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I Knew This Was Coming...

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  • I Knew This Was Coming...

    Should have just kept driving or turned around and went to Jimmy Johns.

    Usually, when I go to get my mid-week treat of Subway (it's not very cost effective but I just want one day out of the work week where I don't have to cook dinner), it's dead because it's 9 or 9:30 am.

    I got a little behind this morning having to go to the grocery store because WalMart doesn't carry couscous in the flavor I like.

    The parking lot was almost full. Yay, a rush.

    And sure enough, no one knew what the hell they wanted.

    What. Is. So. Hard. About.........a sandwich?!!?!?!?
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    lol Especially if they have to stand in line. What, you had to wait until you got up to the front to make your choice when you've been waiting in line for the last 10 minutes?


    • #3
      You need a special tool to speed things up. Make a nice tally sheet. Put it on a clipboard, with at least 2 pens that write in different colors. Have it divided by hours to cover say 12 pm - 10 pm. In a few of the preceding times have some tallies in different columns. Mark the columns, with slightly meanish titles, like brain works, almost working, pretty slow, brain dead, and take the brain of life support, it's 2 late!. a stop watch is a really great additional tool, but unneeded.
      When you see the long line, let the person with you know what you want, then you go stand next to the rope, where you can hear the orders, as people come up, you start tallying them. If they know what they want, you tally brain works, ect.
      When you get asked, you tell them, a little louder than needed, you are doing a survey for Phyc class on how many people are incapable of choosing their meal with the menu right in front of them for 10 minutes. Then you comment how disappointed you are, because you really thought people were so much smarter than they appear to be. With a little luck, there will be someone right there dithering that you can mark in the life support column with a sad sigh


      • #4
        I have personally witnessed a mentally-challenged man ordering a sandwich at Subway with no problems whatsoever. All you do is name the kind of sub you want and what size, and wait for the prompts from the employees behind the counter: what kind of bread, toasted, veggies, sauce, etc.

        If he can handle ordering a sub sandwich at Subway, then what excuse do all the people who can't do it have?
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

