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Gaia Art Shop idjits

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  • Gaia Art Shop idjits


    Okay, when I was younger, I frequented Gaia Online pretty often, but I've lost interest in real reason, other than just getting older, I suppose. However, I have a fair bit of gold and even some Gaia Cash sitting in my inventory, that I'll probably never use, and I've made use of the mini art shops before, so I thought "Eh, what the hell, I'll trade that to someone for a little drawing." So I make a post with my terms: I have this much gold, this much GC, draw me this picture and you can have the gold, I'll buy you whatever you want from the Cash Shop with the amount of Cash I have, and you get whatever you want that's in my inventory because I'm leaving Gaia. I thought that was all fairly straight forward.

    I get a response from a girl after a while responding to the post, showing some samples of her work, and a message that says "PS. I consider RL commissions" P.S., as in, "oh just so you know" I assumed, since the rest of the post seemed pretty much a response to my terms. Okay, her style's not really what I had in mind, but it's good, and she responded where NO ONE ELSE has (seriously, I am just getting flat ignored on that forum), so I send her a PM to let her know she's got the job.

    Her first response to me. "What job?"

    Ohhhkaaaay...the job you responded to less than a day ago, but whatever, fine, I'm pretty scatterbrained too, I can accept that, so I link her back to my post and her response to it, and say "this job" and ask her if there's any further terms she wants to discuss, like what she'll want from the Cash Shop or whatever.

    She replies: "Oh so you want an RL commission?"

    What. No. What.

    She replied to me, with my post all about that I'm leaving Gaia and anyone who draws me this relatively simple picture gets all my swag because I'M NOT COMING BACK, and she just kind of arbitrarily decided she was selling me art for real money. Ablafhs.

    Reading comprehension, Oedipus, do you have it.

    Edit: Second one just crawled in there. Literally, my first post was this: "THIS IS WHAT I HAVE, I WILL GIVE YOU IT BECAUSE I AM LEAVING."

    I get a second person who shows me decent samples, so I PM them to ask whether they read over the whole job and if they're sure they want to do it.

    Response: "Sure! Oh btw, I forgot to mention my prices, they start at *ridiculously high number*! "

    ...sigh. Do not tell me you read my job offer and then IMMEDIATELY INVALIDATE YOUR STATEMENT. SERIOUSLY.
    Last edited by MystyGlyttyr; 05-01-2012, 12:35 AM. Reason: MORE?
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    ... It'd be a week or more before I could really do anything, but link me? *Lives in the Breedable/Changing Pets forum of Gaia* Yes... I am forever on Gaia... In fact it's open in three tabs on Firefox right now. *Cough*

    Seriously, there's too many people on Gaia who have a failure of reading comprehension.
    Look, a signature!

    If every cashier in the world went on strike, retail would come to a screeching halt, even if for a couple hours.


    • #3
      Most of this went down in PMs (sometimes I notice the similarity of that to "PMS") but I found someone to take the job, finally. After no less than three other people tried to get me to do a "RL commission". Le sigh.
      "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


      • #4
        *embarrassed* I STILL have a lot of valuable crap on Gaia. Like 1st edition evolving stuff and unopened letters...


        • #5
          Yay for an inventory full of expensive shinies all just from me getting something that I liked at the time and keeping it for years and years until I suddenly come back and use Tektek's think to work out my value for the lulz, then realise that X item is worth Y mil...

          "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


          • #6
            And people wonder why I value art as being worth far, far, FAR less then gold is. Unless it's done EXTREMELY well and is SO AMAZING, I'm not going to pay over 10k for something I could probably do myself with better results.
            Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


            • #7
              I left Gaia a while back too, mostly due to not having internet connection from 2008 to 2010. Most of my stuff went to the people that I liked, like my Horns of the Demon, because I knew they would use the item and not immediately sell it for gold. I drew pictures for them for free because I felt like it not for benefits.

              But that's a damn good deal and I would have swooped on it if I were still on Gaia! I understand wanting to make RL commissions, but for goodness sake, some people just can't seem to comprehend even the tiniest bit of instructions.

