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The good thing about a roundabout...

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  • The good thing about a roundabout... that a lot of the time, if you miss your turn you can just keep going around and come back to it.

    This one's a bit of a self-sighting, a bit "dangit road crew get your shit together!"

    The roads around my suburb are getting resealed, and the crews have reached the Big Roundabout right near our house (two lanes, lots of traffic - you can go straight through in either lane, but if you want to go left you have to be in the left lane as you enter, likewise if you want to go right you have to be in the right lane. You Do Not Change Lanes In The Roundabout). When I came back from an errand earlier today, the left lane in the road I was entering by had been blocked off, so everybody had to merge right and then sort themselves out once they reached the roundabout itself. Everyone was behaving nicely, driving slow but not hitting the brakes, etc.

    Well, turns out I had to do another (unexpected) errand, came back by the same road just now, and the sign saying the left lane was blocked was still up, so I merged right into a nice convenient gap...

    ...and both lanes were open, and everyone zipped forward and closed the gaps in the left lane, and so I found myself entering the roundabout in the right lane but wanting to go left. Cue me doodling around 270 degrees, making a full turn and a quarter in the roundabout and heading off home with the silliest grin ever on my face because it hit me right in the funnybone.

    (edited to fix the number of degrees because geometry was never my strong suit...)
    Last edited by Valentinian; 12-07-2015, 05:53 AM.

  • #2
    This is why you REMOVE signs not in use, to not confuse already confused (and fustrated) motorists.

    You fail once and from that point on I consider the signs to be left up and error and not to be trusted...

    And for Gord's sake, put the signs up FIRST, THEN CLOSE THE LANE you morons!


    • #3
      This is why I always use the turn right lane* when I'm not sure which exit I need!

      * To clarify for those on the other side of the Pond: I'm a Brit, so we drive on the left and go around roundabouts in a clockwise direction.
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      • #4
        It's not limited to the roads:

        That's a railwayman's training film, incidentally. Much better quality than the average corporate training film.

