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Lots 'o suck at Walmart today! *LONG*

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  • Lots 'o suck at Walmart today! *LONG*

    There was SOOO much suck that some of it is paraphrased, because recalling every detail of the *numerous* instances of suck is simply too much for my old brain.

    Ok, so I got sick of waiting around for my ex-husband, who manages a freakin' PARTS DEPARTMENT at the biggest car dealership in town, to find a spare minute to change the oil in my car and replace my headlight bulb.

    So I took it to Walmart. Yeah - I know. No lectures, please.

    My thoughts are in italics throughout.

    Suck #1 (a.k.a - Corporate stupidity): Employee is scanning my info into the computer to do my oil change. Customer who had just picked up his car came walking back in and said:

    "I guess I wouldn't get very far without these!", and pointed to the keys he'd left laying on the counter.

    Customer laughed at himself and the employee and I chuckled and nodded. Guy leaves. Employee looks at me and says:

    "Good thing he didn't leave out the main doors, we're not allowed to page people anymore when they forget their keys."

    Me: "What? Why?"

    Emp: *shrugs and sighs* "Who knows?"

    Me: "So, what are you supposed to do if they forget their keys and head out the main door?"

    Emp: "Leave the counter un-manned and chase them down in the lot."

    *Yeah - this is a Supercenter. Huge-ass lot and the auto center is way in the back of the store.*

    So, for those playing at home - it's preferable to let the customer walk away, get ALL THE WAY OUT in the lot, realize they forgot their keys and trek ALL THE WAY BACK for them...rather than to page them to turn around and come back, which would likely happen before they hit the exit door.

    Suck #2: I sat down on the bench after they checked my car in, and was going through my coupons. The guy who checked me in went in the back. No other customers were around. Lady (and I use that term loosely) walked up...her mother was trailing behind her.

    No more than 15 seconds pass. She loudly says to her mother:

    " *blah blah blah*...Assuming we can get some HELP out here!"

    "There's not even a bell!"

    *walks to the door and starts banging on it*

    "Come on out here, fat boy. We ain't got all day!"

    Me: She didn't REALLY say that, did she? Really?

    Different guy from the one she was yelling at (yes, he was a bit overweight), comes out and she leads him over to the tire section, still talking loudly.

    At this point I gathered my coupons and walked out. I was so disgusted and still in shock, I was honestly afraid I'd commit some act of violence upon her. I really think the only thing that stopped me was her poor, frail mother trailing along silently behind her. Then again, she presumably *raised* this ct waffle, so she probably deserved to witness my wrath.

    Suck #3: Car was done. Went back to pay. There are two people working at the counter now, and one emp was checking out a lady who had gotten a key made and had 4 shirts and a monopoly board game to check out. The shirts we're summery and were very clearly marked at $1.00 each. They all scanned at $2.00 each.

    She points it out, but the emp doesn't know how to override the price (this is the auto center, after all) and has to call for a CSM.

    Conversation goes as follows: (keep in mind I'm only hearing one side)

    Emp: "Yeah, this customer has these shirts that are ringing as 2 dollars but are marked 1 dollar."

    Emp: "Yeah. There's 4 of them...Yeah they all say 1 dollar...yeah, ok."

    *is on hold...stretched into a couple of minutes*

    Customer: "If it's that much trouble, I won't get them."

    Just as she said that, the emp started speaking into the phone again:

    Emp: "What? Ummmm...ok. I'll tell her." He hangs up.

    Emp (to customer): "They said I have to go with however it scanned. They
    say it's impossible for the price to be wrong."

    Me and customer:

    *she looks over at me and we both glanced at the items, clearly marked 1 dollar each*

    Customer: "You know what, call a manager up here. This is just WRONG. I know it's not your fault, but I can't believe they had the nerve to make you tell me that!"

    Emp: "I'm sorry ma'am. I'll call one up."

    He calls for a CSM to come up front for a 'complaint', and I heard the CSM berating him loudly through the phone. I felt SOOO sorry for him.

    Customer (to me): "I'm sorry you're having to wait for all this."

    Me: "It's not your fault. I don't blame you for being pissed. HE'S the one I *really* feel bad for (indicating the emp)."

    She agreed.

    At this point, the other register register line cleared and I paid for my car and left. I didn't get to witness the outcome.

    Oh, and the *truly* sucky part for the hapless employee? He was the same guy who checked me in and who was called 'fat boy' by the bitch customer earlier. Talk about a shitty day!
    Last edited by Peppergirl; 11-15-2010, 10:48 PM.
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

  • #2
    Quoth Peppergirl View Post

    Emp (to customer): "They said I have to go with however it scanned. They
    say it's impossible for the price to be wrong."

    This...out of the whole the most mind boggling.


    • #3
      Quoth Amina516 View Post

      This...out of the whole the most mind boggling.
      Right?!?! You should have seen the deer-in-headlights look the poor guy had on his face. I felt so sorry for him.
      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


      • #4
        At least the customer with the shirts wasn't being an SC towards the hapless employee. She was fielding her complaint through the proper channels, and seemed understanding of the crappy situation the employee was in. Really, that poor guy...I hope his day managed to get better.
        Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


        • #5
          Good Gord, the stupidity is strong with those people (the "fat boy" bitch and the management types, I mean!)

          At least you finally got out of there.
          "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


          • #6
            I've been that employee. It gets to a point where you lie and tell management that the customer is "very upset" and "demands a manager", otherwise no one comes. Meanwhile the customer isn't raging, but is silently stewing and waiting on you. I also used to call the fitting room (who had authorization to call over the loudspeaker or the walkies) and have them tell management I had a very upset customer. It's one thing to tell a single CSM, it's another to have it told to every single walkie in the store.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              Quoth Peppergirl View Post
              Emp (to customer): "They said I have to go with however it scanned. They say it's impossible for the price to be wrong."

              Me and customer:

              *she looks over at me and we both glanced at the items, clearly marked 1 dollar each*

              Customer: "You know what, call a manager up here. This is just WRONG. I know it's not your fault, but I can't believe they had the nerve to make you tell me that!"
              She's right, that is wrong. As far as I know about pricing standards, whatever it's marked, that's what the store has to sell it for, regardless of what the register's saying.
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #8
                Indeed. With so many different styles and UPCs, sometimes stuff that should get marked down again slips through the cracks. We just correct it at the register, no biggie. But I wouldn't expect an automotive employee to know how to do all that. Poor guy

                Unless it was something like a bicycle or something expensive like that's marked $1, then we'd have to call the department to confirm. I'm glad the customer was calm about asking for a manger though, instead of taking it out on the guy. And she was perfectly within the right to do so. What a screwed up store!

                Junk like that, however, is one of many reasons I was glad to escape the front end. Customers getting angry about admittedly ridiculous wait times on overrides, and then you get a CSM with an attitude because you dared summon them to do their JOB
                The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                • #9
                  Quoth Pagan View Post
                  She's right, that is wrong. As far as I know about pricing standards, whatever it's marked, that's what the store has to sell it for, regardless of what the register's saying.

                  Ive had things scan at higher prices than what they were posted. (yes, correct product/sale etc applied). I dont understand what youre saying. They HAVE to sell it even if its the wrong price?


                  • #10
                    if the store put the wrong tag on then yes. (though if a customer switches tags no)

                    because otherwise they could tag something at $1 but put it in the computer at $2, figuring that people would just let it slide and pay the extra money.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Pagan View Post
                      She's right, that is wrong. As far as I know about pricing standards, whatever it's marked, that's what the store has to sell it for, regardless of what the register's saying.
                      That's the law in these parts. Although in these parts it's better to "miss" it at the register and go to the customer service desk. If you catch it at the register, you don't get a bonus.


                      • #12
                        I'm not 100 percent positive on the pricing standards in Ohio, but I'm fairly sure they have to honor the price marked.

                        Unless there's signs of a SC tampering with the tag, I'd assume. These tags were in pretty good shape.

                        I think the CSM was just a lazy biotch and didn't want to deal with it, so she threw the poor auto-center employee under the bus.

                        I hope his day got better after that.
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • #13
                          Ugh, that "impossible for the price to be wrong" thing is ridiculous, and reminds me of an issue we sometimes run into in the wholesale club.

                          We'll have some item that won't ring up. But it's not a simple matter of the UPC coming up not found, but the SKU number (a smaller, 6-digit or less number) coming up not found. In such cases, it means that, according to the system, our inventory listing for the item is at zero.

                          In essence, the computer is saying, "You can't possibly be trying to ring that up, we don't have any of that item!"

                          Frustrating as hell.
                          PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                          There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Amina516 View Post
                            Ive had things scan at higher prices than what they were posted. (yes, correct product/sale etc applied). I dont understand what youre saying. They HAVE to sell it even if its the wrong price?
                            That's exactly what happened here. If you pick up, say, a DVD, and it's got a tag on it saying $9.99 and you get up to the register and it scans $12.99, they have to sell it at the lower price.

                            Like a couple others said, that's law. Even if an expired sale sign has been inadvertently left up. Found that out the hard way when I used to work at the Mart of K.
                            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                            • #15
                              Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                              "Good thing he didn't leave out the main doors, we're not allowed to page people anymore when they forget their keys."

                              Me: "What? Why?"

                              Emp: *shrugs and sighs* "Who knows?"
                              I can tell you why. They did it once and some thief got to the desk before the car owner.

                              Quoth Amina516 View Post
                              Ive had things scan at higher prices than what they were posted. (yes, correct product/sale etc applied). I dont understand what youre saying. They HAVE to sell it even if its the wrong price?
                              Truth in advertising laws. If an item is marked at a price that is reasonable to expect that item to be sold for, even if it was marked mistakenly, the store has to allow that price.

                              This is the reason that many pricing stickers are designed to pull apart into pieces if you remove them. So that industrious scammers can't simply put lower-priced tags on items and claim them as being mis-marked.

                              This is also why so many stores have stopped marking the product at all. Well, and the fact that it saves them tons of time and materials.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

