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I did what I had to do

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  • I did what I had to do

    and I'm still mad. For 3 nights now neighbors have been slamming doors and sounding like they're moving furniture and partying on balconies. I had called the apt manager to leave voicemails this weekend in the middle of the night. I had no idea she's been keeping the phone on overnight; I just figured she'd get the messages this morning. Well, I got a message this morning from her. She was upset that I'd woken her, and the new procedure was to call the police directly. I called her and apologized, and had to implement the procedure tonight. Yeah, it quieted down, but I'm mad that it took me an extra half hour to finish my movie due to having to run it back, and if I'm correct, the troublemaker is the girlfriend of my coworker. They just happen to live right next door; we share a landing. I didn't go over and talk to them because I was afraid I'd say something I'd regret. It doesn't matter anyway; tomorrow it will be someone else. All summer long with this stuff. No one goes to bed until 3:00 am. Well, sometimes I don't, but I don't PARTY ON MY BALCONY.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

  • #2
    Augh. That's so infuriating!

    I had an upstairs neighbor once. He would start drumming (poorly) around 11:30pm, as I was getting home. They'd finish up around 3am, as I was getting up for my paper route. I used earplugs. My coworker lives three buildings away, and she thought it was her upstairs neighbors...when she complained she then realized her neighbor had given away his drumset months prior. That's how loud it was.

    I've thrown parties all night, but we managed to keep the volume down. It can be done. Some people just don't care.
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


    • #3
      And it's 1:00 am now. Twenty minutes ago they were running up the stairs. I opened my front door and heard them whispering and giggling. So now I'm gonna be the jerk who called the police.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        She was upset that I'd woken her
        too fucking bad.

        now she knows how YOU felt. and i see she doesn't like it.

        as for them knowing who called, you can tell the police you don't want to be known. but i understand fearing revenge. which sucks cos it's your neighbors' fault in the first place.


        • #5
          And I work with the guy. Well, I talked to manager this morning. I told her I what happened and she will give them a warning. So that's what will happen from now on: call police and then call her next day so she can give warnings.
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            Locally, we have a 10 pm to 7 am noise ordinance. The problem is that getting the sheriff's department to do anything it like trying to pull teeth from a hen. If it's a once in a while thing, I'll put up with it, but I've had neighbors, a lot of them tweaks, who thought turning it up to 11 for three days straight was good times.
            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
            HR believes the first person in the door
            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
            Document everything
            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


            • #7
              Sounds like my ex-neighbors. I should have called the cops on them but frankly I was afraid of them. They were a bit psychotic. And they made more noise than any four factories you care to name.

              The other one, who unfortunately owns the house (or her parents do) is almost as bad, but at least they tend to stop the nonsense around midnight...mostly.
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.


              • #8
                I had a neighbour once. He had a fondness for wild afterparties on Thursday(!) nights. That's when I discovered my fondness for friday "Der Ring des Nibelungen"-marathons. Apparently, he hates opera more than I hate trance, because he moved out not long after.
                The customer is always right, but this is a public house, and you are a guest.


                • #9
                  ^ Haha so full of win! <~~~I actually just said that out loud.
                  "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                  • #10
                    Quoth Divra View Post
                    I had a neighbour once. He had a fondness for wild afterparties on Thursday(!) nights. That's when I discovered my fondness for friday "Der Ring des Nibelungen"-marathons. Apparently, he hates opera more than I hate trance, because he moved out not long after.
                    Now that's what I call...

                    A classic response.
                    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                    • #11
                      My parents used to do something similar. Next door would have late night Saturday loud music until stupid-early-morning. My parents would get up at 7-8am on Sunday and put Gilbert and Sullivan stuff on... through the TV speaker system (about 8 speakers).

                      It soon stopped...
                      I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                        Now that's what I call...

                        A classic response.
                        You know the feeling, when you want to punch someone but can't because you're laughing too hard? That's me right now.
                        The customer is always right, but this is a public house, and you are a guest.


                        • #13
                          I used to live in a large house with 4 other guys. We would occasionally have parties, nothing loud, just a few friends over. No matter how quiet we were, one of our neighbors would come out cussing and screaming at the top of his lungs that we were too loud. Then he would call our landlord to complain. The fun part was that our landlord's parents were our neighbors on the other side and said they never heard any noise from us.

                          One night the guy felt that cussing and screaming wasn't enough so he turned a hose on through an open window.

                          Neighbors can be such fun.


                          • #14
                            Add this to your repertoire: "ten kopeks / supercalifragilisticexpialidocious / the hokey pokey. By Mandy Patinkin.

                            (sorry i couldn't find a sample worth sharing)

                            But hey if you know his voice... just imagine him singing at full power, in Yiddish.

                            I used it against one of mom's neighbors. The kid was playing his guitar all day long again. I didn't even have to blast the song... i think the weirdness of it just made it hard for him to concentrate on his shitty guitar skills.
                            Last edited by PepperElf; 05-02-2012, 07:30 PM.


                            • #15
                              I used to have some tweeker neighbors who totally ripped a car apart by hand and with hammers. It was entertaining to watch them beat it every evening, but they continued until the wee hours of the night. They also had young kids (poor kids). Lots of yelling and smashing, but no music.

                              Neighbors and I would call the police, the police would come out after an hour or so and tell them to be quiet. That would last for about an hour.

                              Finally, I changed the pipes on my Harley from quiet ones to REALLY FUCKING LOUD SHAKE THINGS OFF THE SHELVES ones, and then started riding by their house in the morning and revving my engine at the stop sign to wake their kids up. They moved out the next month.

                              My other neighbors, who also had to get up in the morning thought I was a hero, and one of them complained when I went back to the quiet ones because he had gotten used to using me as an alarm clock. (That was done with a smile.)

