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I am not a second-class citizen!

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  • I am not a second-class citizen!

    I am so sick to death of being treated like crap. People are just so rude when they're shopping - I was heading towards the staff area today, and this woman steps out in front of me to look at a rack of clothes. And stops. And stands there in my way. Didn't say, 'Oh sorry, didn't see you there' and MOVE, didn't even acknowledge my prescence at all. Then I was out picking stock later, and I hear from behind me 'Where can I return this?!' Not, 'Hi, can you help me?', or 'Excuse me' or kiss your arse or nothing. Given that I don't wear a uniform or a nametag, asking whether I actually worked there might have been a good idea.

    I also help out in wedding services, since my department shares their space, and I helped these two ladies print off their copy of someone's wedding gift list. I left them to look through it and choose what they wanted whilst I did some stuff that I needed to do. The next thing I hear is 'Hello? Hello?!' I look up, and one of them is waving the f**king list at me and expecting me to leap up and wait on her. My coworker's expression was like this: And of course, she wanted me to run out and get the items for her while she sat on her bum. I'm really glad that sofa in there is so bloody uncomfortable.

    Last, but never least - I was on menswear one day, and this woman asked if we had a particular shirt in medium (now, you weren't expecting her to ask me nicely, were you?) I explained that all we have is what's out on the shop floor, and apologised for not knowing that particular department very well, she comes back with 'Yes, I can see that'. I bit my tongue and explained about the service we run where you call a number and they'll try to get the item from another store, to which she replies 'Well, I'm a gold card holder!' They seem to think that having a gold card entitles them to be a bigger snob than everyone else. No, dimwit, it just entitles you to a bigger bill each month. Enjoy.

    Still, Suicide Commando sooths my jangled nerves with 'F**k You Bitch'.
    God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

    I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.

  • #2
    Quoth Zombi View Post

    Last, but never least - I was on menswear one day, and this woman asked if we had a particular shirt in medium (now, you weren't expecting her to ask me nicely, were you?) I explained that all we have is what's out on the shop floor, and apologised for not knowing that particular department very well, she comes back with 'Yes, I can see that'. I bit my tongue and explained about the service we run where you call a number and they'll try to get the item from another store, to which she replies 'Well, I'm a gold card holder!' They seem to think that having a gold card entitles them to be a bigger snob than everyone else. No, dimwit, it just entitles you to a bigger bill each month. Enjoy.

    Still, Suicide Commando sooths my jangled nerves with 'F**k You Bitch'.
    We have the same thing; we can search another store, and call and either hold it or have it sent (for a nominal shipping fee). My favorite is when you SAY you're going to search, and it comes up with where the item is or may be, and you tell them. Catalog, and store a and b - but that's it. They will then ask "well, does store c have it?" We do this as a SERVICE and CONVENIENCE to the customer, but they just don't appreciate it. and during sales, its much worse.

    Is it too much to ask just for a little courtesy?


    • #3
      I use a mobility scooter to get around when I am at a big store. What chaps my ass is when someone sees me rolling in their direction and they step right in front of me and stand there like they are the only people in the store. If I am so rude as to say "excuse me," or tap my horn button, I get the fish eye, like I have breached all rules of etiquettte. Or you have a gal who is, as the old saying goes,"two axe handles broad,' parks her shopping cart on one side of the aisle, then stands there gazing at an item like she expects it to change into a Cadillac or something. She has the entire aisle blocked, and gets bent out of shape if you ask her to allow you to get by. At least it is not as bad as the time some bimbo pushed my wheelchair aside as I was trying to reach for something on a shelf, almost causing me to fall. Do not, I repeat, NOT touch my chair, you may draw back a bloody stump. You will not touch me, that chair is an extension of me, and touching it is as rude as is touching me The employees of the stores are not left out, as they are as rude to the handicapped as the customers. They all suck.


      • #4
        I absolutely HATE those people in the supermarket. I've been known to loudly say, "I guess we'll have to go around the other way to get to the (whatever it is at the other end of the aisle) since that lady blocking the aisle thinks she's the only person in the universe that matters and this is her own personal store!" It doesn't always work, cause they're usually in their own little world. How do people walk around like that?

        Actually, my mother is like that, so maybe that's why I'm the way I am (always putting things back where they belong, fixing/fronting the shelves, and returning things that other people have left in the wrong place).
        I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt


        • #5
          (almost) as bad as when the costomers pick on us:

          when they pick on other customers.

          there's going to be that one sweet old lady (she's really doing her best and apologising for taking so long). then there's the ass behind her yelling for her to get a move on for *insert stuck-up, selfish reason here*

          and you just want him to get his butt kicked by a kangaroo.
          really, that's all. just a roo.
          because he made the lady really sad.


          • #6
            Quoth Anoki View Post
            and you just want him to get his butt kicked by a kangaroo.
            I forget the name of the show, but I once saw an episode of a series on Animal Planet where a guy was 'demonstrating' how Roos handle their business in fights, and intentionally got a wild Kangaroo to kick him in the chest.

            He was picking himself up from a few meters back, IIRC.

            Thinking of that and the SC made me picture a cartoon Roo in a blue Wal-Mart vest hoping up, tapping the guy on the shoulder, and kicking him out the doors and to the far end of the parking lot!
            And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


            • #7
              I once had this little old lady carrying this enormous purse (you could smuggle a baby panda in this thing) that was so bulky, it knocked over a book display that she walked past. This display fell with a crash and books were all over the place. Did this little old lady apologize for the mess and offer to help clean up?

              NO!! She kept shuffling on as if nothing had happened!! I cleaned it up and she didn't even look at the mess she made!! Like it was my damn job to clean up after her!

              God, some people...
              Last edited by Marxfan; 07-19-2007, 12:31 PM.
              "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West


              • #8
                Man, you guys would love me. If I knock something over, I practically offer you my kidney I'm so apologetic. I help clean up, and while doing that I drown you in "Sorry, sorry, Oh God, I'm so sorry!".
                I smile, greet, ask how you are, say please and thankyou, and if I get good service I "report" you to your manager...
                I don't really see that many sucky customers over here in SA tho. When I do, if I can see why it developed that way and it's not a case of SE making a C turn into a SC, then I'll try to do something to help...
                The report button - not just for decoration


                • #9
                  Not to excuse the behavior . . .some stores (not all) offer bonus courtisies for different card colors.
                  I know that once upon a time you could call a specific female fashsion store (with a name like the lane for 15 items or less) and give them your Gold Card Number and set up a time that you would be at the store and give them your size and they would have a dressing room ready and waiting and full of items to try. And of course having said Gold Card they hoped you would be a fequent shopper and that the clerks would learn your taste and only have things pulled that you would actually buy.
                  Another store has one day a month that if you are a Gold Card Carrier you get an extra perecent off your total
                  And of course you also have your higher level stores like Needless Markups that have special membership privledges.
                  Sometimes I don't think that the left hand is aware of the right hand. In other words I think that corporate decides to offer specific things to certain "levels" of customers and then forgets to get the information to the clerks who would gladly provide these services if they knew it existed.


                  • #10
                    Eugh yeah I hate when its Blue Cross sale particularly, and amidst trying desperately to get everything off the floor, the customer standing right next to you will just shift through an already untidy rack and just let half of it fall by your feet without so much as a sorry or attempt to pick up after themselves.

                    I also had some woman last week come up to me and ask if we sold children's night wear. When I asked what age and gender it was for she just gave me a dumbfounded look, paused in thought for about 30 seconds, then with tremendous mental effort looked me straight in the eye and said: 'Upper.'

                    ...Simply amazing.



                    • #11
                      The only thing gold card holders get at our store is the gold card lounge. There used to be a coffee machine in there where they could get a complimentary cup of tea or coffee, but now that the machine is gone, they bitch at us in wedding services as if it's our fault. They get 20% off in the restaurant, what more do they want?! (joke )
                      God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

                      I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Zombi View Post
                        The only thing gold card holders get at our store is the gold card lounge. There used to be a coffee machine in there where they could get a complimentary cup of tea or coffee, but now that the machine is gone, they bitch at us in wedding services as if it's our fault. They get 20% off in the restaurant, what more do they want?! (joke )
                        Do you work in Debenhams or House of Fraser?

                        I know what you mean, I hate how being customer service staff means you are treated like crap by people. I thought being a flight attendant would be better as people would respect you more but...oh no
                        No longer a flight atttendant!


                        • #13
                          They latch on the the "serve" part of customer service, and somehow translate the fact that you serve them into you being their slaves. That's how their little self-involved minds work.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

