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It's just a name... get over it.

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  • #91
    Quoth Jester View Post
    JESTER: "Yeah, my girlfriend is pretty damn stubborn too."
    CUSTOMER: "Oh, I don't doubt that, but she can't be as bad as my wife. My wife is ridiculously stubborn."
    JESTER: "Dude, my girlfriend is Southern, she's Irish, and she's a redhead."
    CUSTOMER: "Okay, okay, you win. That's the trifecta!"

    Haha, the trifecta! I like that.


    • #92
      I knew a guy once whose name was Jason Argos.

      I once got up the audacity to ask him about it. "Funny thing, your name... Is it after the hero from the story of the golden fleece?"


      "Your last name's greek right?"

      "Yeah, my family's greek."

      "So are you named after The Jason?"

      "Who? My parents knew some DJ in L.A. and they liked his name.. Is there seriously a story?"

      "Yeah- A very cool story, look it up sometime. Jason and the Argonauts."

      "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


      • #93

        Such a funny thread :P

        My name's Camila - I'm Argentinian.

        Customers aaaalways call me either Camilia (cam-eel-iuh), Camille, Carmilla, Carmelia.. I've even gotten a "Camera" (wtf??) .. *sigh*

        I mean, know it's not the most common name in America, and I understand you think it's spelled with two Ls, but.. come on! You can at least pronounce it properly!

        My co-worker's butcherings are even funnier - her name is Florencia, and she's gotten


        and a couple others. We have a list!


        • #94
          Quoth Sofar View Post
          My name is very simple, and as my parents ensured, spelt in an intuitive fashion. It is Beorn. Whenever someone sees it written out, they pronounce it perfectly, or at least in one of the three acceptable ways to pronounce my name. The name's from Olde Englysh, it means bear. Raar. The only problem is that my name has a R in it, and I can't pronounce Rs. And frankly, at this point I just hate those goddamn Rs. Do we really need them? The French have the right idea. And Americans expect a lot out of their Rs. What passes for an R in England doesn't even register to an American's ears. So, I introduce myself.
          Here in Norway, your name is similarly pronounced as Bjørn, wich means Bear.

          what's funny about being Norwegian, is those couple extra letters in our alphabet, my last name give americans a fit, my last name is Søvik, i dare ya to pronounce it
          Last edited by Hemily; 07-31-2007, 12:19 PM.


          • #95
            Quoth Hemily View Post
            my last name is Søvik, i dare ya to pronounce it

            Don't know why but I feel there's an L in there.


            • #96
              Quoth draftermatt View Post

              Don't know why but I feel there's an L in there.
              there's no L

              also, there's actually not an O in it either... hehe


              • #97
                Quoth Hemily View Post
                my last name is Søvik, i dare ya to pronounce it
                My random guess? Sevik!

                *eagerly awaits to be told how far off he is*
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #98
                  I am going to guess Sah VICK or SAH vick. I am leaning more towards the second one. And that in America it would probably be spelled Savik. Just a guess.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #99
                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    SC: "But where are your ancestors from?"
                    At that point the question becomes, "Which ones?"

                    I, like you, am a true American mutt. My ancestors have come to America as recently as one set of great-grandparents (from Finland, I'm 1/4) or have been here forever (I'm 1/64 Iriquois).

                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    That is, until she broke out the Italian whoopass temper on them. THEN they believed her!
                    So... how does one discern the difference from the Italian whoopass temper and the Irish whoopass temper?

                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    "Ah! Leah" by Donnie Iris. While a prolific songwriter, this was his only major hit as a musician. He is generally referred to as a one hit wonder because of it.
                    I actually am rather fond of "Love Is Like a Rock" by Donnie Iris. I heard it on the radio one day, searched out the title and picked it up. *goes to fire up Winamp*

                    Quoth protege View Post
                    She named him Sharron. Needless to say, he wasn't too happy about that. Anyway, he usually went by "Bud."
                    Oh, if I were in his shoes, I so would have spread it around that it was based on the name Charon and was a reference to the boatman that ferried the dead across the river Styx.

                    Quoth Ciarrai View Post
                    Gaelic and English are completely different and consequently have different phonetic rules. My name is Gaelic damnit!
                    Yeah. The Gaels were told that they had to have a written language. Being the people they are, they decided to make it as difficult as possible to deal with because they weren't the ones who wanted to write it down.

                    Quoth Sharsarannon View Post
                    I knew a guy once whose name was Jason Argos.

                    I once got up the audacity to ask him about it. "Funny thing, your name... Is it after the hero from the story of the golden fleece?"

                    Ok, that's just depressing. The guy's name was Jason Argos and he had no idea about the story of Jason and the Argonauts? That's ... that's just sad.

                    Quoth Hemily View Post
                    what's funny about being Norwegian, is those couple extra letters in our alphabet, my last name give americans a fit, my last name is Søvik, i dare ya to pronounce it
                    I've never actually looked up how Norwegian letters run. But if I saw your name, I'd take a wild stab with "Sahvik" and hope I was close.

                    *fires up her Google-fu*

                    *finds a pronunciation guide* Oh... huh. I can see that.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                      So... how does one discern the difference from the Italian whoopass temper and the Irish whoopass temper?
                      The Irish breathe fire and can stop you dead, and I mean no pulse dead, in your tracks at 20 paces.

                      The Italians throw knives and fire automatic weaponry.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • Quoth Jester View Post
                        The Irish breathe fire and can stop you dead, and I mean no pulse dead, in your tracks at 20 paces.

                        The Italians throw knives and fire automatic weaponry.
                        Ah, so the Irish get aura effects and psionic powers, while the Italians get hyperdimensional weaponry.

                        Got it.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • People love to assume my heritage just by my name. I have had many customers see my name tag and say things like:

                          SC: ohhh, a nice Italian name! are you Italian?
                          Me: No I'm not.
                          SC: But your first name is Italian!?
                          Me: uh-huh
                          SC: How can you have an Italian first name but not be Italian?
                          Me: *sigh* B/c my grandmother loved to watch the mickey mouse club.

                          And my first name is butchered so very much. I am not Anita, or Antoinette, or Ariana, or Augusta, or Aneta, or Jeanette, or Babette. It A double n, e, double t, e. And no, Franki isn't waiting for me. Hardy har har. You're so funny. Take your change and get out of my store please.

                          The few times I was required to give out my last name:
                          SC: Oh, what part of Italy are you from?
                          Me: I'm not.
                          SC: But your last name is Italian?
                          Me: yes, b/c I married an Italian man.
                          SC: *completely confused* But your first and last names are Italian!
                          Me: Yes they are, and I'm half Puerto-Rican and part Polish and part Hungarian. There is not a drop of Italian in me.

                          crazy people. leave me alone.
                          If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


                          • I made a new name tag for a fellow manager one day. Needless to say, Assface was a hit with the customers.

