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  • #16
    I have to admit I am guilty of this. Not the complaining but the using a cart from a different store in a store it was not intended for. I have a 9, 4, and 3 year old so it is not as much of a problem now. When they were 6, 1, and a newborn though I would have to have a place for my 1 year old and newborn while I was shopping and I could not afford a twin stroller. So I would put my 1 year old up front in the seat with the buckle and put the infant in his carrier in the back part. Then put the few things I needed in the bottom and around the sides of the carrier. There is a strip of stores around walmart here and the carts for those stores were too small to even put the baby carrier on the front, much less in the back. So I would use the walmart cart, do my shopping there, take the stuff to the car, then if I needed to stop in at another store I would take that cart in there as well. No one ever said anything but it may have been because they saw me alone with all those kids and felt sorry for me, lol. My husbands shifts work out to where he is gone during "shopping hours" so I am always the one shopping myself with the kids. I can remember once when I was pregnant with my youngest and I had my daughter who was still an infant in her stroller in the store and I was putting things in the bottom storage part while I was shopping. The manager came and told me I had to put her in a cart because I was not allowed to put stuff in the bottom of the stroller. So I did get in trouble for using a stroller once. But this was also at the same place where the cart was too small for an infant carrier to sit on so I don't know how I was supposed to do my shopping since she was too little to sit up in the front seat


    • #17
      Quoth MoonCat View Post
      Wow. It's like people expect to find everything they have at home in every store they walk into. Pretty soon they'll expect stores to provide free breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, a family room with a giant screen TV, a spa with hot tub and masseur, and a palace-quality bedroom in case they don't feel like going home. Oh, and a "companion" in case they're lonely.

      Well, how do you expect them to have a good experience shopping at the dollar store without all that stuff, hmmm?
      Oh please the gods I hope you are soooo wrong. Although I wouldn't MIND having a home and its conveniences at any store I shopped at, as a retail worker I just shout NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

      There is just so much suck when people start to expect stuff like that. It boggles the mind

