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Memorial Weekend Mayhem

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  • Memorial Weekend Mayhem

    I am really starting to not like holiday weekends...

    For Memorial Day weekend, we were doing a donation thing where you paid .99 and we donated a 2 pack of cookies to the veterans (be it VFW or Veteran's Hospital). Many people were more than happy to donate, others, not so much. The gist of it was:
    -No thanks (not bad)
    -Not today (again, not bad)
    -Why in the world would I do that!? What did they ever do for me? (You mean, besides fight for your freedom, and in most cases die or get very injured in the process? Apparently nothing, take your booze and leave please)
    -I don't believe in the war! (Well ma'am, in all honesty neither do I, but I still support the troops and think they deserve a freakin cookie)
    -Why?! so Obama can take them and eat them all? (I....I really don't know what to say to that one....wha....what?!)

    ID Hell (Why!!!!!!!!??????)
    Once again, people are too stupid to understand IF YOU LOOK UNDER 30 YEARS OLD, I'M GONNA FREAKIN CARD YA! Had two of them tonight turn into evil ones. One was a guy, slightly older looking but not really 30 looking come in to get booze along with his girlfriend who, I swear, looked to be almost 16. I asked for his ID, he went out to his car to find it and realized he didn't have, thus I refused the sale. He starts going off that I sold him booze earlier in the week and didn't card him. I told him honestly that I didn't remember him (I mean, c'mon, I get hundreds of people through there, how in the world am I supposed to remember you if you came in ONCE before?) So of course, he gets pissy and leaves with this gem: "I'm probably older than you. At least stay consistent you fat bitch!" All of this in front of children as well. Well, guess what buddy? I have the right to refuse service to anyone and next time you come in, I'm refusing ya.

    The other one was about the same, but thankfully he at least kept his comments to himself and just huffed as he left.

    Bonus: Not a suck. One of the ones who I wrote about in a previous thread that did basically the same thing as the first guy, her husband actually came in the next night and apologized to me about their behavior. I told it was fine, explained the look 30 rule and he understood completely, so at least that ended well.

    "This is inconvienent!"
    "I want my stuff free!"
    Guy comes in, on the phone no less, and orders a few paninis and a few smoothies. My co-worker informs the guy that he is in the process of cleaning the machine and it would take nearly 15 minutes for it to reheat back to cooking heat. Guy gets pissed and tells him to just make his smoothies. Now, still on the phone, he comes up to pay.

    Me: Hello
    SC: Yeah, this is really inconvienent, can I get my smoothies for free (said in a VERY nasty tone)
    Me: I'm sorry sir, but only managers are authorized to give out freebies and I am not one of them. *begin ringing up his smoothies, 24oz)
    SC: *looks at the screen* Can't you just charge me for the 16oz then?
    ME: *inward sigh* Again, no, I can not do that.
    SC: Well you know what, forget the damn things then, since you're being such a fucking bitch!
    ME: Excuse me?
    SC: Fuck off!

    Yeah, real charming there bud. Yes, peel out of the parking lot in your Mustang, cause that makes you seem even more charming. Asshole. You want convienence? Go to fucking McDonald's!

    The good: had a pretty good couple of conversations with a few regulars that made me feel better after the bitch comments and even had a pretty good argument about the merits of NASCAR and the introduction of Toyota into that with a local cop. I hope he stops in more often, cause it would make things so much easier with him sitting there. We got a good laugh as one guy rushed to buy booze before the deadline. Made it with one minute to spare.

    Also got to call in a drunk driver the other night. Guy weaved his way up to the pump (nearly taking it out and nearly giving me a heart attack), came in, both he and his passenger REEKED of booze and then attempted to take the pump out as he left. So, I phoned our lovely PD and informed them of the vehicle and their license plates and I do hope they caught them in enough time.

    I quote Clerks here when I say: "Bunch of savages in this town." Now it's off to make breakfast, go to bed, and enjoy my one night off this week. *sigh* I need a drink...or two...or a whole bottle of liquor, whichever I can afford....
    Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

    "I put the laughter in slaughter."

  • #2
    Quoth Tithera View Post
    I am really starting to not like holiday weekends...

    For Memorial Day weekend, we were doing a donation thing where you paid .99 and we donated a 2 pack of cookies to the veterans (be it VFW or Veteran's Hospital). Many people were more than happy to donate, others, not so much. The gist of it was:
    -Why in the world would I do that!? What did they ever do for me? (You mean, besides fight for your freedom, and in most cases die or get very injured in the process? Apparently nothing, take your booze and leave please)
    -I don't believe in the war! (Well ma'am, in all honesty neither do I, but I still support the troops and think they deserve a freakin cookie)
    Yeah, I agree with the last one, but OTOH ... this is not longer the late 1960s; how about at least some empathy for the people who are actually over there in the middle of it, even if you don't agree with the war as a whole ...

    As for the first one, good gawd ... must be a tough job, being the absolute centre of the universe ...

    Quoth Tithera View Post
    -Why?! so Obama can take them and eat them all?
    It's ... it's ... COOKIE-GATE!!

    As for the guy with the food order ... or non-order, as it turned out ... even McDonald's has to clean their cooking equipment sometime ... kinda makes me wonder what his living quarters look like.


    • #3
      Methboozelah gets carded. Kwitcherbitchin.
      I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
      Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
      Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


      • #4
        Quoth Tithera View Post
        I am really starting to not like holiday weekends...

        For Memorial Day weekend, we were doing a donation thing where you paid .99 and we donated a 2 pack of cookies to the veterans (be it VFW or Veteran's Hospital). Many people were more than happy to donate, others, not so much.
        -I don't believe in the war! (Well ma'am, in all honesty neither do I, but I still support the troops and think they deserve a freakin cookie)
        Those who gave some would echo that statement, not believing in war, because they have been in the position to see the horror first hand.
        "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


        • #5
          "I'm sorry, these cookies don't go to support the war efforts. Unless I make them, these cookies wouldn't make very good ammo."

          "I'm sorry you don't support the troops who'd rather being doing anything other than going to war in a country far, far, away."

          "I'm sorry, but when did we start sending the disabled or injured to war?"

          "I'm sorry, we don't have tinfoil hats that come in your paranoia's size."
          If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.

