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BMW asshatery

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  • BMW asshatery

    Recently I have had two encounters with jerks who can't comprehend the words "DO NOT ENTER."

    The first asshole tired to enter the clearly one lane wide exit road from a local strip mall. I was third in line to try to exit with several cars behind me. This asshat blocked a lane of traffic while he honked the horn to try to get us to all back up and let him in. It didn't work and a minute later angrily backed off and sped away.

    The 2nd one was the real winner. I am driving in a parking lot that is one way and angled spaces to make it so you can only enter them going the right direction. I count at least FOUR "DO NOT ENTER" signs and painted arrows indicating this. Mr. Black BMW driving asshat comes flying around the corner, the wrong way, nearly hitting me.

    I hit the brakes and lay on the horn. Mr. Asshat stops a few feet form my car.

    M: .....
    M: .....
    MRAH: *leans out window, holding phone* Helllo!!! I try to find a f***ng parking space and you blocking me in!
    M: You going the wrong way!
    MRAH: No I'm not! I drive a F***ing BMW, I think I can drive!

    By now a line of cars was behind me, and no way were 5-10 cars going backup up a few hundred feet onto a main road to let this asshat by.


    Out of nowhere a stereotypical bouncer looking guy appears.

    MRAH: *looks*
    BLG: Hey, back the BMW up and leave. You can't drive, and you're a idiot. We're not moving!

    The BMW drives backs up, and speeds thru the parking lot, honking and head directly for the exit. At the exit, i hear them revving the engine and feebly attempts to spin the tires as they leave, but all the get is ONE little tiny chirp.

  • #2
    Ok say it with me "Fancy/expensive things are useless if you do not know how to use them."
    Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


    • #3
      Quoth mattm04 View Post
      I drive a F***ing BMW, I think I can drive!
      Buford: Ya thought wrong, dude!!!

      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        Quoth mattm04 View Post
        The BMW drives backs up, and speeds thru the parking lot, honking and head directly for the exit. At the exit, i hear them revving the engine and feebly attempts to spin the tires as they leave, but all the get is ONE little tiny chirp.
        I've had BMW owners get upset with me because I won't let them merge in front of me. Well, what do you expect when they go roaring past a line of traffic and attempt to force their way in? Anyway, when the parkway ramp I was sitting on, was backed up with traffic awhile back, some asshole in a 5-series took the cake. He pulled up next to me...and started revving his engine We're not going anywhere--there are cars ahead of me, cars ahead of him, and he's revving his engine. Again, At least I got to see what happened next--as he's trying to show off, he revved it high, sidestepped the clutch...lurched forward (luckily without rear-ending the truck ahead of him), and then promptly stalled! Now that truly made my morning

        But, later in the day, I got to see another BMW driver make an ass out of himself. That afternoon, it had started to snow a bit. Not enough, but enough to make the roads interesting. As I'm coming up one of the main roads, I was in the left lane. Traffic was backed up in the right lane, because a truck broke down. Most people saw this, and moved over when they could. Not the douche in the BMW. He insisted on roaring up the right lane...not seeing the truck until it was too late He locked up the brakes, and slid right into it! How he missed seeing a semi, the police cars, etc. I'll never know. I do know, that when I passed...the city cop was ripping him a new one. Serves him right.

        These are only two of what I call "little dick syndrome/expensive car syndrome." These people just have to show off for some reason or another. They're simply feeling inadequate, and have to 'compensate' somehow. It's not on the road either--I've ranted before about the idiots who buy a new Mercedes or Porsche...and then enter it in the local car show. I could understand if it was a classic 300SL ('gullwings' are cool), or a little 356. But, a new car? What's the point, other than to show off that you have more money than brains?
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

