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do you have any coooopons?

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  • do you have any coooopons?

    I work in a department store and on a slow day I may deal with hundreds of customers. 97 percent of these customers before I can even greet them ask me some form of 'do you have cooopons'. ugh! my favorite one is 'I have a birthday coupon at home, can you take it off my purchase anyway?' or 'I have a silver card, that means Im entitled to a coupon everyday' and the generic 'I got the coupon in my mailbox but I didnt bring it, do you have one to use?'

    we do often have a coupon laying around that can be used, but why would I go out of my way to get someone a good deal when they have been otherwise nasty and hateful, and definitely neglectful as they had their own coupon but didnt bring it, but is instead banking on me to remember to bring my personal coupons in order to get them a good deal. sometimes if I am in a good mood I will scan my coupon for them

    There is this one lady, who claims to be on this 'list' that says she's allowed to use expired coupons. her coupons arent a week or two or even 3 out of date... they are months out of date. If she comes into the store in July, I can guarantee she will have the black friday ad trying to use it. there is no excuse for her not to have a coupon. We have a phone app, text, facebook, and email coupons. she can utilize snip snap or retail me not on her phone. instead, she holds coupons for ideal times to use them, which is usually when they are not to be used, for instance, there will never be an extra 20 percent off clearance prices when clearance is already half off. whenever somebody calls the manager they okay it and tell her they will do it just this once and of course she tells them about the 'list' that nobody seems to know about. If this woman is receiving her mail over six months past due, she needs to be more concerned and not just worried about her store coupons. If this lady comes in again, I am not calling my manager or a floor manager, I am going to call the loss prevention manager, and then she will most certainly get put on a list, but not one that she wants....

    Anyway, I guess the point I want to make about the coupons is that my pay is directly affected by how much money I make. I do not make commission, but we are expected to perform to a certain degree, or next time evaluations come around I will get a pay cut. I am not willing to risk my pay by giving undeserving customers coupons and discounts. I am not without integrity, if a customer presents their valid coupon, I will apply it, as they are more smart and clever than most other shoppers. I wont pretend like their coupon doesnt work , or make a frowny face or whatnot.

    One day I did an experiment and did not offer customers the use of my coupon out of courtesy to see if they purchased more or less without the coupon. some people dont want to spend the 'extra' money and leave with nothing or less than they originally wanted. um no, those customers still spent money and I made a grand more than I normally made. so yeah, they wont be getting anymore freebies for sure from me anymore.

  • #2
    The people I love, and by "love" I mean "want to kill violently with a chainsaw" are the people who spend enough to use their $X off a $Y purchase loyalty coupon, return part of their purchase, and then argue they should get their coupon back because they technically didn't spend enough to use it.

    They always get it back because "we aren't going to argue with a customer over $5/$10/whatever." Don't know how the service desk people make this happen though; the actual coupon is torn up and discarded after the initial purchase.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      IPF, the way I see it the only way they should be getting a replacement coupon is as part of an "unwind" of the coupon use. Let's assume the coupon is for $10 off a $50 purchase. They make a $60 purchase and use the coupon, then return an item worth $15.

      Because ($60 total - $15 returned item) is less than the $50 minimum for using the coupon, the net transaction is not eligible to use the coupon, so they should get $5 back for the return ($15 item - $10 coupon that due to the return bringing their net purchase under the threshold they are no longer eligible to have used). In that case, they should get a replacement coupon (assuming the coupon isn't for a limited time that has already ended).

      When these trolls (what else do you expect to find at the Clearance Swamp?) are given a new coupon, was their return "adjusted" for the value of the coupon they used? If not, it sounds like a scam - they're effectively buying stuff on sale and returning it for full price.
      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


      • #4
        I remember one customer when I used to work at McDonalds who bought in a free big mac coupon, that was 6 years old, and clearly well out of date... But who the hell hangs onto a coupon for 6 years?!?!

        When I worked at Coles supermarkets, I could not even count the number of people who would ask for something to be discounted because they left their coupon at home or in the car, or their pet or child ate it, or they could have sworn it was in their wallet when they left the house and every other excuse under the sun. Without fail, I would refuse (because if I did, I would have the manager in charge of the stock on my case for why I was reducing the price of products with no scanned coupon), and they would go to the Customer Service Desk and complain to the Checkout Manager


        • #5
          Quoth scorpionf View Post
          (because if I did, I would have the manager in charge of the stock on my case for why I was reducing the price of products with no scanned coupon),
          Exactly. People who haven't worked in these types of places have no idea that every freaking thing is tracked. Price overrides are ALL tracked at my work. Returns, coupons, everything. So they can go complain all they want, I'm not doing an override unless it's a signing or PLU error which I could 100% stand behind if questioned.
          Replace anger management with stupidity management.


          • #6
            I get this all the time with photo coupons. Anything people get in an email or through the app is not eligible for instore use is because it shuts them up to give it to them. There's a few serial offenders and I hate doing it but it's not my call so I do it. Also due to a glitch in our system it allows coupons to be stacked I have no problem telling people we can't do it even though I'll get "Well, the other girl did it." Yes, and she's been told about it. (This was a rare case where there actually was real person involved. Complete with name dropping.)

            I don't mind trying to find the best deal for people but I'm going to do stuff that could cost me my job. I wouldn't do it for myself, my family or my friends and they wouldn't even ask me to. I sure as shit would not do it for a stranger.
            I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


            • #7
              I get so sick of so and so did it. So what? Then go back to her, I don't care.


              • #8
                Quoth scorpionf View Post
                But who the hell hangs onto a coupon for 6 years?!?!
                We actually used to get a few of those at DaddyJim's Pizza back in the day -- management made us accept them on the basis that "these guys must be long-term, repeat customers who are incredibly loyal to us!" ---- Invariably, their sales history would indicate the complete opposite. They always seemed to be of the "we finally took the cushions off of the couch to clean it" variety.
                "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                • #9
                  I remember when I worked at Hellmart that if the change was low, say under a few dollars, we were encouraged to change it to keep the line going. And no, we weren't questioned about it.
                  My Guide to Oblivion

                  "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


                  • #10
                    Hah - I just threw away two coupons that expired in April. We had stuck them to the fridge with a magnet, and never used them. I wouldn't even try to take them to the store and actually use them though!


                    • #11
                      At the cent store, we had the store coupons at the register. If someone was nice about forgetting theirs, I'd always use mine. Jerks got squat, which was too bad for them because the coupons were usually 15 to 20 percent off for the entire purchase.

                      A couple of pre-Christmas stories to share: A nice young man stopped me to ask if the sale prices on the winter coats were accurate. When I said that they were, he acted like I had just made his entire month because he was able to get his kids new coats instead of going to the thrift store. Then I doubled up by telling him to come to my register and I would give him an additional 20% off. He almost started crying. Merry Christmas dude and I hope that things get better for you.

                      The lines were half way across the store and someone cut in line. The people behind her tried to point out where the line ended, but she would have none of that. We couldn't tell her to go to the back of the line and it was faster to just get her out of there, so a co-worker rang her up. No coupon for you, bitch!

                      The lady who was next in line came to my register and told me that she was sorry the cent corp. allowed those sort of people to be so rude to us and to everyone else and wished me a Merry Christmas. I leaned over the counter and whispered in her ear that she and everyone else waiting patiently in line was getting 20% off for being A1 customers and she looked at her receipt then grinned ear from ear and blessed me.

                      There were lots of sucky customers, but the good ones always made my day.

