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First odd story from the new job, insights on human behavior

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  • First odd story from the new job, insights on human behavior

    Okay, so earlier in the week, I started my new job. For those who may have missed it, I'm now driving a tow truck, but, people still confuse me, take tonight for example.

    Working the 6 - 1am shift, we had two back-to-back tows. Both were basic property tows, people parked in apartment lots they didn’t have permits for.

    First car, Black Honda Accord, backed into a parking spot. Easy snatch, put the lift bars under the front, ratchet the straps, gone in 25 seconds. About 4 blocks down the road, the guy who I assume owned the car catches up to us in what must have been his friends Olds Delta, and starts blaring his horn at us. He then drives around us, truck and all, through a gas station parking lot and cuts us off. He demands to know how much it’s going to cost to get his car back. It’s a borough-wide flat fee of $95 for a property tow. He’s tweaked, “I thought it was only $55!” $55 is the drop fee, if you catch us in the act, but once the car’s been moved, it’s $95, the city sets these rates, not us. Plus, it’s after 11pm, so a $20 overnight fee is going to be charged, again, city ordinances, we can’t waive it. Total $115. He doesn't seem happy at this, but fortunately, the timely arrival of a township cop (who saw the whole thing) gets him calmed down a bit, he pulls out of there tires squealing, almost rear ends a slower car going up the street, and we probably won’t see him till tomorrow morning.

    Next call after that, Green VW Jetta. This one is a major pain to get because it’s parallel parked in a narrow alley that isn’t much wider than the tow truck, took 4 tries before the lift bars got into it at the right angle to hook the front tires. Then, to top it all of, the E-brake is on, so we have to break out the dollies, and in the dark, our first attempt to set them up isn’t lined up right, so the whole dolly set falls apart when we move it, forcing us to put it back together again, in the dark. I notice the whole time that way up on a 6th floor balcony a pair of people are leaning out watching us and laughing at the whole scene. We get that car back to the impound lot, and no sooner are we inside than the phone rings, it’s the car’s owner, she’d like to come and pick it up. “Wow, news travels fast” I think, “We must’ve just gotten there ahead of them” They walk in and it’s the SAME TWO PEOPLE who were watching us. They were watching and laughing the whole time their OWN car was getting towed. “How much” she asks, $95 tow with $20 overnight fee, $115 total. “That’s it?” she says, “I was expecting more” She pays, gets her car and comments that we’re a fast bunch of guys, and she liked our truck.

    I give up, I officially don’t understand people anymore……..
    - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.

  • #2
    Wait a sec, these people were LAUGHING at you while you were towing THEIR car? Good lord I'm going to 2nd the "I don't get people" mantra. I'm not even going to TRY and figure out humanity.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #3
      Wow, they actually wanted their car to get towed? *shrugs*


      • #4
        Reminds me of a reality cop show I saw a few years - A cop pulls up a car with 4 people in it and the 2 adults in the back aren't wearing seatbelts. They shrug and don't really deny it to the copper and camera crew when they are pulled over. The policeman asks them a few questions, looks the car over and then tells them gravely that he has to issue a $150 fine to each person who wasn't strapped in.

        They nod, he writes out the paperwork and the people in the car start howling with laughter! They're still giggling helplessly as he gets back in his car...

        Is losing money really that amusing?

        The only reason I can think of why that couple were watching you tow their car, was perhaps that they are residents who frequently have imposters using their space, so did a little experiement of reporting their own car, to see how quickly you would come get it. Still, why not just report someone who really was unauthorised instead and save the money?


        • #5
          I know they didn't report it, our lot monitor called it in, and specificaly told us we might not be able to get it, they just found it the higlight of thier evening, for whatever reason....
          - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


          • #6
            *grabs her spectacles, and the Teacher's Book, in case she needs to grab random answers*
            Let's see...
            Watching you tow their car... in a parallel parking spot? Not worried about the charge for moving it?

            Reminds me of a joke I heard a long time ago.
            A woman, dressed to the nines, walks into a bank in New York, asks for a service rep. She tells him she wants to take out a loan for $2000. Rep's a bit confounded by the idea, as the woman obviously is rich, but he does it for her, draws up the loan papers, everything. Tells her she'll need to leave her car as collateral.
            Lady agrees to all this, hands over the keys to her car, gets her $2000 loan, and walks out the bank.
            She returns a week later, repays the loan in full, plus the interest. The rep's curiosity overcomes him. "I just have to ask, why get a loan that you could repay so easily in a week?"
            The lady looks at the rep and in a sweet voice, answers, "Where else in New York can you get a week's worth of parking for only $2000 and some change?"
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
              Wow, they actually wanted their car to get towed?
              Maybe they had a bet as to how much it would cost.

              That's the best I could come up with.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                That joke makes me think that maybe the people with the Jetta were too parallel-parking deficient to get the car out of the spot and were just waiting for it to be towed so they could use it again.

                Or, they could have just been bored and/or stoned and the whole event was just funny to them.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                  That joke makes me think
                  Your analysis of my joke would be precisely the outcome I was leading you to believe. Congratulations, gold star for Andara! *sticks it to your cheek*
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth Juwl View Post
                    Congratulations, gold star for Andara! *sticks it to your cheek*
                    Ooooh... shiny!

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

