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White Trash Lady

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  • White Trash Lady

    I worked at a Home Depot in Idaho, in Special Services. That area specifically deals with installs, deliveries, custom orders, answered phones and so on. Pretty much if the customer didn't take something off the shelf to a cashier, to their car, I was the first and only line of defense.

    Enter White Trash Lady (WTL)

    She was about 5' 3" tall, and about 5' 3" wide. She wore wrist braces because a suspicious slip and fall case pending against another retailer. She felt a man's wifebeater undershirt was sufficient coverage of her ample and nauseating fat rolls. She did not feel said shirt really needed to be washed all that often. I have no idea if she even was wearing pants because I couldn't get down that far without needing to throw up in my mouth a little bit.

    WTL decided she needed a new washer/dryer set for her trailer, where she lived with her 20-something year old son, his girlfriend, their two bastard children, and a handful of dogs. So, she saved up her Social Security diability checks, and her two degenerate dependants welfare, and came to visit the Home Depot (lucky us) to purchase the cheapest, tiniest, lowest quality POS washer/dryer set we sold. She refused to pay the install/delivery charge (despite the fact that a mail-in rebate made it free - moron) and took them home and presumably had her son install them.

    So, we had a good chuckle at WTL's expense, and moved on with our lives.

    Unfortunately, the saga is not over.

    WTL comes back in a few months later, SCREAMING about how we intentionally sold her defective units. Warranty work on such things is not performed by in-store employees, only by a contracted applicance company. So, we put in the order since it's within the warranty period, to have the repairmen go out to fix WTL's W/D.

    Apparently, WTL is incredibly racist against mexicans, so when the Latino repairmen go to her trailer to repair the appliances, she CALLS THE COPS and barricades herself in the trailer, because they're trying to RAPE HER. Cops, clearly used to her, blow her off but call me to deal with it. So I contact the repair company, they tell the repairmen to leave.

    WTL comes back in the store complaining about her appliances the next day, saying now she wants new ones. We don't simply replace appliances, they have to be at least attempted to be repaired prior to a replacement. She says, ok, come out to repair it. I get to tell her I don't do it, we call this company that was out YESTERDAY. She says that's fine, but don't let them send mexicans. She doesn't trust them. So I refuse to make that request to the company, on account of I'm not a racist psycho. So WTL insists on getting a manager, who she then refuses to talk to because he is (you guessed it) Mexican. He tells me to just put in the repair order again and see what happens.

    So, I put in the repair call. Again. They go out. Again. She barricades herself in the trailer. Again. The repairmen call me directly this time, and say they're not coming back here. I call WTL's home phone, which she doesn't answer even though they're clearly aware she is home. I leave a message saying the repairmen are there, and they are going to leave and we won't send them again. Still, nothing. So they leave.

    She comes into Home Depot again, saying that we've sent out repairmen twice to fix her W/D, so our policy is we replace the units after twice attempted repairs. Um, here's the thing lady, that only applies IF YOU LET THEM IN THE TRAILER! So she storms out, screaming about discrimination against whites. Keep in mind, I'm white.

    WTL calls back the next day, hoping to talk to another manager that's not familiar with her lunacy. I am lucky enough to answer the phone, and I tell her that I'd be happy to help and take care of everything, and go into detail about how I'm going to fix her up and make her happy because the customer comes first. She asks my name so she can say who she talked to when she got such assurances - I reply "John (my real first name) Julio Sanchez (not real names)". WTL hangs up on me.

    WTL keeps coming in day after day complaining and yelling until finally the management marks down another set (only a few hundred dollars between the two) and drops them off in front of her trailer, leaving her to deal with installation, removal/disposal of the old ones, etc. She is now banned from the store. I understand why management would want to be rid of her, but it's always so annoying when the total A-holes get their way.

  • #2
    Quoth MarcRocks View Post
    She asks my name so she can say who she talked to when she got such assurances - I reply "John (my real first name) Julio Sanchez (not real names)". WTL hangs up on me.
    Evil. I love it.

    Quoth MarcRocks View Post
    WTL keeps coming in day after day complaining and yelling until finally the management marks down another set (only a few hundred dollars between the two) and drops them off in front of her trailer, leaving her to deal with installation, removal/disposal of the old ones, etc. She is now banned from the store. I understand why management would want to be rid of her, but it's always so annoying when the total A-holes get their way.
    Now, that's a bunch of .

    Your last sentence said it all.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Shoulda sent her a Puerto Rican delivery guy....LOL.


      • #4
        What a disgusting pig.

        Thank God you're rid of her.

        She reminds me too much of that breed of customers at the gas station.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth Bright_Star View Post
          Shoulda sent her a Puerto Rican delivery guy....LOL.
          Or a Filipino.

          No wait, she wanted WHITE installers....does dressing up Mexicans in White Tyvek suits help?


          • #6
            I sometimes consider getting a tattoo... Just one.. bit large... *sigh*


            • #7
              The title is an obvious oxymoron, as "white trash" and "lady" can never be used in the same phrase.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                Quoth wagegoth View Post
                The title is an obvious oxymoron, as "white trash" and "lady" can never be used in the same phrase.
                Hey, I resemble that!
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                • #9
                  Resemble?? or resent?
                  I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                  "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                  • #10
                    Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                    Shoulda sent her a Puerto Rican delivery guy....LOL.
                    Say hello to Miguel Sanchez!
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth Bliss View Post
                      Resemble?? or resent?
                      Well, I definitely don't resent it...
                      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Bliss View Post
                        Resemble?? or resent?
                        *does her best Foghorn Leghorn impression*
                        "Now son, Ah say, Son, what yuh need is tah grab that there chain and give it a good yank. Yuh'll have yah chicken. *aside to screen* This kid's dumber'n a sack ah doornails."
                        "I call murder on that!"


                        • #13
                          As an update: My wife was continually complaining about this moron psycho bitch named Linda (same first name as WTL) who frequented her bank. I didn't think anything of it, until I was in one day to take her to lunch and the WTL came in. Same psycho lady shopped at my store and went to her bank across town; what are the chances? I had to hide my face until we got out of there.


                          • #14
                            Now now now now, don't take it up against the latinamerican, I mean after all english is my second language, it can't be all THAT good right? specially regarding cultural expressions and references.
                            I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                            "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras

