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Not My SC but an Intervention

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  • #16
    Quoth EricKei View Post
    There was a time, long ago, when I only cursed in front of family or really close friends, to the extent that people I just worked with looked at me funny if I DID curse, and took it as an indication that something was really, really wrong

    As for family, where did you think I learned to use colorful language? One of Granny's favorite lines was "Don't curse, dammit!" *WHAP*
    One of the guys I met in the Navy said that his dad actually told him "Your GD language is fucking offensive!" or something like that.

    .... !


    • #17
      My Aunty Em says it best "I don't swear. I'm a f*cking lady". I love Aunty Em.


      • #18
        Quoth PepperElf View Post
        I know where you're coming from.

        When I first got into the Navy, they were just starting to open up for females... so sometimes we'd get the guys who didn't know how to act around us, but we also had a lot who were of the attitude of "we have to change?" or "fuck if I'll change!". So ... I pretty much got very use to how guys talk & act when there's no women around.

        I got to use to it that, for my second "C" school - after being in for almost 10 years - it felt ... weird... having instructors who would swear during class, and then look at me (the only female) and apologize. One of them stopped though after he heard me use "shit" in regular conversation*. I guess it dawned on him that I didn't need special consideration.

        Still though... now that I'm in the south, I don't find fault if someone feels that it's mannerly to shut the potty mouth around me. It's not required, but I know it's how many people were raised to show respect. And even I try to watch my mouth around the little kids. And at roller derby events.

        *this is also why I get mistaken for a guy online sometimes. even if I use girly names. Put an ambiguous name on me and I really confuse the fuck out of some people.
        From the time I was 15 until around 25 I worked in a chemical factory in various capacities from machinist apprentice to management of all 29 of their machine shops and in all that time there was a grand total of 3 females out in production.

        You know that joke from The Long Kiss Goodbye ?
        Mitch Henessey: What I'm saying is, back when we first met, you were all like "Oh phooey, I burned the darn muffins." Now, you go into a bar, ten minutes later, sailors come runnin' out. What up with that?

        Yup, I swear worse than most sailors. I used to get into obscene/gross out joke contests and win.
        EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


        • #19
          I can honestly say I've had a male sailor tell me to watch my language. It was my supervisor actually...

