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Heard in the bathroom...

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  • Heard in the bathroom...

    I kept forgetting to post this one but, finally i remembered!

    Backstory: Although they haven't given me a uniform to wear yet, they decided my shirt had to be tucked in anyway, vs wearing an open blouse over a tshirt. Grumble grumble, ok. So the following day I stopped off before work to get a belt too - so they couldn't complain about that one either.

    Well I went into the local 247 store right by my job and bought a belt before going to work. I got the tags cut at the service desk and went to the bathroom, hoping to use the wheelchair-accessible stall so I could have a little extra room.

    Alas, it was being used... so I used the stall next to it, and was threading the belt through my pants before i realized what was going on...

    The person in the bigger stall was talking. On a mobile phone... To a customer?

    My first thought - OMG, they don't even let you have 5 minutes to shit? You have to answer the company phone and talk to customers in the bathroom too?

    Then my toilet flushed. I didn't do it on purpose - one of those automatic things. Then it flushed again a few seconds later....

    I'll be honest, part of me was VERY amused by this. Because the customer could clearly hear it over the phone and the employee was having to explain why she was fielding a call in the bathroom. She lied and said she was "waiting in line".

    I mean granted, I'd never have done that to her on purpose but... hey, she's the one who kept on talking to a customer while in a toilet stall to begin with.

  • #2
    Me and my sister just read this, I called her in here after she heard me laughing and wanted to know why. She thought it was funny too.


    • #3
      At my work there are sales people that are on the phone in the bathroom all the damn time. To customers too I think. I flush the toilet I don't care if they like it or not, don't talk on the phone in the damn bathroom.
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • #4
        If someone is on the phone in the bathroom, regardless of who it is and who they're talking to, I keep flushing. If it's for their job, then if they can't take five minutes to go to the bathroom to put their work on hold then, sorry, not my problem. Let the customer/boss/coworker/CEO figure it out.
        Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


        • #5
          +1 on the flushing. It's even Miss Manners sanctioned! (I'll do dig out a link to the column!)
          There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


          • #6
            Along those lines, I propose this for car cell phone users -- if you are next to someone using their phone in a non-hands-free configuration (and your state has made that illegal) then let's lean on our horns while next to them.

            It makes sense - a horn is a safety device, used to warn other drivers that you see them doing something unsafe -- and the only thing more unsafe than hand-held cell phones in a car would be an open bottle the driver is guzzling from. (And I don't mean Coke, either!)
            I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


            • #7
              Quoth It's me View Post
              +1 on the flushing. It's even Miss Manners sanctioned! (I'll do dig out a link to the column!)
              I'll save you the search time...She said we all know what the intended purpose of a bathroom is, and there's nothing rude about flushing the toilet. If someone is using a cell phone in there, they have only themselves to blame for any overheard noises.
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.


              • #8
                Heh. She's lucky I wasn't using it for real too. I've been pretty gassy lately.

                And I like that quote - we all know what the intended purpose of a bathroom is - cos I use to have shipmates who'd act like 5 year olds when you take a massive dump in the toilet.


                • #9
                  Yah, I admit to making as much noise as possible when some one is on their phone in the bathroom. I figure that it's only fair to the person on the other end to give them the heads up.


                  • #10
                    Thats just nasty.

