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Out of order

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  • Out of order

    Hi guys,

    I wasn't sure about posting this or not - but it's been really bothering me.

    I saw a post on facebook that someone had commented on - basically the status was someone bragging that they had been in a shop and had bought a few items, and whilst querying the price of one item, had seemingly bamboozled the sales person into voiding one expensive item off the total, and so had 'walked out with a £35 item for free!'

    Now I know it has happened on the odd occasion when someone has gotten home and realised that for whatever reason a small item has been missed off, and they've inadvertently gotten a freebie, but once you're home there's not always a lot you can do about it - but realising when you're in the shop, that you're only paying around half of what you thought you were going to pay - is akin to,, stealing - no?

    It seemed like this person was saying 'Oh well - silly salesperson, their mistake is my gain!'

    And all I could think was - I hope that poor person doesn't get that taken off their wages, and also - how did you pay? If it was on card then surely they can track you down?!

    Think I just needed to vent - this persons karma is their own business, but I thought it was a pretty shady thing to do - and thought how mad it would have made me, had I been that sales person and realised later.

    Anyway - apologies if this isn't appropriate place for this

  • #2
    That's theft, pretty plainly.

    It doesn't matter that the clerk screwed up; if they knew that they weren't paying enough money to cover all of the goods they were buying, then they were stealing.

    It's amazing how loose some people morals are.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Bragging about theft of good and/or services on the interwebs... Ah, I smell the karma train a-comin'!
      Maybe a printout of this person's FB post/page being mailed to the proper authorities might be in order?
      Nothing brings the hammer of shame down like having the fuzz come knockin'.
      Why is stupidity not an arrestable offense?


      • #4
        Knowingly taking something from a store without paying for said item = stealing. Don't know what else to call it. The only way to say otherwise would be to claim that you only have to pay if they actually ask you for the money. If you know the cashier didn't charge you for it, it's no different than just picking up the item and walking out the door with it.

        I do, however, have a realistic approach to ethics. If a person gets home and discovers a small item was overlooked (which they did NOT notice at the time) I would not expect them to use their own gas and time to go back to the store to correct the store's mistake. Two totally different situations.

        Madness takes it's toll....
        Please have exact change ready.


        • #5
          Thanks guys - yeah this is what I thought.

          It just really burned me that they were all gloaty about it.


          • #6
            The suck is strong with that one. Tip off the store in question or the cops and see how funny they find it then.


            • #7
              stuff like that makes me wish there was a "dislike" button for FB too


              • #8
                Quoth MournBlade View Post
                The suck is strong with that one. Tip off the store in question or the cops and see how funny they find it then.
                That could get the retail worker fired for "giving" away that much money. Which is more important, to punish the bad guy, or not punish the good guy?

