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Dinner Theatre

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  • Dinner Theatre

    The BF took me out for dinner last night and we witnessed such an odd "scene" playout I had to report back.

    Now we live in the middle of nowhere, we drive once -twice a month to a place TWO hours away because they have more than one street of stores to shop in and because well... there is bugger all else to do. Thankfully for us this town boasts the most amazing resturant. This place is a one of a kind (especially around here) the chef writes up a daily menu based on what seafood has come in that day fresh, what the best fresh produce is at the moment etc. I can't express accurately enough how amazing the food is without using the most dramatic of hyperbole and even then. It's good kapeesh.

    The place is small and as such only has two servers who do everything, bus, bartend, serve, seat. They are lovely ladies around my age and are super friendly and helpful. Just after we were seated and served a mouthwatering basket of tortilla chips and salsa (all home made from the kitchen) this woman enters. She seats herself two tables away and looks at the bar area where the servers stand. Her expression is puzzled.

    Not 30 seconds after she also has been served her own chips and salsa and wine she hops up and walks to the serving area which is just behind my sholder so she is standing maybe 2 foot from me, looks at the two servers and says

    "So the pretty waitress isn't working tonight then"

    The BF choked on his drink and I shot a look over my sholder at the servers both of whom were trying to pick their jaws up off the floor and recover enough to answer her. Their looks were a mix of shock and dismay. After 5 seconds of shocked silence the woman must have realised how BAD that sounded and starts back peddling talking about the "girl" who works at the farmers market and this resturant blah blah blah. The serves both mumble that she isn't working tonight because she is at a family event and the woman wonders back to her table.

    Half way through our dinner she is back up at the bar asking for a pen. Instead of waiting for it she wonders back to the table only to look up as soon as she sits down and says louder "PEN" and snaps her fingers. I just looked at the BF and shook my head the table in between her and the bar area all stopped and just looked at her and she looked back totally clueless as the server walked over and laid a pen onto the table bypassing her outstretched hand.

    I am still in shock over it, around here people just don't act like that. Even though this town was larger than my own, everyone knows everyone from the region I am in. Very few "newbies" ever move here and everyone is related so everyone is very friendly. We have only been there 4 times now and the servers all know our names. People just don't act that way around here!!! I didn't know if I should laugh or tell her off her behaviour seemed so completely out of place. The people at the table between us were NOT impressed with her!
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    It appears you have just met the village idiot
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      Well she's definitely making an impression on people.


      • #4
        What did she need the pen for? To write a complaint that the "pretty waitress" wasn't in?

        I think said waitress is going to be very glad that she missed this idiot's performance.
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          Quoth Kiwi View Post
          Not 30 seconds after she also has been served her own chips and salsa and wine she hops up and walks to the serving area which is just behind my sholder so she is standing maybe 2 foot from me, looks at the two servers and says

          "So the pretty waitress isn't working tonight then"
          ... Classy.


          • #6
            Quoth Kiwi View Post
            Half way through our dinner she is back up at the bar asking for a pen. Instead of waiting for it she wonders back to the table only to look up as soon as she sits down and says louder "PEN" and snaps her fingers. I just looked at the BF and shook my head the table in between her and the bar area all stopped and just looked at her and she looked back totally clueless as the server walked over and laid a pen onto the table bypassing her outstretched hand.
            If I was the server, I would have looked at her, snapped my fingers and said "it's here".


            • #7
              Quoth Kiwi View Post
              "So the pretty waitress isn't working tonight then"
              "No. She went out with the pretty customer."
              "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

