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This is ridiculous!

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  • This is ridiculous!

    So our casino got a coinstar instead of us having to run tons of money ourselves. There is a fee now. And if you're a high roller we waive it. I personally LOVE it. We would run several hundred dollars for people, never got tipped, and you wouldn't believe the shit we pulled out of people's bags. Teeth, weed, bullets, etc

    So now we have a machine outside. People get furious when they find out that they have to run the coin themselves and pay a fee. Me? I'm like:

    They have no idea how much work went into running their money, changing bags, pulling the shit out that they gave us and it was a thankless job. (Speaking of a thankless job been there over 10+ years and still don't make a dollar more than what I started there at) so forgive me if I think doing less work is awesome.

    They get charged 3% which is a hell of a lot lower than other places. If they have a few dollars in quarters or something like that I will take it in my till but I can't fit tons of coin and I will tell them.

    So this guy comes up with a HUGE bag of coin.

    me: Sir, we now have a self serve coinstar machine right over there.

    SC: *Stares at me and pushes bag at me*

    I push it back (this went on for a few pushes back and forth)

    Me: Sir as I SAID we no longer have a machine to run coin. It is impossible for me to run your coin but you can run it right over there in that machine.

    SC; I have to do it myself???

    Gets all butthurt and goes over to the machine. Runs the coin and then brings the slip to me. He got charged like 2 or three dollars.

    SC: This is ridiculous! I had to do it myself AND get charged! Wow you people really know how to rip someone off! I get the change out of your machines, you should have to take it back!!! I will NOT be coming back. I'm going to blank blank casino!

    Me: Okay.

    Then I pay him and he leaves all angry. I am the middle man. I just pay I don't make these decisions. After they start yelling at me I no longer want to be nice and don't really care of the threat of "I won't be back." Guess who cashed out later? Yeah lies!

    This this lady comes up. We have a HATE relationship. We got off on the wrong foot one day and sadly she's a regular. I helped her once by counting some fives and she was a bitch then too.

    She gives me her ticket and I count out her fives (SLOWLY cuz I think that was the problem last time she couldn't keep up with me)

    Then she puts a bag of coin on the counter. I mentally groan.

    I give her the spiel about how we now have a coinstar, etc

    Oh man, if looks could kill.

    SC: What else can't YOU do?

    She acted as if I did it to her personally. Like I saw her coming, rubbed my fake mustache on the ends and planned it. (btw I am a chick so yeah no mustache here!)

    SC: This is absurd! *bitches and moans for awhile*

    She wanders off and I help a nice gentleman behind her. Turns out to be her hubbie. I see them wander off to the machine and then I hear: "Oh my god! I have to do it myself AND they charge!"

    I kind of giggled cuz its hard to care when they're assholes. Also, I could've told her if she was a high roller we'd waive the fee but guess what? If you're being a jerk I'm not saying a goddamn word. Also, found out later she didn't qualify anyway so...

    I had several transactions until I got to her. She was downright pissed.

    SC: I won't ever be doing this again! I can't believe this! Letting YOU get even lazier. Don't worry I'm sure the machines will take over your jobs and you won't have to worry about this any longer.

    Me: I don't know what to tell you. The banks started to charge so the CASINO made the choice. Have a good day.

    SC: *nostrils flaring* What did you say to me?

    Me: have a good day?

    SC: growls and goes away and stares at me for an hour from a machine close by. I hate this lady. She is soo sweet with the other cashiers but I bring the bad out in her.

  • #2
    It sounds like the Coinstar Machine was put in specifically _because_ these morons were causing all sorts of havoc with you and your co-workers before. And, horror of horrors, they now think _they're_ the ones being punished for no good reason!

    How much whining from the sucktomers before:

    a) the fee gets waved?
    b) the machine gets removed and you go back to the old way?

    Hopefully management will stick to it's guns. And get a big sign posted, not that these idiots will actually read it or anything...


    • #3
      Nah: manglement will make a policy that the fee is waived if (and only if) the coins are redeemed as casino chips.
      Seshat's self-help guide:
      1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
      2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
      3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
      4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

      "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


      • #4
        They can't go back to the old way because they gave the machine away to another department and I doubt they will take it back. The fee waiving is only like .22 cents sometimes and its so stupid. Other times people are like: wow, cool look at this!

        I do think it sucks that everything charges you nowadays but unfortunately we were behind on times and are almost the last one to do this. People were using us for their personal businesses and never intended to play at the casino at all. They would turn in 1000's of coins from their laundry businesses and stuff. So I Guess we got tired of being used?

        Also the bank charges us for money that we turn in. Also why we don't have dimes. The casino gets charged. Now will I get a raise out of this? NO. Dunno where the new money is going but it's not to help the workers.


        • #5
          Quoth Anakah View Post
          (Speaking of a thankless job been there over 10+ years and still don't make a dollar more than what I started there at)
          Ten years and not a single raise? Not even for cost of living? That's not right. I'd be looking for a better job elsewhere.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            The good news

            Quoth Anakah View Post
            Dunno where the new money is going but it's not to help the workers.
            However, since the new policy makes money for management there is little reason for them to go back to the old way that did cost them some money.

            So they save on the bank charges, and make money on the Coin-Star > Double Bonus!

            I think the coin machine is there to stay.


            • #7
              It amuses me that these are people who just gambled. They came into a place where they always take the chance of losing money, and are mad because now they have to pay a small fee if they want their coins changed. Boo-freaking-hoo.
              Replace anger management with stupidity management.


              • #8
                Quoth Anakah View Post

                SC: What else can't YOU do?

                Give birth

                Care about your ego...

                Any other questions?

                Note that I didn't say "murder"
                - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                • #9
                  Quoth XCashier View Post
                  Ten years and not a single raise? Not even for cost of living? That's not right. I'd be looking for a better job elsewhere.
                  Why are you still there?
                  Thank you for calling Card Services, how may I take your abuse today? ~Headset Hellion


                  • #10
                    That woman was a bully! I had one in Land of Quid. Nice to everyone else, but not to me. She wasn't ever overly rude, just abrupt and would never say hello when I said it to her, or say please and thank you, or respond to my goodbye. The other cashiers? Well, she suddenly found her manners with them. I'm guessing I did something she didn't like and just never forgot it. Some people hold the most ridiculous grudges...

                    And what's with people blaming US for something our company has done? I hate that more than anything. And they always get personal.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Anakah View Post
                      She is soo sweet with the other cashiers but I bring the bad out in her.
                      Too bad you can't always palm her off on CW's
                      I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                      Who is John Galt?
                      -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                      • #12
                        Quoth Anakah View Post
                        I do think it sucks that everything charges you nowadays but unfortunately we were behind on times and are almost the last one to do this. People were using us for their personal businesses and never intended to play at the casino at all. They would turn in 1000's of coins from their laundry businesses and stuff. So I Guess we got tired of being used?
                        This explains the new policy. If others are using your casino as a free change cashing place then this was _their_fault!

                        Quoth Anakah View Post
                        Also why we don't have dimes. The casino gets charged. Now will I get a raise out of this? NO. Dunno where the new money is going but it's not to help the workers.
                        Of course not, it's for managers to get more perks! Exactly the same where I work...


                        • #13
                          Quoth notalwaysright View Post
                          It amuses me that these are people who just gambled. They came into a place where they always take the chance of losing money, and are mad because now they have to pay a small fee if they want their coins changed. Boo-freaking-hoo.
                          This is what I was thinking, too.

                          I also hate the automatic assumption that you are getting a raise. That kind of thinking makes my blood boil. Every time the cost of the newspaper goes up we get that same comment from customers, and the fact is we haven't had a raise in five years (and it was all of 1 percent). Our pay doesn't go up when the cost of the product does; the rise in price pays for the rise in cost of materials.
                          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                          • #14
                            I so prefer the coin machine to taking in coin. Sure, as a bank, we required the coin be rolled unless there wasn't enough to make a roll, but the rolls were always off. So, we had to either keep the rolls all together until we had a chance to check the count of each and every one ourselves so we could credit/debit the difference to the customer's account, or we had to take a shortage/overage for "rolled coin". Having my drawer off was the worst thing, even when management wasn't too concerned for under $5 when it was due to coin, but we just didn't have the time to check every roll all the time.

