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Summer time FUN (for the guests, not us)

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  • Summer time FUN (for the guests, not us)

    What a week. What is up with these weirdos. Is there something in the air? Not enough oxygen to their brain. IDK. Heat is boiling their heads.

    Well we have been getting slammed all week, not good. Some of the SCs during the daytime have spilled into the night.

    First I get a check in who is unhappy about some water in the bathroom. Duh, it's a bathroom. Water will be there. Well anyway, he says it was on the floor. I didn't see if he were trying to tell the truth or not. He had a fit when there was no other room and another one when the beds weren't as big as he thought they ought to be. Okkkk....

    Then I get a man on the phone who has a total stroke because I don't know the size of the rooms. As in the exact square footage. What am I, the architect? Snarling and frothing at the mouth ensues. Fun.....

    Then I get a Bimbo who snaps at me across the room to help her get into the lobby bathrooms. Because I was helping a politer lady and NOT her, she declares loudly that this is "the worst customer service she'd ever had" to everyone there; no one even glances over at her. Okkk....

    But that's nothing compared to a drunken wedding guest who decided he hasn't had enough fun and pulled the fire alarm. Which set off blaring alarms everywhere, at 2 in the morning. Ensue snapping other guests who were woken up out of dead sleep. Ensue fire department coming to turn off the alarm. Ensue handcuffs being slapped on the perpetrator (pulling an alarm without a real fire is a misdemeanor, I think) and him cackling loudly while being hauled away. He'd probably remember nothing in the morning. Meanwhile refunds for all like it's 1999.

    Oh yeah, and this is from my CW, he got thrown up on by a drunken guest during check in. Disgusting! That almost happened to me. I think that would've thrown up too. We have a desk that's separates us from the guests, so I guess it was was projectilve vomit. Someone call the exorcist?

    Then there was the group of guys who decided to have their own Fight Club in fron of our entryway. Police and ambulance for everyone. Yeah they were guests.

    Last one, this is kinda gross, not really sucky. :\ Well this giggly girl and her BF (I think) came by the front desk and they were wetting their pants about seeing some mattresses in the back. Yeah they were high or something IDK. Anyway, the girl was waving around an empty water bottle while explaining to me, and she asked me, through fits of laughter, to get her another water bottle. I say okay and go to the back. When I come back, they are holding each other up, just in stitches. (She had one of those annoying giggles too) I give her the full water, and they leaves. A few mintues later, I pass by EXACTLY where the girl had been standing and see a puddle of urine! Yes she had literally wet her pants laughing so hard. Well, she was wearing a skirt, but you get my point. Um, ok. I left it for the Janitor to clean up. Gross.

    I'm excited to see what the rest of the summer will bring! *goes and throws self of a cliff*
    Can't reason with the unreasonable.
    The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

  • #2
    Pulling a false fire alarm? Jeez, some people. Maybe I'm an ass, but I suggest your company sue him for all the refunds. Shouldn't even be a hard case, especially if he's getting charged with malicious false fire alarm.


    • #3
      Quoth BearLeeBadenaugh View Post
      Pulling a false fire alarm? Jeez, some people. Maybe I'm an ass, but I suggest your company sue him for all the refunds. Shouldn't even be a hard case, especially if he's getting charged with malicious false fire alarm.
      I like this idea! His stupid antics cost you a lot of revenue, and he should be soundly punished (yes, even more than jail time; someone like him needs to be hit in the wallet, as well).

      Projectile vomit? Urinating on the floor? Are you running a hotel or a preschool?! (Let me guess: the answer is "yes". )

      Please do not throw yourself off a cliff. I think I can find a good trebuchet; let's hurl these imbeciles off the cliff instead.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Quoth BearLeeBadenaugh View Post
        Pulling a false fire alarm? Jeez, some people. Maybe I'm an ass, but I suggest your company sue him for all the refunds. Shouldn't even be a hard case, especially if he's getting charged with malicious false fire alarm.

        That would definitely be a case of "let the punishment fit the crime."

        And watch to see if he's still cackling after he got that hefty bill . . . I think not.

        As for all the other fruitcakes, where'd they all come from? A taping of "Jerry Springer?"?
        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


        • #5
          Holy crap Minion. That's a hell of a week. I think the intense heat that is this summer is starting to fry peoples brains.


          • #6
            Or whatever they had that passed for them
            I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

            Who is John Galt?
            -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

