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Wouldn't let me leave!

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  • Wouldn't let me leave!

    After work I decided to go to a gas station and pick up some water. Well, I parked on the side which wasn't far from the entrance. It was 11:30pm, which I guess is when creepies are out.

    Anyway, I parked a spot away from these two guys in their little car. I got out, passed their car and I got revved at. I ignored them and went inside. I had a bad feeling about them... I was actually worried they were going to do some damage to my car so I tried to hurry back out.

    Well, luckily they just stayed in their car but what they did next was really shitty.

    I started my car, as did they. I sat there a second longer since I had a bad feeling. They backed up to where their headlights were facing the right side of my car. Not real close but I could tell something was about to happen.

    I began to back up and the little shits drove up behind my car and just stop there so I can't go anywhere. I'm in a dodge ram 1500 and they're in a little car. They're lucky I didn't feel like monster trucking. I had recently gotten into an accident where an idiot smashed my back end of the truck and I felt pretty scared that they were going to hit me.

    So, they finally moved, whirled around and were on the other side of me. I began to back out again. They once AGAIN drive behind me! I was getting upset. I just sat there and waited for their next move. There was NO way in hell I was going to get out of my car.

    I thought about calling the cops but it would've been a waste since they'd have been gone before the cops got there.

    Finally, they honk at me crazily, laugh and drive off into the night. I was by myself and I was shaking a bit. What the hell goes through people's minds? Were they upset that I didn't shake with fear when I got revved at? Was it a flirt fuck up? I don't know but it really pissed me off!

  • #2
    Not cool! I wonder if the gas station had a camera pointing in that direction. Maybe you could get the plate number.
    Steven Slater ROCKS! So does James Jones!

    The world is an asshole contest...and EVERYONE'S A WINNER!


    • #3
      What's with the small vehicles that think they can push big vehicles around? Had a situation a while back at the company yard. One driveway serves 3 parking lots - office employees, drivers' personal vehicles, and the yard itself. Anyone coming into the driveway from the nearest major highway needs to make a right turn. There's a telephone pole at the edge of the driveway, so trucks need to use the full width unless they're turning from the left lane (and risking 4-wheelers passing on the right during the turn - a "buttonhook" doesn't give enough clearance).

      Someone had a flat tire, and had called the auto club. Due to crowded parking lots, the auto club guy had them pull into the left edge of the driveway (as seen by vehicles entering). He then pulled in beside the vehicle with the flat, so 2 vehicle widths of the driveway were used up.

      Cue my arrival in the Peterbilt of Natural Selection. Due to weight and balance issues, I had the bogie as far forward as was legal (i.e. allows tighter than normal turns). Despite turning from the left lane, I was barely able to clear both the auto club's compact pickup and the telephone pole. Needless to say, I had a few choice words with the moron from the auto club about how he needed to park in a place that didn't obstruct trucks. He was STILL THERE after I had dropped my trailer.

      Looking back, I should have pulled up nose-to-nose with him, and told him that he would be moving NOW - his choice of gas or diesel.
      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


      • #4
        I hate creeps in general, but I especially hate creeps who go around trying to intimidate others by following/acting like they are following you, harrassing, etc etc.

        People who get off on scaring and freaking others out need to be locked in a closet with the real boogeyman (or Tom Cruise), and never let out.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          It never ceases to amuse me when I get some tiny little hatchback tailgating my big honkin' jeep on the highway. If there's an accident, my car will likely come out with nary a dent and theirs will be crumpled like used tin foil. (No joke; a friend with the same model and year as us was rear-ended by a tiny car. The tiny car was completely trashed, while the friend's jeep got away with a couple scrapes in the paint.)

          Quoth blas View Post
          People who get off on scaring and freaking others out need to be locked in a closet with the real boogeyman (or Tom Cruise), and never let out.
          Oh dear, I can't decide which is worse.
          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


          • #6
            What jaskasses. I would have tried to get their license plate and still call the police. I'm sure there's something they can be nailed with if they weren't letting you leave and harassing you.


            • #7
              People who get off on scaring and freaking others out need to be locked in a closet with the real boogeyman (or Tom Cruise), and never let out.
              *giggles madly* or they could listen to one of charlie sheen's rants about how he deserves more cash.

              that aside; they were assholish creeps and what they did should be reported if you get a license plate.
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                If you'd gotten a shot at the front of thier car with your rear bumper, a good hard tap would probably blow their airbags. They would not have been able to follow you.

                While I would never, ever suggest anyone do this just to be a jerk or to "teach someone a lesson", if you are a woman (or a man) alone at night being threatened, you have to do what you have to do to avoid being victimized. This would be an easy way to disable their car while you made your getaway.

                If it's any consolation, one day they're probably going to pull that on someone who is armed and scared enough to be dangerous.

                A guy on a MOPED tried to intimidate me once while I was driving a van. A MOPED. I'm not sure I would have even felt it had he hit me.


                • #9
                  I can't remember exactly who it was (I want to say protege but I could be wrong) but they had a ditty on here about being bullied on the road, and the person approaching their vehicle actually turning around and leaving because they thought that person was pulling a gun out of a compartment in the car.

                  I'm not condoning breaking laws or anything, but it wouldn't hurt to make it *look* like you're attempting to retrieve a weapon stashed in your car. Or just have something legal. Or sharp, on hand at all times.

                  I'm such a scaredy cat that I'll put my car in gear even if I'm not ready to leave. Why? Because all the doors lock, I just leave my foot on the brake if I'm not ready to leave yet. As soon as I put it back in park, they unlock.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    I haven't tried this yet, but one trick I've had in mind would be to take out my camera phone (which has a flash so it's obvious) and snap a picture of them. Would probably scare them off.


                    • #11
                      Quoth blas View Post
                      I'm such a scaredy cat that I'll put my car in gear even if I'm not ready to leave. Why? Because all the doors lock, I just leave my foot on the brake if I'm not ready to leave yet. As soon as I put it back in park, they unlock.
                      My mom's car, a '97 Ford Explorer, does that. It's really cool, you shift into Drive and suddenly there's a loud "KA-CHONK!" from all four doors and the tailgate. My new Subaru doesn't, and I wish it did.

                      There's usually a button or a switch on the door somewhere that accomplishes the same thing, though. Why not just use that?


                      • #12
                        That's a great idea, too. I pulled out a cell phone one night on my way back home late one night when I had some assholes tailgating me and the minute it lit up, they screeched to a halt, turned down a side road, and hauled ass.

                        I don't think that was a coincidence.


                        • #13
                          My old car didn't do that, I've only had this one for a little over 6 months.

                          My old car had manual everything, and since I'm almost always alone, all the other doors were always locked, I'd just slide the driver's side lock down as soon as I got inside. It made me feel safer.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            I wonder how this automatic locking of the car doors act if there's an accident. I know for sure that rescuers curse those locked doors.


                            • #15
                              I don't know why some people act like asses in their cars. And you're right, it always seems to be the little itty-bity cars; is this like some sort of penis-substitution-reverse psychology ploy? And the THINGS they do to those cars; they sound like they're farting down the road and have rims worth more than the entire vehicle and sound systems that will make your spleen burst.
                              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

