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It's Somebody Else's House!

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  • It's Somebody Else's House!

    My street looks like this:

    Part-timer (summers and some weekends only)
    Bank (forclosed home)
    My grandmother
    Rental property
    And then three full-time families.

    My grandmother was just coming up from Florida to stay at her home on our street. The rental property is a rent-by-week vacation home. These people felt they didn't have enough parking with a three-car-garage and a three-car-parking space. So they parked in my Grandmother's driveway.

    When confronted, they went: "Well, I didn't know I couldn't park there!"

    My mother's response?

    "It's somebody else's house!"

  • #2
    I didn't know I couldn't park there, so I thought I'd park it on someone else's property. I hope it's cool that I relieved myself in your backyard too.


    • #3
      I'd make a comment about people leaving their brains at home when going on vacation, but I doubt they have one to leave. The probably DO park all over their neighbors' properties at home as well.

      Madness takes it's toll....
      Please have exact change ready.


      • #4
        "It's somebody else's house!"
        Best response really. I mean ... it's common sense. Why would anyone actually think that someone's house would be an open parking lot?

        o wait. I'm here... There I go again, expecting people to have common sense when it comes to parking and property rights

        How did they respond to her btw?


        • #5
          Quoth Merriweather View Post
          I'd make a comment about people leaving their brains at home when going on vacation, but I doubt they have one to leave. The probably DO park all over their neighbors' properties at home as well.
          "Some people leave part of their brain behind when they go out. Hey, some people don't have that much to leave in the first place!" - George Carlin
          "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
          Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


          • #6
            Quoth Cooper View Post
            My grandmother was just coming up from Florida to stay at her home on our street. The rental property is a rent-by-week vacation home. These people felt they didn't have enough parking with a three-car-garage and a three-car-parking space. So they parked in my Grandmother's driveway.

            When confronted, they went: "Well, I didn't know I couldn't park there!"

            My mother's response?

            "It's somebody else's house!"
            Gah. I got this when I was doing a travel assignment in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. My agency put me up in a beach house. I was supposed to share it with two other nurses who hadn't arrived yet (and ended up not coming). The house next door was a rental that a bunch of college guys rented for the summer.

            They kept parking in my drive way, sometimes blocking me in when I had to go to work.

            I complained every time they did this. Their answer pretty much was fuck off, you don't need the parking and we do.

            So I touch base with the local cops who say they can't issue a ticket unless they park illegally on the street . . . but that it's fine for me to call a tow at their (the idiot neighbor's) expense. So I give idiot one final warning and get "whatever" as a reponse.

            So idiot gets towed. Of course he's pretty upset. I don't bend. I point out that I am a nurse in the local ER and know lots of the local cops. Idiot realizes he's playing with fire and backs down.

            Later in the summer, idiot has some friends over for a party. Several of them park in my drive way when I get home from work. Idiot sees me pull in.

            Buddies scamper out of the house to move their cars
            They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


            • #7
              Quoth Panacea View Post

              So idiot gets towed. Of course he's pretty upset. I don't bend. I point out that I am a nurse in the local ER and know lots of the local cops. Idiot realizes he's playing with fire and backs down.

              Later in the summer, idiot has some friends over for a party. Several of them park in my drive way when I get home from work. Idiot sees me pull in.

              Buddies scamper out of the house to move their cars
              Awwww a story with a happy ending.
              Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


              • #8
                I always love people who say things like "I didn't know it was yours." Well, they knew it wasn't THEIRS, didn't they?



                • #9
                  Quoth Cooper View Post

                  When confronted, they went: "Well, I didn't know I couldn't park there!"

                  My mother's response?

                  "It's somebody else's house!"
                  I deal with a lot of people who can't understand the concept of private property remaining, well, PRIVATE even when not being used. The number of people convinced that I was in the wrong for towing them out of another persons driveway, let alone YARD just boggles the mind. They are convinced that they can park anywhere they want to because "no one was using it!"
                  - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Argabarga View Post

                    They are convinced that they can park anywhere they want to because "no one was using it!"
                    Ask them their address, tell them as they are with you, they obviously aren't using their own driveway, and you know someone who needs a place to put their tow truck while on vacation, so based on their own logic......

                    Madness takes it's toll....
                    Please have exact change ready.


                    • #11
                      My sister has towed numerous people from her marked parking spot in her apartment complex. And they're almost always friends of one particular apartment. Doesn't seem like they're very good friends if they didn't bother telling visitors where NOT to park.
                      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

