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The dreaded phrase

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  • The dreaded phrase

    ******* WARNING DO NOT turn this thread into a tipping debate. Take that to Fratching ***********

    That rears its ugly head when we have inclement or nasty weather.

    it has been COLD and I mean COLD the last couple of days here in NE Cheeseheadland. so much so that 90% of all school districts in the state closed for 2 days. air temps even during the day only got up to maybe -12F with the night air temps -20F not factoring in the wind chill of -50F.

    YES I am a pizza delivery driver and YES I have had to work the last couple of nights of sheer extream bone-chilling cold.

    I heard that we were colder than Alaska the last 2 days.

    (end BG)

    I will compile about 7 customers into one because I had the EXACT same conversation with all of them.

    ME: your friendly neighborhood FROZEN like ice pizza delivery driver
    DAC: bust bunny for brains customer who "Likes to be funny"

    ME: <getting out of my warm car and running up to the door and knocking on the door>. Good evening. Did you folks order from <pizza place>???
    DAC: Sure did. What is the total again???
    ME: <gives total>
    DAC: OK here is $$s <then starts to slowly count out the coin change to the exact penny>
    ME: < takes bills and change and hands them their order>
    DAC: BRRRRRRRRR BOY IS IT COLD OUT HERE!!!!!! <optional GOD why are you even out on a night like this>>>> Welp STAY WARM and drive safe. <closes the door in my face>

    HMMMMMM. why oh why must you make a BIG point of pointing out the OBVIOUS you moron. YES it is colder than <insert your favorite cold as phrase clean or not so clean>. YES I AM COLD>>>> YES THE WIND IS BLOWING STRONG SO IT IS EVEN COLDER you jackass. YES you are sitting in your nice WARM house and I am out in the BITTER cold. couldn't be more OBVIOUS JERKFACE.
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

  • #2
    I would have tipped you big time if I ordered today or yesterday. And no coins. Promise.


    • #3
      This is why I have no plans to order pizza this week. If it's too damn cold for me to go out, I sure as hell won't make a pizza delivery person do it! Yes, I know they may be working, but I'm not going to add to that.
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        Ordered pizza last night. Guy shows up and I said "I don't envy you." Just wanted to acknowledge his crappy working conditions. I gave him what I thought was a pretty decent tip. He looked kinda surprised when I thanked him and headed back without asking for change.

        Dunno. I drove years ago and hardly ever order pizza.
        I'd tell you where to go, but I work there and I don't want to see you everyday.

        My photo blog.


        • #5
          Former pizza driver here.

          It never got down below 0 degrees F when I was working, but we had some below-freezing days and some serious snowstorms in northern Utah. Six inches of accumulation on the streets? Plows too busy with the freeways to even bother with the main roads in town, let alone the residential areas? Sure! We'll still deliver!

          I liked taking calls those nights.
          Me: Will that be for pickup or delivery?
          Caller: Oh, delivery! Definitely! You'd have to be crazy to go driving in this!
          Me: Indeed we are. And what would you like on your pizza?

          Never even seemed to cross the minds of most customers that SOMEBODY has to drive in order to get the pizza from one place to another. I usually got tipped rather well in bad weather, though, so I didn't complain too much.

          Racket_Man, for what they're worth, you have my sympathies.
          I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
          - Bill Watterson

          My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
          - IPF


          • #6
            At least DAC gave you a tip! (Seriously when I was little I thought that was literally how you "tip" someone like that)


            • #7
              I wasn't so sure Racket Man got a tip on this one as it wasn't stated in the conversation exchange?
              All I gathered was the the door in the face gesture...and being really funny.

              EDIT: Oh, sorry Estil, I get it now! Sad.
              Last edited by Firecrackers Not Included; 01-08-2014, 06:15 AM.


              • #8
                SpottedPlayingTiles Pizza here in the UK ran a small (and ultimately futile) promo stating that if it snowed, you could claim a freebie with your order.

                I just stared at the email which contained the promo coupon, and wondered exactly which office-based moron thought it was a clever idea to encourage the deaths of their delivery-persons by making it more attractive to order during inclement weather...
                This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
                I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


                • #9
                  Quoth Firecrackers Not Included View Post
                  I wasn't so sure Racket Man got a tip on this one as it wasn't stated in the conversation exchange?
                  All I gathered was the the door in the face gesture...and being really funny.

                  EDIT: Oh, sorry Estil, I get it now! Sad.
                  Yeah, a couple more examples of that classic joke:

                  Ninja Turtles cartoon (1987-96 one)
                  **In this episode Michelangelo takes a part time pizza delivery job**
                  Vernon: I suppose you want a tip huh?
                  Mikey: Nawww!!!
                  Vernon: Well here's one anyway, get a new job! *slams door*

                  Full House (forget episode)
                  Kimmy (with Danny's mail): Mail call for Danny Tanner!
                  Danny: ......
                  Kimmy: Wha, no tip?
                  Danny: Here's a tip, stay out of my mailbox!


                  • #10
                    I was craving pizza on the coldest night but told hubby that I felt bad for the person who'd have to deliver it. I waited until the next night and gave a very nice tip.

