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Crazy week and it's only Wednesday

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  • Crazy week and it's only Wednesday

    It's only Wednesday, but I was so ready to have today off. This week has already been crazy and it's only half over.

    "You have to sell me those lotto tickets!"

    bg I occasionally work in customer service, and when we accidentally print out a lotto ticket a customer doesn't want, we set it to the side and try to sell it to someone else. If, by the time customer service closes, they don't get sold, then we just leave it for the person in the cash office to take care of. After customer service closes, we don't go back behind the desk for any reason other than cigarettes. We can't allow you to send or receive money, pay bills, buy lotto, etc. We have a lotto machine if you really want to buy a lotto ticket and we will sometimes do returns at a register if we want to be nice. We don't sell the extra printed lotto tickets because it's policy or something could happen and we may end up not getting credit for selling that ticket or what have you.

    There's this regular that comes in all the time and buys lotto tickets. He's very very talkative and will talk to random people he doesn't know and start up political conversations with people that have no interest in talking political. He's come up in line for customer service and people give me strange looks and I can tell they're uncomfortable with him and his rants/antics. end bg

    I don't remember when this particular incident happened but it was either Saturday or Sunday. It was an hour and half after customer service closed and he asked the manager if he could buy the lottery ticket sitting behind the counter. My floor supervisor comes up and tells him no and the manager backs her up. I'm working at self checkout and he comes up a minute or two later and starts ranting and raving to me about how it's bad business to not sell stuff to customers even if it's against policy and just going on and on. I try to tell him it's policy and that's just the way it is but he keeps going on. He stops when I go to help another customer. When I'm done helping that customer, I can tell he's about to start up again. I look at him and said very firmly, if not a little annoyed, "I'm not discussing this with you anymore. If they said no, the answer's no" and walked off. I just couldn't deal with his rants anymore.

    Tomato woes

    Monday night I was working self-checkout again, and for some reason I passed by register 3 and the cashier was having some trouble. The customer said that these grape tomatoes were supposed to be 3.29 so I called produce. He told me the tomatoes were 3.99. I told the customer this and she asked if we could charge her for the tomatoes that were 3.29. I used the general produce code and typed in 3.29 for her. She went to get the tomatoes and came back to the front upset. She had brought back a sign that said the grape tomatoes were 2.99. She also said she understood I couldn't just take her word for it that they were cheaper, but that I should've provide better customer service somehow. I politely told her I did what I could, I called produce, they're the ones that told me the grape tomatoes were 3.99. I didn't tell her this, but if I'm working self-checkout, I can't just walk around where ever I want and produce is in the far back corner of the store. This was during a busy time of day.

    "I can't tell which OJ goes with which sign"

    This is the crazy one. The one that really baffles me. I was working at....can you guess??? Self check out again! YAY for self check out!

    Customer came through self checkout with a couple of gallons of store brand orange juice and a few other things.

    SC: This orange juice is supposed to be 1.99 a gallon.
    Me: It's probably the half gallon that's 1.99.
    SC: It said 64 oz. This gallon is 64oz right?
    Me: I don't think so but I'm not sure.
    I was having a brain fart and wasn't sure off the top of my head but I knew the gallon sized orange juice wasn't that cheap. She started looking on the label to see if it said anywhere how many ounces a gallon of OJ was. We didn't see it anywhere. My floor supervisor wanders over
    Me: [FP] a gallon of OJ, how much is it? Do you know?
    FP: No but we can call dairy and find out.
    SC to my FP: Is this 64oz?
    FP: I think so.....well actually I'm not sure.
    FP calls dairy and then wanders off while I was waiting on them to call me back. It was taking a little while, so I grab someone else that knew how to do SCO and handed them the handheld while I went to check. When I got back there, the guy in the dairy department had the bottom half of the tag for the half gallon and it said 1.99. He had gotten confused and thought the tags were expired. I took the tags and double checked. The gallon sized OJ had a size that was very obviously in front of them that said 3.89. I headed back to the front
    Me to SC: Mam the sign in front of the gallon OJ said 3.89.
    SC: No it didn't. I remember it said 1.99.
    Me: No mam the sign said 3.89 and it was right in front of the gallon
    SC: hrmf whatever. I'll pay and we'll go check
    While she's paying, I kind of stand to the side and wait for her so I can show her. She pushes her stuff to the side and we head to the OJ
    Me: See mam. It's right here, the 3.89 is right in front of the gallons
    SC: You must've ripped the 1.99 signs off
    they were in my hand from when my coworker ripped them off.
    Me: No mam, these were from in front of the half gallon
    I point out where it was ripped off and you can tell they were ripped off in front of the half gallon. She seemed to accept it and we headed back to the front. On the way there she tells me this gem
    SC: Well you must've switched them then
    Me: Um, no mam I didn't.
    Yea because you know...I'd intentionally switch signs just to screw with customers.
    Last edited by pltkcelestial18; 09-19-2013, 03:34 PM.

  • #2
    a gallon is 128 oz. The things you remember from culinary arts 30+ years ago.


    • #3
      Sigh, hate customers that accuse workers of ripping them off. Why would we care, that's the store's money not ours.

