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Sucktomer Random Thoughts Thread

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  • No amount of arguing is going to make me take taxes off your room unless you show me the proper paperwork. I don't care what excuses you come up with, I am not incurring the wrath of my boss and the IRS. Go away now.
    "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


    • Quoth Mr Hero View Post
      I have no idea what's going on in Denver. I fail to see how having that information will help you find a room.
      This! So much this! I can see why people are curious though, and if they're planning a return trip, knowing to avoid dates of major events might be helpful. But check Denver Tourism's webpage for that. Also, it's summer. It's always going to be a bit hard to find a room.
      "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


      • If I transfer you to Reservations it's because that's who you need to talk to. No it isn't "all automated." Press the right number on the phone tree and you'll get a person.

        Calling back and giving me a plaintive "whyyyy can't youuuuuuu do iiiiiiit" isn't going to endear you to me. I've been told --by my BOSS-- to transfer reservation questions to Reservations. I do have some flexibility to bend that rule, but whining like a spoiled child has just ensured you get to talk to Rajesh. Have fun with that. Bye now.

        And to the person who called right after this gem, if the Sales Manager doesn't answer her phone, it means she's not in her office. I'm not her personal secretary, and I'm not going to track her down because you don't want to leave a voice mail.
        "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


        • I know you're trying to be friendly, but I'm a little creeped out by your announcement to the whole bus as to where I work. Also, you mentioned details of a conversation I had with my coworker. I'm off work now and I don't want to talk about the frustrating part of my day with a customer. Actually, I never want to discuss that with customers.

          What is it with people in this town? Why are they so concerned with how workers feel about their jobs? Why not let it go if it doesn't involve you?
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • Food Lady, that would just creep me the heck out. I'm not at work, just leave me the heck alone!!!

            Dear customers:

            I don't pull the numbers out of my ass. I enter the stuff into the computer and the computer comes up with the numbers. Yelling at me won't change things, I'll just get a sup who will look at what I have done and tell you the same thing. We don't really care that you got more benefits in a different state, you are in this state now and we go by our state's rules and regulations.

            Also, going to a different office won't change things. You will waste your gas, the worker's time and your time. The answer will be the same.

            (To the lady who cried with happiness when I got you medical insurance? Going by the could have had it a long time ago. I'm happy that I made you happy, but I really do wish that you would have explored this option years ago.)


            • How dare you make my team member cry. She is one of the nicest, most genuine people I've ever met. I've never seen her with anything other than a smile on her face. I didn't think anyone could crack her but you somehow did it.

              Apparently you don't understand the concept of rules. The show is full. Nobody else is allowed in. Did you not see her turn everyone else away and suggest the next showtime? What makes you so special that you think you can just barge through the gate yourself? Then when she tried to stop you from bringing your stroller inside you screamed at her even louder because your baby is a newborn. Do you not see these 50+ strollers parked out here? Do you not think that some of those strollers contained newborns? Again, what makes you and your infant spawn so special that we can break the rules for just you? All those other parents managed to bring their babies into the stadium without the stroller just fine.

              And the screaming? Was it really necessary to resort to childish antics like that? From what I heard you were going from stadium to stadium treating those employees horribly as well. Some of them actually called security with your description because your tantrums were so violent. I hope as your child grows up it learns from behavior. Not because I want more shitty people in the world, but because I want it to become one of those horrible teenagers that make your life a living hell.


              • If you want to be understood, don't mumble. If I have to ask you to repeat or clarify, and you just get grumpy and or keep mumbling, what are we going to do?


                • I've got to stop mentioning coupons at all. If customers want to save money, they'll have to do their own research. I'm done playing the middle man trying to assuage their disappointment that they can't get what they want for next to nothing.


                  • Protip: When you complain right in front of a store employee, it doesn't matter how casual and light you try to make it. We can all tell you're dead serious, and it makes us do the bare minimum to help you, you ungrateful wench.

                    On the other hand, be nice and it's a whole different ballgame. You know how I complain about people wanting me to cut things into pieces? Like, "I need five yards but in one yard sections." I hate this. I had multiple people try this today, and I was able to nicely talk them into letting me leave the fabric in once piece. All except this one guy. I didn't even try. You know why? He was so amazingly ancient, he had to sit down while he waited. He declined my CWs offer to bring a chair, he walked over to the pattern table. This immediately makes me happy with him. He also managed to understand the take a ticket system without anyone telling him, which is almost impossible for even younger people. He's winning so hard. I call his number, and see he has a WWII veteran hat on. He asks for multiple cuts. In no world would I even mention that we prefer to leave the fabric in one piece. I guess the point is that we make allowances for people who make us happy. Being snippy and telling me "it's for a wedding, we NEED it in these pieces!" gets you nowhere.
                    Replace anger management with stupidity management.


                    • Tapping my shoulder repeatedly won't mske me get you a drink. I already told you the bartender takes care of that. Wait your turn.
                      Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


                      • Someone tapping my shoulder is going to get their ass beat. I'm not your brother or your friend, don't f*cking touch me!
                        Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you speak with the Fraud department. -- CrazedClerkthe2nd
                        OW! Rolled my eyes too hard, saw my brain. -- Seanette
                        she seems to top me in crazy, and I'm enough crazy for my family. -- Cooper
                        Yes, I am evil. What's your point? -- Jester


                        • Dude, quit being so paranoid! We are SOLD OUT! It does not mean you are on our no book list. Sure, I'll give you the non-emergency number so you can see what's going on. But we really are sold out. It's not about you at all!
                          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                          • Hey old fart on the train. I'm sorry your body doesn't work right and you have to use a scooter but that doesn't exempt you from transit etiquette. If someone had earbuds in, it means said person does NOT want to chat. Banging on the window to get his attention is NOT ok. Especially if it's to ask what's going on at the concert venue out the window. How is a random stranger on the train supposed to know? The entire city isn't your tour guide go back to your crossword and shut up.

                            Also: dear everyone. Yes this is Colorado, but it still gets hot here in summer. Mid-90s is normal daytime high in July and August, and 100+ is nowhere near unheard of. Though we're close to the mountains, and the western part of the city is a transition zone, Denver is basically on the plains. Did you expect the climate to magically change the second you crossed the state line from Kansas? It doesn't. If you want cooler temps you're going to have to go higher in elevation than the Mile High City. Like Aspen or Vail.

                            A final irk: who the heck only thinks to arrange transportation from airport to hotel after their plane touches down? We do not have an airport shuttle. The fact that you're standing in the terminal means nothing to me and doesn't endear you to me. I have little sympathy for piss-poor planning. Stop whining about how hard it is to book an outside shuttle company and how much cabs cost. I'm a desk agent, not a travel agent. It isn't my job to arrange your transit for you.
                            Last edited by WishfulSpirit; 07-31-2016, 06:29 PM.
                            "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                            • To some people from church (who are also library customers):

                              I know you guys aren't trying to be sucky with this, but please STOP assuming that if you see me walking/taking the bus somewhere, it "must" mean that I am going to work. I realize that you might be just trying to make conversation, but to me, it gives the impression that you think I have no life or interests outside of my job.


                              • If you are not in a place where you can tell me your credit card number safely, go home and call me back!! DO NOT MUMBLE!! I'll only have to ask you to repeat it more loudly so I can actually hear you!! Idiots.
                                When you start at zero, everything's progress.

