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People can be so mean...........

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  • #16
    Quoth ForestDragon View Post
    Stoopid question time - who's Mimi Bobeck?
    Mimi was a character on the Drew Carey show. She had some um, "interesting" makeup ideas.
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #17
      Oh, yeeeeah, her. It rang a bell when you mentioned Drew Carey. Ze obnoxious vun. Yep, I can see what you mean - rather like asking Mrs. Slocombe for hair-coloring tips...
      Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
      - Robert E. Howard


      • #18
        I've been reported to children's services TWICE, and I do NOT beat or molest my kids.

        My son, when he started kindergarten, has undiagnosed Asperger's and when frustrated, would become very self-violent and uncontrollable. So the aide in his kindy class (they needed one because it was such a BIG class) got it into his head that he should report us to CAS. We went through six months of hell, social workers showing up unexpectedly to our house for *surprise* inspections, etc, and if the place wasn't SPOTLESS, they'd threaten to take our kids away (we got our daughter THROUGH CAS, so I knew they weren't kidding about removing them).

        Second time was a neighbor. She knew about the CAS trouble. Our kids used to play together, and her youngest took to coming into our house uninvited because his parents used to just boot him out of the house on Saturday mornings so they could sleep in. So he'd just waltz into our house and make himself breakfast, often trashing my kitchen in the process (kid was like 3). Well, at one point I got fed up with this woman dumping her kids on me when she didn't feel like parenting, but the straw that broke the camel's back was one day when my daughter went out to play with the other kids and suddenly disappeared. I looked everywhere for her, then went and knocked on this woman's door to ask if she'd seen my daughter. She said no.... TWO HOURS LATER, guess where my daughter comes waltzing out of? This lady's HOUSE!!!! SHE LIED ABOUT MY CHILD'S WHEREABOUTS! So I forbade my kids to ever go over there again... what does wonder-mommy do? Reports me to CAS for abuse.

        Lather, Rinse, Repeat. UGH.

        Haven't had any problems since we moved to Hull though.
        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


        • #19
          Tollbaby, I don't know about you, but I would have (possibly) had her ass reported for kidnapping if she lied about her knowledge of your daughter's whereabouts.


          • #20
            Quoth greensinestro View Post
            Tollbaby, I don't know about you, but I would have (possibly) had her ass reported for kidnapping if she lied about her knowledge of your daughter's whereabouts.
            I figured that since we were moving, it wasn't worth the bother. Besides, I'm pretty sure one of our other neighbors reported her shortly after we moved for tossing her three year old out of the house one Saturday morning (since we had moved, he had no nice safe house to go hide in until his parents got up). In addition to that, she could have conceivably claimed cultural differences or a language barrier. They were Lebanese, and spoke mostly Arabic in the house.

            (besides, I wouldn't wish what we went through on ANYONE, even HER).
            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


            • #21
              Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
              I'd like to see that one on COPS.

              Officer: We got a report of someone engaging in sexual acts with their daughter.
              Him: What? She was scratching an itch on my back!
              Officer: Really? Well...huh...
              Bonus points if a large, jiggly lady in hair rollers and too-small clothing comes running out of nowhere screaming "He's mah man! Ah loves him!"


              • #22
                Good story there. Yep, I think a judge with case after case of that would have a toll taken on her. I at one time wanted to be a volunteer for children's services, perhaps later on when my kids get older. Now, I don't think so. We adults are supposed to be trusted with our children as well as other people's, but it's just not a safe profession anymore, not unless you're a woman. Women can't be on fatherly Boy Scout trips and things of that nature, unless the rules are changed.


                • #23
                  Tollbaby, I understand your hell from a child's point of view.
                  I was getting beaten up at school and the school called Child Protection accusing my mom of beating me!

                  Took my poor mom 4 years to get those people off of our bums. I just kept telling them "But it's at school! I'm getting beaten up at school!!!" No way in HELL would they believe me.

                  It's incredibly frustrating. They got on my mom's case because at the time I had a black and white TV and no video in my room. OH GOD THE HORROR!

                  I'm of course not accusing Child protection of all being dumbasses, but we did get a pretty dim one on our doorstep...
                  Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                  "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                  • #24
                    Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                    Bonus points if a large, jiggly lady in hair rollers and too-small clothing comes running out of nowhere screaming "He's mah man! Ah loves him!"

                    Hey! You forgot the Marlboro dangling from between her lips
                    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                    • #25
                      when my mom was divorcing my step dad, he beat up my youngest sister while she was at his house. Mom filed a police report and the police called CPS. They came over and interviewed my 14 year old sister, and also interviewd me since I had been abused by him as a young child. She spoke to everyone and everyone told her of his temper and the abuse.

                      A few days later theperson came back and stated that my sister HAD to keep going to her father's because they had spoken to him and he told a different story (we had pictures of the bruises on her neck, the cut on her eye, the bruises on her face and everything) but that my mom was being investigated for leaving my FOURTEEN year old sister home alone during the day.

                      HELLO? I used to babysit when I was 14. It's not like she was 5 or even 9!


                      • #26
                        Quoth April View Post
                        PLEASE EDIT QUOTES

                        my mom was being investigated for leaving my FOURTEEN year old sister home alone during the day.

                        HELLO? I used to babysit when I was 14. It's not like she was 5 or even 9!
                        That's awful! I have neighbors with children about this age, if not younger, and nobody thinks it's a terrible thing for them to be left alone at home, as long as they are responsible enough. 14 is the minimum age requirement to use the community swimming pool where I live, and that's the HOA's rule, not anyone else's!
                        Last edited by Ree; 04-22-2007, 03:10 PM. Reason: Editing irrelevant parts out of quote


                        • #27
                          The thing about this is that false reports don't just happen with parents, they happen all over the place. And very often, unless you have a good attorney (and money to pay for the fight) you're going to get railroaded into a HORRIBLE situation without much relief.

                          Take as a prime example what's been going on for the past year with the boys from the Duke lacrosse team. The Attorney General just dismissed the case saying that not only was there insufficient evidence but there was NO evidence to support this lady's claim, MOUNDS of evidence to discount it and that the boys were and are completely innocent.

                          This woman that so many people were standing behind almost ruined three young men's lives by making these false allegations. And who wants to bet nothing is ever brought against her? Filing a false police report (that's different that reporting that you thought something was happening that wasn't -- this woman said something happened that she KNEW did not) is a crime. Interfering with an investigation and lying to the police in the course of an investigation are crimes. But I doubt anything will ever be brought against her.

                          It's people like those that called on your friend, greeninstro, and the woman in Durham that make REAL victims scared to come forward. Something should really be done about this.

                          :blush: I'll get off my soap box now, sorry. This is just a hot issue with me.
                          "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

                          I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


                          • #28
                            I haven't gotten that call yet -- I suspect it will be mortifying and my boyfriend will -not- have a great sense of humor about it. Y'see, I am dating a 38 year old man and well, I'm 19. I don't look YOUNG young but there are times if I dress a certain way and straighten my hair I get a lot of cockeyed looks.

                            I've already gotten the "How are you and your father tonight?" and "Hope you and dad enjoy the movie" etc... but no police following us.


                            • #29
                              Quoth Pezzle View Post
                              Y'see, I am dating a 38 year old man and well, I'm 19.

                              PLEASE EDIT QUOTES
                              Nothing wrong with this as long as your of legal age. It's just a real shame that nosey body people have to be so cruel and call the police or child services when they think something is going on yet they don't have the actual facts on.
                              Last edited by Ree; 04-22-2007, 03:10 PM. Reason: Editing irrelevant parts out of quote


                              • #30
                                It annoys me a great deal too. My mother worked for a lawyer representing a poor guy who ended up ostracised from the community because of this sort of thing. Those suggestions can really convince someone they've been abused

