYS wins. ALWAYS. Last time I heard of a bus versus a train, seven kids were killed in a suburb of Chicago.

                        So yes, Mr. Impatient, by all means do the rest of us sane thinking people a favor and do try and outrace Mr. Locomotive. I think you'll find it will be very educational, albeit for the last time ever.
                        ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                        • #13
                          Train always wins against any land based vehicle. Won't put money on em if they go against a 747...but yep, money on train EVERYTIME. (Disclaimer* Tanks may or may not have a handicap that would cause me to bet on them..but it depends )
                          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                          • #14
                            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                            Me: <Cheerfully> Nope, it looks like orange shit instead!

                            You're evil.
                            It's what makes you awesome.

                            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                            Him: Bitch.
                            Me: Yes, and?
                            He says that like it's a bad thing.
                            1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
                   (A blog about everything and nothing)


                            • #15
                              Quoth dalesys View Post
                              Where? And how hard?

                              (Is there a toe unbruised?)

                              I didn't mean it LITERALLY.

                              Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                              what's with people and needing to comment on what someone else eats/drinks? get your crap and gtfo of my face; it's not your concern, move along now, before i hurt your feelings.

                              creepers and touching; maybe you need to upgrade to a tazer?
                              Aw, you actually give them warning before hurting their feelings...? You're nicer than I am.

                              And yes, creeper. Still have yet to replace my pepper spray. >.<

                              Quoth MoonCat View Post
                              The guy commenting on your shirt...yeah, putting hands on a stranger? That's knee-to-the-groin-time.

                              And the pumpkin chai sounds great! One of the coffee shops here had "chaider" for a while...chai mixed with cider. It was yummy. The pumpkin one sounds even better!
                              If I didn't have grocery bags in hand, I'd have been tempted.

                              Pumpkin chai is WOOONDERFUL. You really should try it, PM me and I'll give you the ratios, so you can confuse your own Starbucks barista.

                              Quoth Becks View Post
                              As if I needed a reason to you...
                              Luff you too, Becks!

                              Quoth blas View Post
                              Oh those freaking skeezy specimens parading around as men...

                              I'm so sorry hun.

                              I just totally thought of something.

                              I'm sick of cold and snow.

                              You need someone to drive you around.

                              I come move in with you
                              So...see you in a few weeks, then, right? I cook, you clean??

                              Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                              And as for the creeper, don't let your judgement of all men be based on that guy.
                              I don't. It just seems to be the type that tend to gravitate towards me in Houston. A lot.

                              Quoth RootedPhoenix View Post

                              You're evil.
                              It's what makes you awesome.

                              He says that like it's a bad thing.

                              Evil? Me? My dear, RP, I think you've got me confused with someone else. I'm completely not evil. I have proof. And references.

