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10 Things I wish everyone knew about gas prices

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  • #61
    It didn't do jack here yesterday either--prices were roughly $3.00 after several weeks around $2.85, and the stations were *still* packed
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #62
      Quoth RichS View Post
      The boycott did do one thing here - The gas stations raised prices from $3.29 to $3.49.

      I can't get away from big vehicles either - I need something that can handle a family of 6 and groceries. Most fuel-efficient vehicle for me is an extended minivan.
      Well in your case you have the right vehicle for the right job. What ticks me off are the people who commute an hour to and from work while driving a Big Honking Ford Expletitive, Hummvee wannabe or other large fuel eating vehicle by themselves.

      When you factor in a larger passenger load you're making out like a bandit in fuel costs.

      An arguement I made once to someone who was protesting my friend and her Chevy Avalanche...

      6 people went to an SCA event all the way up in Vermont (we were in New Joisey at the time. A trip of 400 (800 miles round trip) miles for us. Now if we all took separate cars (we were three couples) we would be looking at...

      My Geo Metro getting 45 MPG = 17.7 gallons of fuel round trip
      My friends Saturn getting 32 MPG = 25 Gallons of fuel round trip
      My other friend's station wagon getting 26 MPG = 30.77 Gallons of fuel round trip.

      That totals up to 73.46 gallons for the whole trip.

      Compared to having a vehicle large enough to fit all 6 people and our gear
      Chevy Avalanche getting an impressive 19 MPG (for a truck like substance) going round trip only burned 42.1 gallons.

      It's like the old saying about guns not killing people, in this case SUV's don't waste gas, people do.

      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #63
        Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
        Well in your case you have the right vehicle for the right job. What ticks me off are the people who commute an hour to and from work while driving a Big Honking Ford Expletitive, Hummvee wannabe or other large fuel eating vehicle by themselves.
        Ford Expletive... I like it... it was some idiot in an Explorer that did in my beloved Volvo. We're both lucky neither of us was hurt.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #64
          Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
          That totals up to 73.46 gallons for the whole trip. Compared to having a vehicle large enough to fit all 6 people and our gear
          Chevy Avalanche getting an impressive 19 MPG (for a truck like substance) going round trip only burned 42.1 gallons.
          In that case, I can see having a larger vehicle. I do something similar whenever I need something from IKEA. I borrow my mother's Saturn Vue. However, because it's only a four-cylinder, it struggles to keep up with traffic and has the aerodynamics of a house brick. But, it has more space inside than my little Mazda. Anyway, if I didn't take the Vue, I'd have to either make 2 trips, meaning I'd use twice as much gas. The other option, would be to have it delivered, or not get it at all.
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #65
            See, if you need a big car, then by all means, get a big car.

            But if all you're doing is running back and forth between work and home with the odd trip to the store, you shouldn't have some huge gas-guzzling, view-blocking, unsafe when loaded monstrosity.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #66
              Andara, you do if you have something to prove!

              To prove you're rich, handsome, a mom on the go, a power parent, a rich kid, etc etc etc etc etc....

              My video game obsessed closet case ex boyfriend uses his Ford Exploder's size and power to make up for his social retardation....considering how he drives like a homicidal maniac on acid.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #67
                Meh. I drive an SUV because when it snows I have to go to work. My wife's a nurse. She has to go to work no matter the weather. So she has an SUV.

                In all honesty, my SUV is my wife's old one. When we can afford it I'm getting a pick-up because I haven't had one since I was 17. I hate cars, I hate being low to the ground.

                But here' s the thing. I don't complain about how much my truck gets in mpg, or how much it costs to fill it. I know what I drive. But when I had a car, I filled up just as much because I drive so many miles. So I'd rather have the bigger fuel tank and drive something I like.


                • #68
                  Blas - No kidding. Kevin & Kell did a great comic on that one. It had a flea in a Hummer.

                  Last edited by Andara Bledin; 05-20-2007, 12:26 AM.
                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #69
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    I'm starting to think that some gas companies dilute their gasoline with water because I was getting really crappy mileage with certain gas station gasoline.
                    It's not the company that's doing it. It's either the individual station or the franchisee. The last thing BP, Shell, or any of the other companies want is to lose business. However, that won't stop a cheapskate station owner from trying to cut corners. Luckily, such people get arrested.
                    "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


                    • #70
                      Tell to people who complain that in Finland gasoline costs 1,35e/l thats roughly 6,74$/gallon.
                      I would be more than happy to get gas with your price
                      (1us gal = 3,785l and 1,35e =1,78$ according to innterweb, your nonmetric system gives headache to me )


                      • #71
                        I love how the big wigs compare american prices to european prices. Granted its a fair thing to compare.
                        But in the UK, the cars are required to get good fuel economy.
                        I think i read some where that by 2010, or was it 2012. the vehicles being manufactored will be required to get 52 miles to the gallon.

                        Thats much better then the average vehicle here in america that gets between 18-25 maybe 30. Granted there are some vehicles that get really good economy, i think the VW Jetta gets 42..
                        But the way it was said to me, its all vehicles, not just a handful of cars.

                        It probly all balances out. But using currency and metric conversions to appease the crowd, is just smoke and mirrors.

                        I read in the newspaper tuesday, that in Iraq, gas went from 12 cents USD, to 1.12 dollars USD. and thats its a real pain in the ass because Iraqis dont make the same kind of money as americans. I can feel their pain.
                        Cyberpunk mayhem!


                        • #72
                          Now im lazy and dont even try to change that mpg to km/l.
                          My car uses about 8l/100km and its yr 88 toyota.
                          And reason why "we" in EU use manual cars and diesel is gas price.
                          And in finland we have old cars because fucked up goverment decides that new cars should be taxed with hard way...
                          And of course with diesel what is less consuming thing is taxed so its not practical get one if you dont drive atleast 30,000km/y.


                          • #73
                            Quoth onkko View Post
                            And of course with diesel what is less consuming thing is taxed so its not practical get one if you dont drive atleast 30,000km/y.
                            But you Finns drive off to your summer cottages by the lake all the time, so you must put thousands of km on your cars

                            PS. Helsinki is the only city outside the UK that i would drive in. For some reason, they have fewer mad drivers in Helsinki, maybe they are all driving slowly to maximise thei fuel economy!
                            A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                            - Dave Barry


                            • #74
                              I really don't go out much anymore because of gas prices and I only drive if I have to go to the store, work or school. I'm also considering taking the train when I leave for Toronto this summer as I can save gas money (somewhat) and not have to worry about finding a place to park my car. I also wait for the day that the idea of public transport is taken more seriously especially in Michigan, that sort of thing is considered heresy in the Automotive capital.

                              Quoth blas87 View Post
                              To prove you're rich, handsome, a mom on the go, a power parent, a rich kid, etc etc etc etc etc....
                              How true! Where I live it is the stereotype suburban lifestyle here. Mom with a large SUV (They always seem to be on their cell phones when they drive too, every single one.), the rich handsome dad too, the rich handsome single guy, and all the types you mentioned. I cannot tell you how many times I saw this happen at Whiskeyclone, out of pure boredom I counted how many SUVs in comparison to actualy cars. That was shocking.
                              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                              • #75
                                I have a 60 mile commute to work and back every day and I still only fill up once a week and I have a 10 gallon tank. I freaking love my Honda Fit.
                                "If all else fails...blame the dog"

