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Asshat SC sighting at former retail plantation (rant, some language)

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  • Asshat SC sighting at former retail plantation (rant, some language)

    I often mention the retail plantation where I was a cart slave. What I don't mention that often is I still have friends and relatives that work there despite the fact that number is quickly dwindling. End backstory.

    I'm at retail plantation visiting one of my former coworkers who is a hell of an amazing person. She is not a front-end supervisor, per se, but that's her job duty for the night. I'm standing there talking to her when an asshat SC starts yelling at CW from the self-checkouts 20 feet away. Apparently the machine needed a supervisor key to clear out something in the system, and this is a fairly common occurrence that can be fixed in a span of five seconds. That was obviously not fast enough for the SC, and the bitch starts making personal comments about CW's appearance and looks. As CW walks away, I notice SC has made her cry over something that took literally five fucking seconds to clear.

    To recap: the alarm signaling a supervisor key is needed goes off on the self-checkout, followed by bitchy SC saying she'd been waiting for someone for 10 minutes (not really--we can hear the alarm go off from the back of the store, and she stood there for maybe 25 seconds before she started yelling at my CW). CW goes over and clears out the discrepancy with her supervisor key, but SC insults CW personally and makes her cry despite the fact bitchy SC was almost immediately helped. What the hell?

    A lot of us can take the yelling because it happens so often, but to get personal over something this easy to fix was completely out of line. I thought about going over to the SC and telling her to piss up a rope--I haven't been employed there for years, so I'm not worried about getting into trouble defending my friends --but I decided consoling CW was much better than adding fuel to the fire. CW and her husband have always been like family to me, so it's hard to see people like this upset about anything.

    By the way, I always make sure my CW's aren't busy if I'm going to start conversations with them. They know they can always tell me to come back later or text them after they get off work instead, and I'll happily oblige knowing what a pain in the ass management can be (separate topic coming later, since that's a whole different beast altogether). SC's just so happen to be the catalysts that ruin what little downtime CW's have down at the retail plantation. It sucks.

  • #2
    some people have no souls


    • #3
      Quoth PepperElf View Post
      some people have no souls
      youi mean the light is on but one one is home??????
      I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
      -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

      "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


      • #4
        Quoth Racket_Man View Post
        you mean the light is on but one one is home??????
        No... "The halo's on, but the spirit is out."
        I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
        Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
        Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


        • #5
          the horns hold up the halo


          • #6
            I want to say that some people who are annoyed or inconvenienced aren't happy until they've made someone miserable, but I don't know if "happy" is the right word here, because whenever I've encountered someone along those lines, it doesn't seem to make them happy - they're just as miserable, except someone else is miserable, too. They don't seem to derive any satisfaction out of it.

            My driver's ed teacher really did seem to cheer up after he made students cry, but it wasn't that he was feeding on the tears of the oppressed as, once he made you cry, he lightened up on you for the rest of the course. He was a hateful, spiteful, mean, arrogant bastard, but once he saw the waterworks, he became a lot less so and could even be helpful and supportive.

            I think these people just need the feeling that they've "broken" someone to reclaim their sense of being in control. It doesn't make them happy, but it does give them the feeling that the situation isn't entirely out of their hands. Reinforced through repetition, and people who feel powerless will immediately move into dick mode because that's what works.


            • #7
              I can't put into words how angry I am about this, and I don't even know your coworker!
              "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


              • #8
                Quoth Ben_Who View Post
                I want to say that some people who are annoyed or inconvenienced aren't happy until they've made someone miserable, but I don't know if "happy" is the right word here, because whenever I've encountered someone along those lines, it doesn't seem to make them happy - they're just as miserable, except someone else is miserable, too. They don't seem to derive any satisfaction out of it.
                IMO, it's a way of proving to themselves that they have power, when in every other aspect of their lives they are powerless. It makes them feel important, when in actual fact they know that they are insignificant.


                • #9
                  I once encountered someone like that while waiting in line at a supermarket. It wasn't the one I used to work at, and the till was being manned by a trainee. We all know what it's like when you're a trainee; it takes a while to get fully au fait with the system and sometimes, mistakes are made. This girl was around sixteen, but looked a lot younger and she was wearing a trainee badge. The SC was a man in a suit and she accidentally gave him the wrong change. All you have to do is say, "You've short changed me," and it would get sorted. The SC instead chose to swear and scream at the girl, and she burst into tears.

                  I stepped forward and said to the SC, "Bet you feel like a real man now that you've made a teenage girl cry." He glared at me and said it wasn't any of my business. I replied, "It is, cuz this is a public place. Do you feel proud of yourself for screaming at a trainee for making a mistake?" He was about to reply, when the customer behind me said, "What a scumbag. If anyone spoke to my daughter like that, I'd thump them." SC was obviously only capable of yelling at people who couldn't defend themselves so he left.
                  People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                  My DeviantArt.


                  • #10
                    Not surprised in the least at this outcome...

                    Quoth Food Lady View Post
                    I can't put into words how angry I am about this, and I don't even know your coworker!
                    If you were angry before, just wait until you hear this!

                    UPDATE: The SC complained to management about this situation because CW was apparently "rude". SC got a gift certificate for "the inconvenience", and CW is getting fired.

                    SC's story is not true in the least, but the retail plantation is an SC's paradise these days. The fact that management believed SC's story instead of sticking up for the retail slave doesn't surprise me in the least.

                    I don't have any words for this at the moment that are polite. Maybe I should go in and rip management a new one since I was there at the time this whole thing went down. Part of me says it's worth it, and another part of me says management will give CW a lot of unneeded hell for being inattentive because I was talking to her at the time. Either way, CW's responsibility that night was not to watch over the self-checkouts, and we both made sure she wasn't busy before I started the conversation. The bastard who was supposed to be watching self-checkout was reading a magazine at the time, but he still has his job for some reason. Oh, that's right...he's doing the horizontal mambo with the new 23-year-old manager, so he can do jack shit for his entire shift and still remain employed while people who actually do their jobs will be punished and/or fired instead.

                    God, I hate the management at that store these days. Fuck 'em. They can all go take long walks off a short pier as far as I'm concerned. Just make sure the water below is filled with sharks and barracudas so they're among their own kind.


                    • #11
                      Honestly, if CW is getting fired, I think it would be worth giving the manager your side of the story, because it can't make things much worse.


                      • #12
                        I am going to suggest co-worker wasn't fired over the customer complaint, but over something else. Such as, for example, knowing too much about the other employee and the manager doing the horizontal mambo.

                        Many places are SC paradises. Very few places will fire an employee over one customer complaint. Methinks somebody took an intense disliking to the OP's co-worker and threw gas on the fire.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          ^I've been told by several people (including my fired CW) that it was directly-related to the SC's complaint. It's pretty much common knowledge that self-checkout dude and the new manager are having some kind of personal relationship. If they fired everyone that knew, they'd have to start from scratch.

                          CW is currently fighting her firing with corporate HR. I hate to be a pessimist, but HR is dumber than a bag of hammers and useless to boot. I told CW her resources would be better spent just shopping for new employment. All fighting with HR will do is piss her off and stress her. I've been down that road before.

                          Quoth Freak View Post
                          Honestly, if CW is getting fired, I think it would be worth giving the manager your side of the story, because it can't make things much worse.
                          Tried it. They don't believe me. It figures. That's when I told them to go listen to Ween (language warning; NSFW unless you listen through headphones).


                          • #14
                            Quoth Bob The Random Boy Wonder View Post
                            Tried it. They don't believe me. It figures. That's when I told them to go listen to Ween (language warning; NSFW unless you listen through headphones).
                            i LOVE that song!! i used to blast it in my car on my drive home after i've had a terrible night at the bookstore.
                            there's some people with issues that medication, therapy or a baseball bat just can't cure


                            • #15
                              Quoth Ben_Who View Post
                              I want to say that some people who are annoyed or inconvenienced aren't happy until they've made someone miserable, but I don't know if "happy" is the right word here, because whenever I've encountered someone along those lines, it doesn't seem to make them happy - they're just as miserable, except someone else is miserable, too. They don't seem to derive any satisfaction out of it.

                              My driver's ed teacher really did seem to cheer up after he made students cry, but it wasn't that he was feeding on the tears of the oppressed as, once he made you cry, he lightened up on you for the rest of the course. He was a hateful, spiteful, mean, arrogant bastard, but once he saw the waterworks, he became a lot less so and could even be helpful and supportive.

                              I think these people just need the feeling that they've "broken" someone to reclaim their sense of being in control. It doesn't make them happy, but it does give them the feeling that the situation isn't entirely out of their hands. Reinforced through repetition, and people who feel powerless will immediately move into dick mode because that's what works.
                              I know of what you speak. My former coworker M was like that.

                              He would do something on purpose to anger me, and then used my anger as an excuse to put me in my place. If I cried and needed a minute to regroup... it didn't matter. he just yelled louder.

                              I finally "beat" him at his own game at the end. On the advice of another coworker, instead of confronting M - and giving him another chance to have a go at me - I took it to the "leading supervisor". M had a fit over it... and HE ended up getting chewed out by one of the lower supervisors.

                              so yeah there are some people who get off on the "use/abuse" of power and putting people down.

