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Back of the line girl!

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  • Back of the line girl!

    Yesterday me, my cousin, and 3 friends were at Great America in line for The Grizzly. we were about into our 45 min wait (lines were kind of long that day due to a special event the park was having) 2 teenage girls literally pushed their way through past my cousin and our friend to meet with 1 more of their friends up front. This is what went down:

    Cousin: Hey morons! this is NOT happening! get yourselves to the back where you were!

    Girls: *ignored and continued onward*

    Kitty (me ): What the hell is she does she think she's doing?!? Line starts behind us NOT in front!

    1 of the girls: *quick death glance*

    Other patrons in line started telling them to go back to where they were and to wait like everyone else. It was not fair that we had to wait 45 minutes and they got to the line ahead of everybody.

    The girls went to where they were after we threatened to get the ride op's attention. That was that. (or so we thought) Not only did we have 1 set of death glares from the girls that went back, we had the death glare from her friend in the front. After we got on the ride and went through the course we exited and looked for our next ride. That was when the 3 girls confronted us started talking crap. we spoke our crap back and said that next time we'll just tell the ride ops and get them ESCORTED from the park. They got upset then and said "as in leave?" My reply was "That's the point of escort. to make sure you LEAVE the park. not go hide. but to LEAVE." They walked off after that. I think that one of the reasons they left is that they didn't realize we had 5 people in our group and all they had was 3. (we wouldn't have done anything to hurt them but intimidation works wonders )
    NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer

  • #2
    You are way too nice, as soon as they started pushing you out of the way I would've pushed back. That and I would've gotten the attention of an employee immediately, I can't fucking stand line cutters.


    • #3
      One thing I loved about working at a theme park was watching people push their way through lines to catch up with one or two friends, letting them get to the head of the line, then telling the line cutters that they wouldn't be getting on the ride unless they returned to the end of the line and waited like everyone else. Makes you feel all warm and cozy inside.

      The best was the day I was visiting the park with my mum and we had about 6 people cut in front of us to join their solo friend standing in front of us. Funnily enough there was only about 10 people behind us at the time, so it's not like they cut far into the line. I looked at mum as she was about to say something and stopped her. Told her, and the people behind me that I would be right back, then jumped into the exit queue and walked to the front. As I was doing it, the arseholes that had jumped in front of me were yelling "No cutting, get to the back of the line". Guess they didn't notice that I was the person they cut in front of. Anyway, I told the person operating the ride that the 6 people in front of me had cut in front. He smiled and told me he would wait until they got to the head of the line before he kicked them to the back of the queue. Love his thinking (he gave me the idea), so I rejoined my mum, waited about 20 minutes (it was a slow day) then watched as the line cutters were sent to the back of the line. Got a few thanks from the people behind. What was even better was a large group had joined the queue in the mean time and wait time had extended to about 35 minutes. Even better again, my coworker rang the other rides to let them know to watch out for this bunch. Mum and I had a great day though I think we may have spoiled their fun a bit.


      • #4
        Quoth ozcatbug View Post
        Anyway, I told the person operating the ride that the 6 people in front of me had cut in front. He smiled and told me he would wait until they got to the head of the line before he kicked them to the back of the queue. .
        You rock....seriously rock
        Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 08-17-2012, 03:30 AM. Reason: Trimming quote... no need to quote entire post.


        • #5
          I made the mistake of going to an amusement park with a coworker once.

          It started well when we got there, with her chastising her younger daughter on how greasy her hair looked, then on the younger daughter with how oily her face looked. I never commented on this tho, cos I knew she'd just go off on me about how "you don't have kids! you don't know!"

          It was improved () throughout the day... by the fact that both of her daughters refused to wait in line for the rides. They ran off to get food, or do other stuff until we got to close to the entrance. Then they'd budge up to be with us. The last time it happened was for a haunted house. The girls did it again, and this time all three of them (both the girls and my coworker) managed to budge ahead of a male couple (M1 & M2). She called back to tell me to join them, but I said "It's ok. I'll catch up."

          M1 stepped aside and said, "Go ahead! YOU were polite!"

          M2 & I both ended up with the same look, as she & M1 started going back & fourth yelling at each other. I mostly remember her comments, on how it was somehow his fault for being there, that he should leave if it bothered him, comments on his relationship. Pretty much she was a complete entitlement whore, battering at the world because her ego was bruised.

          Line-cutters never make good company. Especially when their egos cannot stand being called out on their behavior and lack of manners.
          Last edited by PepperElf; 08-07-2012, 04:29 PM.


          • #6
            I actually defended a couple of "line cutters" when I was at a convention a few years ago. they had gotten there before we had, and since it was REALLY early to even be lining up we thought that was the line to get in.

            well time prgressed and people got into another line (literally RIGHT next to ours), and my friend and i were unsure until a convention person poked their head out the door and said "oops sorry guys you need to scoot over to this line...budge up guys they were here first."

            So my friend and I moved into the correct line, however the people in front of us had slipped of to get some food and had asked us to hold thier place, (food was less then 20 feet away). When they came back and we told them the line had to move because we were in the wrong line there was an uproar from the line behind us saying they were line jumpers and they needed to go to the BACK of the line (now several hundred people long).

            The con attendent, myself and my friend all said at almost the same time that they were here before anyone else and were not cutting!

            Wouldn't believe the grumbling i heard....didn't understand most of it....didn't know a new zealand accent could mutter something I didn't understand
            It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


            • #7
              There's always a line to be drawn. I don't mind if one or two people in the party went to get snacks or something for the entire group while everyone else got in line. Or even if they had to go to the restroom and asked their friends to hop in line. That's okay, because at least they left the line to do something productive.

              However, I do draw the line if over 3 people suddenly jump in line. At that point, they were simply off screwing around instead of waiting in line with their friend.

