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We're all going to die

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  • We're all going to die

    So yesterday I went with my boyfriend up to Tampa(an hour away) to go to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino thing. He used to go so they send him free stuff every once and a while, so we went up there for a free meal.

    So, we have to take the highway there, I was driving. We stopped at a rest stop to get something to drink. As we were leaving we were behind a van that was also leaving.

    They were going slow leaving the parking lot, but I didn't care about it right then because we weren't quite at the on-ramp yet.

    Well, we got to the ramp, and the person was STILL going slow. When we got to the highway, I was going maybe 45-55. The minimum is 60. So I had to accelerate while on the highway to go highway speeds. Just great.

    When we were leaving the parking garage in at the Hard Rock, I almost had my car slammed into by someone going up in the garage, driving in the middle, talking on their cell phone.

    Then as we were going back on the highway I was sitting behind someone at a red light. They were about a car length back from the white line. Bad sign number one.

    After the light was the exit onto the highway. It was an exit only lane. The person in front of me was just getting to 35-40mph.

    We get on the ramp, still going slow, dangerously slow, like we're going to get run over if we merge on the highway at this speed. Not to mention there was a line of about 4 or 5 cars also getting onto the highway behind us.

    Get onto the the highway, the person isn't even accelerating, going about 40-50. Luckily, I had room and time to get out from behind them and I floored it to get to the 70-75mph I should've been at already.

  • #2
    I totally feel for you when it comes to people attempting to enter the freeway at well below the speed limit.

    Tuesday morning, I was behind a country bumpkin who probably drives into town about as often as the second Tuesday of every October.....he was up to about 45 mph by the time he merged in, and I was right behind him. I HATE being already merged in and still having to accelerate so people don't ram you!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      At least you have legally enforcable minimum speeds.

      In the UK, as long as your vehicle can exceed 30mph then you can use it on the motorway at any speed you wish.
      I find that it's mostly old people that are guilty of driving too slow over here, dont know what it's like in the US.


      • #4
        Around here on the freeway, non motorized vehicles are prohibited on major highways and freeways.

        It doesn't stop them from trying.

        I think they should add any type of vehicle that CANNOT go at least 55-60 mph, such as tractors and caterpillars.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth Noo_Noo View Post
          In the UK, as long as your vehicle can exceed 30mph then you can use it on the motorway at any speed you wish.
          Last I heard, you're supposed to keep up to 40mph, unless this would be unsafe for whatever reason. Valid reasons would include a traffic jam or an official speed limit below 50mph, or a mechanical failure (in which case use the hard shoulder).


          • #6
            I have this happen to me quite often and it always ticks me off. I end up driving very close behind them to try and scare them into going the speed they should be going. There are all sorts of people I've seen doing this.
            Teens, old timers, middle aged people, men and women, as well as the ones where you can't tell if it's a man or woman, and even, yes, cops. >_<
            We Pick Up the Pieces

