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I have to be able to touch something to move it

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  • I have to be able to touch something to move it

    We are installing some new workstations. The client has moved all of their files into a secure room while we do this work. We complete the install and now we have to move the files back into the workspace. Now we hit our snag.

    I am supposed to have a client company representative on site with me. They are supposed to be there to resolve any issues that come up with the install, to inspect our work and make sure things were done, and to be available for any other problems that come up. But sitting around and doing nothing is too difficult for these people, or it is a waste of their valuable time (depending which side you wish to take). So now they sit at home, they are still getting paid because they are reachable by phone (as long as you leave a message and wait 2 hours). Instead of having the client there, they hire a security guard to be responsible for security of the site.

    So this time around, he has been given instructions to not allow anybody into the secure room that is being used for storage. Okay, no problem dude, but we are done the install and now have to move those files back. Nope, we're not allowed in the room. Okay, let's call the client. This was a shitshow all on it's own as she suddenly has a number of issues that would have been no problem if she actually showed up on site, but are now a huge deal to take care of. I let her know that she is S-O-L, we built to plan, if she wants this crap done, contact the office and get it re-scheduled; the issue at hand is the file move. I explain how the security guard is not allowing us access, we can't move the stuff back if we can't get to it.

    Oh, now all of a sudden he understands what's going on. Oh, we're done the install now? Yeah, that's what I meant by we're done the install now. Oh, and you need to move the files back now? Yeah, that's what I meant by it's time for us to move the files back now. Okay, no problem.

    Sheeesh! I mean maybe this was more of a brain burp than a sucky customer, but considering that this guy was a Cartman-esque "Reespect ma athoritay!" type, I'm putting him in the latter category.
    Quoth = Crossbow "EvilHomer, Irv, Gravekeeper, and Seraph: the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse."

  • #2
    You mean you can't make things happen just by thinking about them? ... Actually, that's probably just as well or else half your crew would have spontaneously combusted by now!
    This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
    I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


    • #3
      I guess you couldn't get in writing he would not let you back in and say fuck it we're gone.
      Sarcasm dear, sarcasm. I’m well aware that dealing with civilians in any capacity will skin your faith in humanity alive, then pickle anything that remains so as to watch it shrivel up into an immortal husk thus reminding you of how dead inside you now are.


      • #4

        Quoth Rosco the Iroc View Post
        I guess you couldn't get in writing he would not let you back in and say fuck it we're gone.
        That is what I would have done or in the case when the IBM truck did not show up for the schedule time we billed them extra for the 15 employee who sat around for 4 hour waiting for them.

        PS. To those who wonder why we waited, by law the temp employees had to be paid for four hour min if they showed up on site, we sat around, had lunch and play basketball and just as the four hours was up the truck arrived. So we started the job 4 hours late and the extra time was billed to IBM.


        • #5
          I remember the time this officer told my boss he wanted our medical record storage room for his office. My boss told him, "If you can come up with somewhere else with adequate security to store all those charts, and the place has to be close enough that we can quickly pull charts in an emergency without having to hike down to the warehouse. Oh, and my people aren't going to move all those charts, so you have to arrange that." Never heard from him again. I loved working for this particular boss.


          • #6
            Come on EH, don't you know you're expected to have telekinetic abilities to make this all work?

            "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


            • #7
              Yep. Just use the Force, Padawan!
              Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
              ~ Mr Hero


              • #8
                In securities defense, as I was a security officer, if we are told "Nobody gets in x" nobody gets in x. I don't care if the president of the united states comes..he ain't getting in... until I hear different from my boss. I've kept a ceo sitting on his heels until he got word to MY boss for me to let him in. They really needed to give clearer instructions, or as you said... have somebody there with the authority to tell the officer "OK, these guys have clearance"
                Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                • #9
                  Quoth Mytical View Post
                  In securities defense, as I was a security officer, if we are told "Nobody gets in x" nobody gets in x. I don't care if the president of the united states comes..he ain't getting in... until I hear different from my boss. I've kept a ceo sitting on his heels until he got word to MY boss for me to let him in. They really needed to give clearer instructions, or as you said... have somebody there with the authority to tell the officer "OK, these guys have clearance"
                  I totally respect that. If somebody has clear instructions, hey no problem, you're just doing your job. I've pulled crews because of this situation.

                  In this case, he had clear instructions: 'do not allow in room until install is done, then they move the files'. I told him we're done the install, I told him it's time to move the files back. Clear instructions, clear statement of situation
                  Quoth = Crossbow "EvilHomer, Irv, Gravekeeper, and Seraph: the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse."


                  • #10
                    Ahh, the ever popular 'Forget half the instructions' screwup. I've dealt with those... not in my preferred method, but I've dealt with them.

                    What's bad is when they appear to be doing it on purpose, or just can't be bothered to remember past the first thing. (and like this, there was only 2)


                    • #11
                      Quoth Buzzard View Post
                      Ahh, the ever popular 'Forget half the instructions' screwup.
                      Like this?

