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The Counter of Doom! (aka, I need to work here)

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  • The Counter of Doom! (aka, I need to work here)

    I know many of you work at grocery stores where people shove their crap onto the scanner. Well, most know that I cut fabric on a big counter, and you can just imagine what SCs want to do with that beautiful empty counter... Fill it with their crap!

    One problem with that... We need to work there. I've worked some long days during a fleece sale. Bolts of fleece are big. My counter is not really that big. All day, people come up and immediately empty their cart of fleece onto my counter and expect me to work there. All day long I try to catch them before they do this, politely. "Oh, let's go one at a time, thanks!" or "Sorry, only one bolt at a time will fit."

    One horrible SC saw a cutter go on break and in about .5 seconds emptied her cart onto the counter, and the one next to it. She was the next number, and I was the lucky employee to cut for her. I think I may have had trouble with her in the past. Either that or she was just giving of seriously awful vibes. She would shove two bolts at a time onto my table even though each time I moved one back onto her pile. (her pile on the other counter she was occupying) She wanted me to cut in pieces* and kept touching the fabric. At this point she's hit about three of my major pet peeves. Then she started shopping out of our go-backs, which by itself isn't annoying, but how she did it was. It like she just wanted to boss me around. "And I'll take a yard of that clear fabric." (clear vinyl) And she fussed over all the fabric. When customers start fussing, I just step back and let them, I find it hard to tell people to stop touching in a nice tone. I think she noticed that I stopped whenever she started fussing, so she said "I'm trying to help." All I need is for you to stop touching everything. At the end I told her to have a good day and she said "Oookay." In a sarcastic tone. Yeah, didn't quite hide my feelings on that one. Even though it doesn't sound like a big deal, if I remember her for next time I will get someone else to help her. Preferably this one CW who goes really slow and always messes up the cutting slip.

    Then there's the "I only have a certain amount of money" person. Nice enough, but again, a table hog! She wanted to empty her cart into different categories. Bolts that she wanted one yard of, bolts that she wanted a yard and a half, bolts that she wasn't sure about, etc. And each bolt she wanted me to tell her the price... My hand held was being so slow, so I ended up walking away from the counter to use the price checker meant for customers. Each time I cut one fabric she immediately moved her stacks of fabric onto my cutting table, and I have to move them back. This probably happened a dozen times. She also came behind the counter several times, until I had to tell to stop it, it's a safety issue. Even though I had told her the price of each and every cut of fabric, she asked for a subtotal. I had to explain that I can tell her the price, but it will NOT include her total purchase coupon. I do have a "total" option, but it includes tax, and the 20% doesn't come off of tax, so it's not going to be an accurate subtotal.

    *we've been told if it's a couple pieces we have to cut it. I can't adequately express my feelings on that. I tried to hint to this woman that the company would prefer employees not to cut in pieces (true statement) and she said "you prefer not to? Well, I prefer you do." Yeah, I was having really mean thoughts which I can't repeat here.
    Replace anger management with stupidity management.

  • #2
    Ugh, what a bitch! I don't get it. When I used to occasionally buy fabric for crafts, I always made up my mind before I brought the bolt to the counter and only bought stuff I definitely wanted! Didn't seem that difficult!
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3

      I bought fabric today and I never throw it all over the cutting table. If I find a ton of stuff that I like, (and they don't have carts) I find an employee and ask if it's okay that I start a pile and where they'd like me to put it. No big deal.


      • #4
        Ugh, I hate people like that. We have a system, let us follow it and we'll get the job done faster and more accurately than if we have to dig our cutting space out of your Mountain O' Fabric. In addition to the Mountain O' Fabric, they plunk their coffee cups, purses, kids and their own arses right onto the cutting counter. How the are we supposed to get the job done when they're taking up the entire workspace?! And get off the counter, it's not a chair, other people don't want their merchandise where your butt has been!

        Now I remember why I asked to be on the stocking crew.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          I get the grocery version of this. They literally physically fuss over the bags I'm trying to pack sometimes. Just let me do my job!
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            Some of my CWs attempt to work without moving the Mountain O' Fabric (love that, XCashier, lol!) and end up trying to invade my counter. Yes, my counter *looks* empty, because I purposefully keep it that way. Then the fabric gets measured accurately. One time I gently moved some of my neighboring CWs fabric over, and joked about how she was encroaching on my area. The customer laughed and said she was a realtor and said if you don't say something, then it could become permanent. Like adverse possession or eminent domain, can't remember anymore. But she was agreeing with me, and it made me happy.

            Also, wow adults sit on your cutting counter? People don't do that here. I think it's because ours isn't "solid" if that makes sense. The front half (facing the customers) is shelves with merchandise. Babies and toddlers get set there sometimes, which is okay unless they try to stand. No shoes! Or crawl or grab things. Really, it's better to keep the babies away from the scissors.
            Replace anger management with stupidity management.


            • #7
              Quoth notalwaysright View Post
              Some of my CWs attempt to work without moving the Mountain O' Fabric (love that, XCashier, lol!)
              The day before Halloween last year, the humongous heap of fabric left at the cutting counter got dubbed Mount Saint Fabric, like the volcano. It looked about ready to blow up!
              Quoth notalwaysright View Post
              Also, wow adults sit on your cutting counter? People don't do that here.
              Only two that I've dealt with, I don't know how many my coworkers have dealt with. Both times, the look got through to them and they got down.
              Quoth notalwaysright View Post
              Babies and toddlers get set there sometimes, which is okay unless they try to stand. No shoes! Or crawl or grab things. Really, it's better to keep the babies away from the scissors.
              Yes, but people Just Don't Get It. And I would just as soon the babies and toddlers be left in the cart. I don't need a diaper oozing over the counter or some kid to take a header to the hard floor three feet down. Kids move amazingly fast and fall even faster; you're not too likely to catch your child in time. You're better off just leaving him in a safe spot, like belted into the cart seat. Or at home with a babysitter.
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8
                I'm one of those people who go to the fabric store knowing what I need to get, but occasionally (ok, all the time) get distracted by other things too (patterns on sale 3 for $5?! HECK YEAH!!!). So there I am holding several bolts of fabric, notions, thread, patterns, etc, and too stubborn to get a cart. It gets worse when I have coupons cuz then I'm like, I can buy more stuff! Woo! But I don't spread it all over the cutting counter. I keep it contained in its own little pile right next to me as my fabric gets cut.

                Yunno what I hate though? When the fabric wasn't put on the bolt evenly and the edges are all wonky when I get it home. Someday I will be able to afford those fancy scissors with a laser cuz I have issues cutting in a straight line.
                I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                • #9
                  Given that I don't buy fabric often (my hobbies run more to polymer clay and beading), I honestly wouldn't know that putting cart items on the counter caused problems for the person doing the cutting (I remember the cutting counters at my local JoAnne's being at least 15 feet long, so maybe it wouldn't be an issue there). Now I know, so I'll avoid doing that next time I'm at a fabric store.
                  "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek


                  • #10
                    Nope, it's still an issue there, because that 15 feet is occupied by 2 to 3 cutters, and the customers fabric! Cutting fabric needs a certain amount of space in which to lay it out nicely. Britex, my favorite fabric shop on the planet, does not have cutting counters. Their cutters unroll the fabric out on top of the bolts of other fabric and cut away. I'd be terrified to have to do that, given all their lovely stuff... Give me an actual counter any day, pleeeeze!


                    • #11
                      Sounds like your store needs my auntie's cutting table. They have a large open concept floor plan, so the crafts room is more like a giant alcove off the main living room rather than it's own room. Her cutting table (10 feet long, 4 feet wide) acts as a divider between the two. She got tired of her kids and hubby putting things on her main work table, so we put hinges on one of the long edges. All she does now is lift the tabletop and all the crap slides off onto the living room couch. No TV or games for the kids until the couch is clean.

