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Sucky customers that weren't mine

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  • Sucky customers that weren't mine

    We were running some errands in the city yesterday, and I got to see what SC's do when they're not calling in and screaming at me.

    We met Sucky Guy #1 at CiCi's pizza (it's a small pizza chain, they have a buffet that's always open and come up with some really different-but-good selections like macaroni and cheese pizza). I was up getting a slice or two of pizza and he comes charging up to the line and frantically asking the kid if they had and vegetable pizza, they needed a vegetable pizza! The kid pointed him to a supreme pizza and he got several slices of it.

    I get back to our table and he's sitting at the table next to us with 2 kids, a boy of about 7 and a girl about 9 or 10. Their dad has 1 slice of the veggie pizza, and the kids have 2 each. However, the dad also has other varieties on his own plate. He then tells the kids that they need to go to the salad bar. The boy doesn't want to, so the dad gives him a cinnamon roll off the buffet and tells him he can have his dessert now if he goes to the salad bar afterwards. The boy agrees and goes to the salad bar and gets a few cherry tomatoes.

    Then a man came in wearing an army uniform and the dad says to the boy "There's an army guy. Get over there and thank him for his service to our country." The kid didn't seem to keen on this idea, because he was still eating, and the dad told him to do it now. So the boy walks over and mutters it to the army guy.

    Then the dad and the boy went to the bathroom and the daughter played around with a carrot for a few minutes before taking a couple of bites and dropping it on her plate. They came back and the dad told them it was time to go, and she said "Look dad, I ate a carrot just for you." Looks like she was developing into a fine smartass

    The big problem here was the dad's insistence that his kids load up on veggies. But he was a very large man and ate whatever he wanted. And while he bribed his son to go get a "salad" with a cinnamon roll, the girl never did get any dessert. And while it's nice to teach your children to respect our fighting men and women, it's another thing to force them to do it. They guy had just walked in the door, why not have the whole family (including the daughter he barely spoke a word to), go over and thank him on the way out? I have never in my life seen children at a pizza buffet who looked so completely miserable as these poor kids.

    I encountered Sucky Guy #2 at Target, while browsing Wii and DS games. He led the girl in Electronics over to the Wii section, and as I caught part of the conversation, I just had to hover around and see how it ended.

    Sucky Guy (SG): I called not 20 minutes ago and they said they had one!
    Target Lady(TL): Do you know who you spoke to?
    SG: Yeah, whoever answers your phone at the front desk! She called and talked to some kid and he said they had one! I told her I'd pay for it with my credit card over the phone and then come get it but she said I couldn't do that! So I drove all the way over here from the west side to get it and now you tell me you don't have one!
    TL: I'm sorry sir, but we don't have one in stock. We did have one, but we sold it about 2 hours ago.
    SG: No, no, no! This was 20 minutes ago!
    TL: *gets on her walkie talkie* Hey Brian?
    Brian: Yeah?
    TL: Did you talk to anyone a little bit ago about a Wii? This gentleman called in and someone said we had one.
    Brian: No, I sold it 2 hours ago.
    SG: Look, I came all the way over here because none of the stores on the west side have one. So I called over here to the east store and someone tells me they have one. And now you tell me you don't! This is unbelievable!
    TL: Which store did you call?
    SG: The east one! This one!
    TL: There are 2 stores on the east side. Did you call this one or the one by the mall?
    SG: The...what?

    Sure enough, she called the other store and they had one. As I peered around the corner, I couldn't help but wish with all my might that someone bought it by the time he got there.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Kara_CS View Post
    The big problem here was the dad's insistence that his kids load up on veggies. But he was a very large man and ate whatever he wanted. And while he bribed his son to go get a "salad" with a cinnamon roll, the girl never did get any dessert. And while it's nice to teach your children to respect our fighting men and women, it's another thing to force them to do it. They guy had just walked in the door, why not have the whole family (including the daughter he barely spoke a word to), go over and thank him on the way out? I have never in my life seen children at a pizza buffet who looked so completely miserable as these poor kids.
    What you have just witnessed, boys and girls, is one of the many reasons people develop eating disorders.

    Food should never be a bribe, reward, or anything other than sustenance.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Quoth Kara_CS View Post

      Sure enough, she called the other store and they had one. As I peered around the corner, I couldn't help but wish with all my might that someone bought it by the time he got there.
      You're evil just like me


      • #4
        Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
        You're evil just like me
        me too
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          The first guy sounds like it was custody day and he had been given a list of his parental "failings" that he was trying to fix all in one day.
          The second guy - if I had the bucks to waste - I would have been tempted to try to hot foot it over to the other store and buy it out from under him.


          • #6
            We actually got a used Wii in yesterday. Not two minutes after we'd boxed it up, some guy came up to do the usual "Do y' have any Wiis?"
            K: "Actually, we just got one in used."
            "Oh... *crestfallen* No new ones?"
            K: "None until next week, at least."
            "It's just, I wanted it for a birthday present... how would it look to give him a used system?"
            K: *shrugs* "It came back with the box and everything, it runs just perfectly."
            "No, it's okay."

            And we watched the guy leave, myself in slack-jawed amazement.
            J: "And, five months from now, still Wii-less, he'll be screaming at the sky, yelling, 'Why, Gods, why? Why didn't I buy that Wii that was in my grasp?', oh well..."
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
              You're evil just like me
              I'm the evilest evil person who was the epitome of evil.

              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                Sure enough, she called the other store and they had one. As I peered around the corner, I couldn't help but wish with all my might that someone bought it by the time he got there.
                I'm hoping that someone is walking to the counter to buy it as he enters the store.
                I did not sell my soul to Satan. He does have a long term lease with the option to buy.


                • #9
                  Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                  I'm the evilest evil person who was the epitome of evil.

                  Pfff! I could top y'all. I'm not just evil, I'm ebil, so evil it's misspelled.
                  Is it insanity to reason with the voices in your head or to ignore them and hope they go away on their own? - Hod from Brat-halla

                  "You're the nicest evil person I know" one of my managers to me


                  • #10
                    Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                    What you have just witnessed, boys and girls, is one of the many reasons people develop eating disorders.

                    Food should never be a bribe, reward, or anything other than sustenance.

                    i'll actually disagree with part of that, food can be an incentive in a healthy way. I'm a good example. Any food can provide sustenance, but my rule is that I can't have a lot of the foods i like (ie, the foods that are really unhealthy, hmm, mushroom swiss burgers) unless I'm willing to bike to the restaurant to burn off the calories and/or work overtime to pay the extra over what it would cost to have something healthy at home. And I guarantee you that when I bike to the nearest Carl's Jr. I burn way more calories and get much more exercise than would be necessary to merely burn off the calories (the nearest CJ is 5 miles away) and with a half hour minimum for overtime (my personal min is one hour) i earn way more than the difference, which can be put in savings, so by me "using food as a reward" i actually end up healthier both with exercise and money.
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                      i'll actually disagree with part of that, food can be an incentive in a healthy way.
                      I think this is very true, if it's in the case of an adult using it as an incentive for themselves, and doing it properly. I just don't think it always works well with kids, especially in the way the dad in the OP was doing it.

                      I do think it can be used with kids, if done right, but one has to be very careful, as instilling a reward/punishment system to do with food into a child can have harmful, even eating disorder, effects once the child grows older, if they learn to view food that way. Again, I think it's fine for an adult to use for themselves, so long as they already have a healthy outlook, but teaching a child that can skew how they view food, and can lead to obesity or eating disorders.

                      /my $0.02
                      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                      • #12
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        Food should never be a bribe, reward, or anything other than sustenance.

                        While I agree that food should never be a bribe (A good parent doesn't bribe their kid), or a reward or anything... You said food should only be a sustenance. Theres no reason to eat unless you enjoy what you eat.
                        MMO Addicts group


                        • #13
                          Don't know if this the right place for this or not, but if anyone cares to buy a Wii, they have them in Canada. I got mine there while I was up visiting my parents. Apparently, they just sit on the shelves up there. But 5 miles over on the US side, no one has any to sell and people are calling everyday to find out if they're in. To me, it was worth paying in Canadian to get it when I wanted it. Might be handy info for anyone living near (or with family/friends) near the border.


                          • #14
                            Quoth auntiem View Post
                            The second guy - if I had the bucks to waste - I would have been tempted to try to hot foot it over to the other store and buy it out from under him.
                            Damn it you beat me to it,

                            You could of course have taken it back the next day unopened, to the original store.
                            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                              Don't know if this the right place for this or not, but if anyone cares to buy a Wii, they have them in Canada. I got mine there while I was up visiting my parents. Apparently, they just sit on the shelves up there.
                              I live in Canada and have been having some trouble finding one in my specific area.

                              May I ask where you found yours? If its in southwestern Ontario, I'll drive a few hours if need be.

                              My local department store is getting weekly shipments, at least. I just don't have time to do the line-up thing.

                              If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

