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Grabby 3 year old

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  • #16
    Plus... you know you're a safe person. But what if the next customer isn't? What if that next customer is a registered sex offender, perhaps one who specifically targeted children?

    It's time for her to start considering that ... if she's going to let her child crawl on strangers' laps and grope inside their clothes.


    • #17
      Other people's kids? meh. Don't give a shit.
      Oh, thank God. I thought I was the only person who has zero interest in children other than my own. Everyone acts like I should be all into kids now and nope, Khan is my sun and stars but other kids can take a hike. I just dislike them in general and am not comfortable interacting with them.


      • #18
        I have three nieces and two nephews. I can tell you right now that I have NO PROBLEM with my youngest nephew (who just turned five) climbing on my lap. I'd have hugged him and rocked him and kissed him to bits. A strange kid? Yeah, it was truly uncomfortable. Thanks again guys, now I don't feel like such a jerk when I say I'm not a fan of other people's children. I always feel vilified when I mention I'm Childfree and really don't *like* small children very much.

        There's a double dislike for teenagers at this moment, but I think that has more to do with my youngest niece turning 14 recently and acting 28. Oh, the horror of that child right now, seriously! And she's not even my kid!!!


        • #19
          Um. It's worth noting that the fumes put off by the vast majority of nail polishes are actually a health hazard (most of the ones claiming to be safe actually are just as bad or worse than the ones not making that claim [article at Slate]), so if I were a mother of a toddler, there is no way in hell I'd have that kid spending all their time in a nail salon, espeically not a little girl. >_<

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #20
            Sadly, some people just don't get it, and never will. If they're the owners, then they probably feel its absolutely appropriate for the kid to be there, and are too cheap to pay for daycare! And since its THEIR business, and THEIR kid, whatever the kid does is perfectly fine. and if people let them know because of the kid they won't be back, oh well. Never will they think they have to keep the kid in check.

            That would have made me crazy too; I am NOT a kid person. not at all. I would have gotten up and left, and told them why. And never returned.

