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Sighting at the Movies!

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  • Sighting at the Movies!

    Hello all!

    So, my hubby and I went to the movies last night to see Kung Fu Panda 2 in 3D. Awesome movie, btw. Almost as good as the first one.

    We bought our tickets, snacks and went up to the ticket taker booth. Being Saturday night, it was understandably busy. We were just about to get our 3D glasses when a family of five comes out from one of the theatres that was showing Cars 2.( Another one I want to see. ). They'd forgotten to get their 3D glasses. Its no big deal for hubby and I to wait a moment. The family gets their glasses and go back into the theatre. Suddenly the asshat behind us shouts "Yeah, thats right you Fucktards! Forget to get your 3D glasses for a 3D movie! Yeah, make the rest of us wait!! I was like I turned around and shot the idiot my best death glare and then said to hubby "He is a disgrace to all the good customers out there." My hubby wasn't even paying attention so he didn't hear the guy in the first place. LOL!

    But seriously! So they forgot to get their glasses. Big deal. Nobody else in line cared that they had to wait a couple extra minutes. Thank God this asshat wasn't in the same theatre as us.


  • #2
    Wow. Someone took their overreact pill that morning.

