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SC's Having A Tantrum When You Tell Them You're Closed

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  • #31
    Quoth MystyGlyttyr
    It's that "Want what you can't have" syndrome. If you told people they weren't allowed to get cancer, they'd start cooking themselves with X-Rays just to get it.
    Honestly? Please tell me that you're not pulling my leg. Remind me to go out there and start telling the worst idiots that.
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #32
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh
      She starts with the whole "I just need one thing! My son's Christmas will be ruined if you don't let me come in and get it! ..." routine.
      "Really? What a coincidence. MY son's Christmas will be ruined if I have to stay here for several hours waiting for you to finish your shopping. Fancy that!"

      Or, "If that's all it takes to ruin Christmas, you obviously haven't taught your child the true meaning of Christmas."
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #33
        Quoth IhateCrappyTire
        The other day a coworker was closed so he could count and order money. His light was off and his door saying "CLOSED" on the front was closed and locked. What does a customer do? Turn on his light, open his gate and say "you're open"
        That's where I simply walk off as if the customer hadn't said or done anything.

        Have things gotten so bad and the customer SO coddled to the point where they can't even be bothered to check their watches anymore ? Or have they simply been brainwashed to the point where they can't even concieve that we have families/loved ones waiting for us at home ?

        I hate customers.


        • #34
          I had a guy claim discrimination on me about a month ago because I had closed five minutes earlier and was still handling guests already in line (actually was on the last one).

          I actually think I saw him last week, (this guy has some seriously terrible timing with my lane)once again after my lane was closed and I was preparing to go home. I happened to be at the grocery end and the next open lane (this is at about 8pm or so) just happened to be about 30 feet away. The guy threw a FIT like you wouldn't believe. I just walked away. Yeah a big no-no in most cases, but I was told to go home. Last I saw him was him throwing a fit to the Service Coordinator.


          • #35
            Quoth IhateCrappyTire
            The other day a coworker was closed so he could count and order money. His light was off and his door saying "CLOSED" on the front was closed and locked. What does a customer do? Turn on his light, open his gate and say "you're open"

            I'd just walk over, re-close the gate, turn off the light, and say " I'm not" and walk off.

            People like that just PISS.ME.OFF!
            Who is this rectal-cranial inverted twit....and where is my sledgehammer??


            • #36
              I work in a large warehouse-type home improvement store. Quite frequently, we have to close lanes for a short time while forklifting something. Other than the forklift operator, another employee is "flagging" : making sure customers or other employees are aware of the safe/unsafe areas and that nobody goes into the usafe areas.

              I was flagging one time while another employee was moving something from the top rack (oh, about 20 feet up) to the lower. The adjacent lane was closed, gated off, blocked, with signs, with an employee (me) nearby to flag.

              However, this one pathetic SC, with an infant in his arms decided to open the gate and dash up the lane to get one particular type of screw. He didn't heed my warning (dude, the lane's closed cause you could get squished in case of an accident) let alone the signed gates closing the aisles. Of course, I warned the forklift operator to stop so this sociopathic entitlement artist could get his particlar screw (when he could have done it safely had he waited one whole minute.

              I admit, I was a little sarcastic in thanking him for shopping at my store. I mourn for the baby.
              Dear Customer, the amount of the extra mile I'm willing to go for you is inversely proportional to how much of a prick you are to me. Got it?


              • #37
                As I posted on the other thread:

                I get this all the time.

                I work in a large multiplex cinema. Just becuase our front doors are un-locked doesn't mean we are open.

                Lets say our last film of the night starts at 9:30pm.

                We will then close our ticket office and popcorn counter just after that at about
                9:45. But the front doors remain unlocked untill midnight so that all the customers still in the building are not locked in once their films are finished.

                Yet you will get SC's walking through the doors at 11 o clock, wantiing to buy tickets for mythical late night shows or buy popcorn and drinks "just to take home"


                • #38
                  Quoth Pongydog
                  Yet you will get SC's walking through the doors at 11 o clock, wantiing to buy tickets for mythical late night shows or buy popcorn and drinks "just to take home"
                  At movie theatre prices?! They could get a 44oz soda and a package of microwave popcorn at the local convenience store for about half of what they pay at the movie theatre!!!
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #39
                    Actually, I was not thinking "Raven, she only had one thing, why couldn't you ring her up". I was thinking "why couldn't she just go to an OPEN register"?

                    I hate this. It is like at my old WHShit store (I now work at a different WHShit because I moved) the manager made us wait until the last customer was done shopping until we left. That pissed me off, as if the last customer decided that they needed 30 mins to shop, then we all had to stay 30 mins later than we should have, of course, not getting paid for it. This became a problem for me, as when I moved, I still worked at my old store for about 3 months. The town I moved to was about 2 hours away by subway if I was lucky, as with working in London, there were always problems and delays. So, I HAD to be out of the store by 6 sharp. While we were opened for "the last customer" the manager made us keep letting other people in. It was awful. The opint is, if you let one person in then others expect to get in as well. It is not fair.

                    Now that I am at my new WHShit, I am a supervisor and when I work byu myself, I close at 5:30 sharp. I do not let anyone in and if their are still customers in the store, I tell them to please make their last purchase as we are closed. It is not fair on the staff. Some customers try to make the excuse that they "just got off of work and deserve to be able to shop". I say "well, we have been working all day too and would like to get off work like you".

                    Again, this is because everyone thinks that they are better than anyone else and waaayyy more important. I hate them all!
                    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                    • #40
                      Isn't there a law or something against working off the clock???


                      • #41
                        I can't quote the law, but yes, in most of the US it is illegal to work off the clock. In fact, do it at my job and you can be fired immediately, no ifs, ands, or buts.
                        Dear Customer, the amount of the extra mile I'm willing to go for you is inversely proportional to how much of a prick you are to me. Got it?


                        • #42
                          I have a memorable tantrum that happend last winter during the basketball season. I was in the suite lot, the place filled up QUICK. There are many people who accepted the fact that the lot was closed but this guy couldn't. He was maybe 16 or 17, and with his buddies. He learns that the lot is closed, he's screaming about how his dad pays a lot of money to go to these games and that he deserves respect. My supervisor just says "Too bad." to him. That was an awesome moment.
                          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                          • #43
                            Crazy. I have never gotten anything like that at my till. I tend to get the opposite. I will get people come up with their groceries. I'm not busy or anything and I'm looking right at them and they say "are you open??". I always glance at my light like I'm checking to see if I forgot to turn it on, to maybe give them a hint that the light being on means that I'm open (there's yellow cords that are used to block off closed tills too, and of course that's open too). Sometimes I feel like saying "no I'm closed, I just like standing here" or "no I'm closed, but I like to spend my breaks standing here looking like I'm open" or something like that.
                            "The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different."


                            • #44
                              had a guy once come zip in just as we were closing the doors, I tell him we're closed but he says he 'just wants to look'
                              I follow him outside to the nursery and sure enough he was 'window shopping for plants!' When i repeat that we are closed he gets all huffy and tells me he doesn't want to buy anything so what's the problem....It took two managers to throw that fool out...


                              • #45
                                HA! Just had one tonight. And I got my chance to set an entitlement whore straight.

                                I do the closing announcement, then go around checking for people who are still shopping. Now there is this lady who comes in a lot and stays forever. She came in at 9:45 tonight, and proceeds to trash everything. At 10, I heard that she was still in girls, shopping. The security dude at the front told me to tell her that we were closed, so muahaha, I go over there at tell her.
                                She gets this haughty look and attitude and says, "Your store hours don't concern me. I am still shopping." I tell her, (heh) "You are no more special or entitled than anyone else, we are not keeping the store open just for you. Please go to the front to check out, or I will have the manager and security here, and they will escort you to the front of the store!" She of course gets all huffy, and I grab my walkie and start to call the LOD and TPS dude, and then she huffs some more and stomps up to the front.
                                After she pays, I see her talking to the LOD, and when she leaves, I kinda give him a look, and he just rolls his eyes and laughs. Yay.
                                Can't freakin wait to see her again.
                                "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" Dante-"Clerks"

