A lot of customers will try any kind of rationale they can think of to beg us for credits and discounts.
Of course there are the classics:
"I've been a loyal customer for years!"
"I spend sooo much money with you guys..."
"It's just good customer service."
"If you don't give me $X I'll cancel and go to Competitor X!"
"The customer is always right!"
Then you have the "pull at your heartstrings" ones:
"But I'm on a fixed income!"
"I just spent $X on Y for Little Johnny/Susie and can't afford my bill."
"My wife/brother/aunt/son-in-law just died..."
"I was just diagnosed with cancer." (yes, people try this)
But this lady I had today takes the cake for the mother of all stupid reasons. She wanted a credit...on her cell phone bill of all things for...get this...pain and suffering.
Yes folks, she thought we should lower her bill because of PAIN and SUFFERING.
Aside from causing me to lose even more faith in humanity this kind of an ill advised Hail Mary is a terrible insult to people who have been through, you know, actual PAIN and SUFFERING.
I don't care how bad your wireless service is or how much you think your phone sucks but even a terrible experience with a cell phone provider does NOT equal Pain and Suffering.
This is 1st world problems at its finest folks. Right here.
So how did this story end?
My manager offered her $15 and she said that was "incredibly insulting" and hung up.
Of course there are the classics:
"I've been a loyal customer for years!"
"I spend sooo much money with you guys..."
"It's just good customer service."
"If you don't give me $X I'll cancel and go to Competitor X!"
"The customer is always right!"
Then you have the "pull at your heartstrings" ones:
"But I'm on a fixed income!"
"I just spent $X on Y for Little Johnny/Susie and can't afford my bill."
"My wife/brother/aunt/son-in-law just died..."
"I was just diagnosed with cancer." (yes, people try this)
But this lady I had today takes the cake for the mother of all stupid reasons. She wanted a credit...on her cell phone bill of all things for...get this...pain and suffering.
Yes folks, she thought we should lower her bill because of PAIN and SUFFERING.
Aside from causing me to lose even more faith in humanity this kind of an ill advised Hail Mary is a terrible insult to people who have been through, you know, actual PAIN and SUFFERING.
I don't care how bad your wireless service is or how much you think your phone sucks but even a terrible experience with a cell phone provider does NOT equal Pain and Suffering.
This is 1st world problems at its finest folks. Right here.
So how did this story end?
My manager offered her $15 and she said that was "incredibly insulting" and hung up.
