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Entitled shopper

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  • Entitled shopper

    Spotted this on my store's FB page. BG: I work in a kind of upscale women's store, and when you purchase, we wrap your stuff in tissue. Well, currently we are running low, in all stores, not just mine, and some are out completely. end BG

    Customer posts how she had such a negative experience at one of our stores, she had asked for extra tissue to wrap some things in, and was (i'm guessing) politely told, and the reason given was scarcity, she couldn't have any. She then said, well, it only costs a few cents a sheet.

    well. She asked could it have been the fact she had shorts and no make up on? Or did she look too (insert her ethnicity) that day? Oh no she didn't! And how her normal salesgirl would have never done that, as she always treats her with respect and doesn't profile!

    And how she might have to rethink shopping there due to this unfortunate incident.

    I'm guessing she thought maybe she'd get sympathy, but far from it. All responses basically said, really, you got upset over THAT? When you can BUY tissue in Walmart or the dollar store? She also got lambasted for using the race card, when there's no indication it had anything to do with her, but more that the store didn't HAVE any to give her.

  • #2
    Wow, a little entitlement there? Her life must be pathetic, if not getting a couple free pieces of tissue paper ruins her whole day.

    Sounds like they wouldn't miss her much if she stopped shopping there. One less EW.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      I can't help but think that people like her asking for "a few extra sheets" are the reason for the shortage. A pack of tissue paper isn't that expensive at the craft store...wait, that would require they actually do some work.
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


      • #4
        No, the company is kind of circling the drain, and struggling. supplies are being cut back, and so on. And most customers, when politely told we don't have any, are perfectly fine with it. I think she's just an entitled witch with a b. I know here type; they will shop with only ONE associate, who bends over backwards for them, even if it means breaking the rules a smidge. So I"m sure when HER associate wasn't there, and someone else told her she couldn't have any, that started her ranting hissy fit.

        And yes, it would require work to go get some.

