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It never fails....

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  • It never fails....

    Memorial Day weekend, Independance day and Labor day always have the hospital FILLED with idjits who dont know how to drive or are there due to the aforementioned idjits.

    Saturday: in the 12 hours i worked we had about 15 traumas called (meaning ambulances coming in with critically injured people)

    12 of these 15 were motorcycles. All with the same story: They skidded out and ended up kitting a car. One guy was in a tank top so imagine the road rash he had after skidding yards and yards down the highway. Thankfully all but 1 were wearing a helmet and therefore had their lives saved. (HELMETS MAKE A DIFFERENCE I SWEAR!!!)

    One girl ended up flying through a windshield. It wasnt too bad. She actually was driven in and sat in the ER waiting room for some time. Then the cops came in and handed the secretaries a PIECE OF SCALP (hair included!!). THIS GIRL HAD SCALPED HERSELF AND WAS SITTING IN THE WAITING ROOM (with a towel on her head). As soon as her injuries were realized, she was rushed up to the OR so that we could sew her back together.

    Sunday: More idiots though not as many as saturday. 2 idiots come in HIGH on heroin and drunk. For some reason, the guy who has a history of randomly passing out was driving. Guess what? He passed out and these tards hit a tree. The driver was ok..the passenger. Well, lets just say the passenger HAD HIS NOSE RIPPED OFF. And I am not kidding. Oh, and his ear was hanging by a thread. That was fun trying to clean the glass out of his face and put him back together like a puzzle.

    Moral of the story: STAY HOME if youve been drinking (and/or on drugs). Id say 75% of our patients were drinking or hit by someone who was drinking. Or call a cab.

    That is all.

    My feet hurt after that weekend.

  • #2
    No, really? A lot of motorcyclists are careless and think they are invincible?

    I never knew that!

    I honestly cannot believe how people in general think they are so invincible or think that being "buzzed" is not drunk, or just a "little high" is no big deal....
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      My uncle works in the ER as a doctor, and there was a big annual fish fry near his area recently. Something horrible ALWAYS happens at these things, every single year. This year, some fucker plowed through the crowd in an ATV, injuring over a dozen people and killing a girl in a stroller.

      I hate holidays.
      "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


      • #4
        What the hell is up with people on motorcycles wearing t-shirts, tank tops, and/or shorts?

        I don't get it.

        I won't even ride on a motorcycle (I've seen people drive; I want my 4-door metal box around me), but if for some reason I had to, I'd demand full riding gear.

        Hell, I have a friend who laid his bike down (slippery roads and other idiot drivers, plus a little too much speed), and his tank ruptured. 3rd degree burns over a large portion of his legs. The scars are pretty horrific. He only still has the rest of his body (and face) because the jacket melted, but the insulation worked, and the helmet faceplate didn't melt at as low a temperature as the rest of the helmet.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          .Motorcyclists aren't always at fault.. but yeah. One of my good friends was a motorcyclist and had some guy turn out in front of him and he was killed.. So i have a soft spot for most motorcyclists.. and my friend was wearing his helmet and everything.


          • #6
            Was watching a Discovery special on ER things. I could never do that job Amina.

