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Wait... so I'm the asshole here? I think not

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  • Wait... so I'm the asshole here? I think not

    Video of Mr Asshole trucker from this morning... it should be up in a few minutes of posting this. Ya'll watch it and decide if I was the asshole in the situation, or if Mr Trucker was. I've also included the email I sent to his dispatch (I called when I got to my destination). I also linked them to the MP4 version of the video. This, this right here, is why I have dash cams now. Too many chances of shit going down and this kind of crap needs to stop. It's a youtube vid, but I never manage to embed those properly in vBulletin.


    My take on this is as follows. Keep in mind the camera has a wide field of vision, supposed to be 140 degrees beyond normal, and as such things tend to look farther away then they actually are.

    If you notice in the beginning of the video, you can see the driver and rig in the top right following too closely behind a pickup truck that sits in the lane directly to my left (there's 4 lanes total on the beltline around Raleigh, NC at that point). It should also be noted that the Beltline is only 4 lanes for a few miles. It narrows down to 3 lanes right before the Gorman Street exit. The driver shifts over a lane when it becomes apparent that the tuck will not move out of the way in the, putting it into my lane of travel.

    At this point the driver of the rig is now behind the SUV that is behind me. I've had to slow down as the car in front of me has slowed from 65 MPH (which is where I stick my cruise at) down to around 60 MPH, but with fluctuations both over and under 60. Both the rig and SUV behind me get closer as a result.

    As the UPS truck clears the right most lane, the rig driver decided to use this as an opportunity to pass traffic on the right. The only problem with this is that the right lane coming out of South Saunder's street is heavily trafficked with merging cars. And clearly, the driver of the rig learns this as well. Though there's no real need to merge into my lane of travel to clear traffic the rig driver decided to cut into the lane I was in. There was NOT enough clearance to safely do so as I had to move left and apply the brakes in order to not collide with the year of the trailer. I laid on my horn when the driver did this for several seconds. And seeing how the window of his rig was down at the time, he must of heard me.

    At this point the driver of the rig was in front of me and I was willing to let it slide. For some reason the rig driver moved into the rightmost lane and started to slow down. I sped up to avoid further conflict (and knowing that lane was going to end, wanted to be out of the way). I set my cruise for 65 MPH once past the rig and settled back into my drive.

    At this point I noticed that the rig driver was once again trying to pass on the right. I do not understand why it was that important to pass my vehicle instead of putting on a signal and trying to merge in behind me. If I were a cynical bastard, I would bet that this was done on purpose to lead to a confrontation. But I'm willing to give the benefit of doubt that the driver was unaware of the merge coming ahead. So instead of trying to merge behind me, the driver forced me to straddle the the next lane and brake heavily to avoid once again being hit. The left lane, as you can see, was NOT devoid of traffic and I almost collided with the car passing on my left. I could not just move over at that point to give this rig driver room. And further there was not enough clearance between the car in front of me and the rig to have tried merging ahead of my car.

    It's at this point that I pulled up my phone and dialed 911 asking for the non-emergency contact. I was following the rig at this point to ensure that if the behavior continued down the road that police could be talked through his location. You'll notice in the video that I never followed too closely to his rig, merely followed to see what his next move would be. At this point he pulled over completely off the road rather abruptly and flipped me off as I went past. I set my cruise back to 65 MPH and had an uneventful remainder of my trip.

    A rig is not a car and cannot expect to flow through traffic like one. And it's not like this is a short haul cab. By that I mean that long haul rigs are out on the highway for 10 hours a day, and moves like this are just unconscionable. I cannot fathom why a professional driver would act like this. I've been driving this same stretch of road since 2006, and this marks one of only a handful of times that I've seen a rig driver this aggressive.
    But the paint on me is beginning to dry
    And it's not what I wanted to be
    The weight on me
    Is Hanging on to a weary angel - Sister Hazel

  • #2
    I think that the rig driver got a chip on his shoulder and was using you to try and make it get either bigger or be appeased.


    • #3
      I watched the video back yet again, and he was tailgating the hell out of the truck in the lane on my left. This person does NOT belong behind the wheel of a rig... let along anything with 4 wheels. Let him choose two wheel transportation and let Darwin sort things out. I'll be curious to see the response of their dispatch (assuming there is one). It's not even like this guy was in an independent rig either. It was a company truck that someone was paying him to drive!
      But the paint on me is beginning to dry
      And it's not what I wanted to be
      The weight on me
      Is Hanging on to a weary angel - Sister Hazel


      • #4
        I dunno. Technically you should have moved to the other lane or slowed down for the merge. Not saying he was 100% right in how he was driving but I don't think that helped


        • #5
          He was trying to weave through traffic and pass on the right like he was driving a penis car and had the nerve to flip you off, yeah he was an asshole.


          • #6
            I'd suggest a follow up with his company, as well as pointing the state highway patrol at your dash cam video, hopefully they can cite this guy based on that evidence. He was clearly driving in a VERY unsafe manner and has no business being behind the wheel of a vehicle, much less and 18 wheeler. Hell, just passing on the right is a citable offense for 18 wheelers, it's all kinds of stupidly dangerous.
            You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


            • #7
              As one of the resident truckers here, yeah, in my opinion he was the one being an ass. Several unsafe driving practices going on; passing on the right, weaving in and out of traffic like a car. I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt as it looked like he started that second merge with you in his blind spot, but the fact that he yanked himself over to the shoulder like that and flipped you off tells me he just had an enormous chip on his shoulder and was road-raging. If you got his truck number to report him, that's great, but a trailer number will do with the time and date as companies track which truck is attached to which trailer at any given point. Definitely report him and point them towards the video as evidence. He'll get pulled into his safety department so quick it'll make his head spin.


              • #8
                Once he cuts me off the second time I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. You can see me follow his actions as I wanted to both make sure I could get the trailer plate and catch any dim witted thing he did while on the phone with police.

                I got into the office shortly after 9:15 and after watching the video to catch the cab number, called his dispatch around 9:45. They called me back by 10 am and took all my details. They were VERY interested in the video. I sent that too them (what you see above) along with that big block of text about the same time I made this post. They didn't get the linked youtube video, but the .mp4 that the video was uploaded from. I rarely see a trucker, and a long haul one at that, do anything that risky... and I'm glad it was ME and not someone far more nervous and prone to overreaction (and over correction) that would have sent them spinning into another car.
                But the paint on me is beginning to dry
                And it's not what I wanted to be
                The weight on me
                Is Hanging on to a weary angel - Sister Hazel


                • #9
                  Also, regarding the flipping-off thing. I am of the opinion that, no matter HOW much another driver pisses you off on the road, even if they're in the wrong (which I don't feel you were), if you're representing a company by driving a vehicle with their name emblazoned on the side, you do NOT make a rude gesture visible to anyone outside the vehicle. If you're a representative of your company, you keep your rudeness to yourself for the sake of PR. So I'm sure the company is going to be interested in that as well.


                  • #10
                    That merge... There was definitely something wrong with him. Did he forget he had a trailer behind him? *shudders* It is merging like that where the law of highway traffic has priority comes into play. Since he was clearly trying desperately to overtake you by passing you on the right at greater then highway speeds... If he doesn't loose his job I would be amazed. Since the trucker is basically trying to destroy the cargo and you and cause a huge CNN class incident.

                    Although I would love to see the look on his face if they do fire him. "Why am I being fired?" "Because you tried to kill someone and destroy our truck!"


                    • #11
                      *sighs, grits teeth* That, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly the type of driver who gives truckers in general a bad name. This guy could've killed not only you, but possibly dozens of others with his weaving in and out of traffic like that. Hell, even his sudden pull over and stop was dangerous! I'm sorry, but there is no load, no pay, no nothing worth driving like that. I'm glad you got his info, and I do hope you follow up on the incident and the driver himself! ETA: I have a particular dislike for the ones that pass on the right like that, just because I was nearly hit by one back in college, and it surely would've killed me. My father, who was driving me home at the time, was... well, pissed doesn't begin to describe it.
                      Last edited by BrenDAnn; 04-04-2014, 04:30 AM.
                      "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                      • #12
                        I'll call the safety officer back on Monday to see if he received my email (I presume he did as It didn't kick back undelivered). In 20 years of driving along various highways up and down the east coast, I've only ever seen a rig pull off for a flat. And even that wasn't at "holy crap I need to stop NOW" that this dude did. That abrupt move he did at the end is a first for me, and I still cannot figure what was the point? The only thing I can think is he truly believes I was the aggressor in this and everything was my fault.
                        But the paint on me is beginning to dry
                        And it's not what I wanted to be
                        The weight on me
                        Is Hanging on to a weary angel - Sister Hazel


                        • #13
                          I would forward it to the local news team as well. They are always interested in videos of crazy aggressive drivers. This would be a good news story and bring to light that there are some unsafe truck drivers out there that need to have their licenses chucked into the trash.


                          • #14
                            First time: Ooh that was close. Truckers should NOT be doing that asshole!

                            Second time: WTF YOU TRYING TO KILL PEOPLE ASSHOLE?!
                            Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.

