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Your bill is not a religous dispute

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  • ShadedWings
    Quoth DGoddess View Post
    I think you're preaching to the choir . . .

    I will, however, be glad to shout out a "Brother Ben shot a rooster and killed a Hen."

    That was a saying from my late grandmother, if anyone is wondering.
    Maybe I'm just clueless on this one, but what's that supposed to mean? I've never heard it before.

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  • queenbb
    yah some times you gotta pick your battles with the whole pagan thing. i have to bite my tounge alot.

    occasionally it will escape, take the other day,

    i was checking out this young lady, who was asking me random questions as i was putting together her paper work. she asks me about job opportunities at the company i work for, and i direct her to human resources. at the end of the conversation she thanks me and hands me some christian type handout. i tell her im pagan but thank her anyway and hope she has a good day, she gets disgusted look on her face and walks away.

    i wonder if she is going to apply

    at least i dont have to worry about my coworkers as much, they (most of them that is are self described "jesus freaks" and wear pins on their lanyards to denote them selfs as such. they seemed alittle shocked at first when i told them but for the most part they will ask me random questions about it or if they say some random potentially offensive comment (about pagans or other groups such as homosexuals which our manager is, or ethnic groups) i quietly remind them that maybe they need to rethink their wording, werid how they dont really say anything about females considering i work in an auto shop and only till recently was the only female amongst them (we have another woman but shes only there one day a week)

    one cool thing about being the only pagan in the group is that my manager is very pagan sensitive (he has not said he is as of yet) he does give me the pagan holidays off with out me asking for them, this is a big change from people letting me go as soon as they find out (yah never have your name in the paper in reguards to a pagan event when you first start a job)

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  • JustADude
    Quoth TWOLF View Post
    This is meant as no disrespect towards anyone, but I've found that people from the south will end the call with Jesus loves you or God Bless you. I don't know why it is.
    Two words, TWOLF... Bible Belt.

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  • DGoddessChardonnay
    Quoth Bright_Star View Post
    Thou shall NOT piss off the customer service worker who's only doing their job & who could care less if you're pagan, gothic or Christian. Can we get an Amen?.....LOL.
    I think you're preaching to the choir . . .

    I will, however, be glad to shout out a "Brother Ben shot a rooster and killed a Hen."

    That was a saying from my late grandmother, if anyone is wondering.

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  • Seshat
    Quoth Rapscallion View Post
    I thought the obvious quote would be that you should render up to Caesar that which is Caesar's etc.
    It's obvious, but too many people are aware that that's about taxation, and was an attempt to get Jesus in trouble with the Romans.

    To rebut the 'it's unChristian to ask for payment for services rendered', it's more appropriate (IMO) to use the ones where Jesus himself, and St Paul in his letters, specifically said to pay people for their work.

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  • Rapscallion
    I thought the obvious quote would be that you should render up to Caesar that which is Caesar's etc.


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  • thegiraffe
    Quoth Can I Help Your A$$? View Post
    That would be Matthew 5:42.
    Matthew 5:42 says "Give to the one who asks you, and do not t urn away from the one who wants to borrow from you."

    However, that can be taken COMPLETELY out of context. It's in a passage discussing an eye for an eye - basically, if someone wants something from you, give him(her) that and something else.

    Luke 10:7 also says "the worker deserves his wages".

    2 Chronicles 34:10 - " Then they entrusted it to the men appointed to supervise the work on the LORD's temple. These men paid the workers who repaired and restored the temple."

    Essentially, you do work, you get paid for it. So by turning that around, if you GET a service or a product from someone, you pay them for it (after all, the pay has to come from somewhere, right?)

    As a Christian, I take offense to people who attempt to use their faith as a label to get what they want. Just know that there are a lot of very loving Christians out there - I know quite a few of them - who are accepting and wonderful.

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  • Pagan
    Quoth TWOLF View Post
    People really need to watch who they are talking to because all I kept thinking was don't say it don't say your Pagan, it will only bring on an arguement.

    What I really wanted to say at this point was "Ma'am don't you know corporations are run by Satanists? Why do you think we make so much money?"
    You have that problem, too, huh?

    So that's what Bill Gates does in his off time!

    And trying to chisel your way out of paying a bill is not exactly a "Christian" thing to do, either!

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  • Seshat
    Quoth Jester View Post
    As a non-Christian, these things irritate me in ways that most Christians just can't seem to understand. Sort of like trying to explain anti-black racism to a weathy WASP from Connecticut.....
    I tried to make a comment about it to my family once, and they started telling me how badly Christians are persecuted in this country. (For reference: Aussieland.)

    I just went silent. No point in trying to explain.

    And back on topic:

    I honestly don't know where people get this idea that it's 'unChristian' to charge for services rendered. Christ himself said that the 'worker is worthy of his support'. You see it in Matthew, 10:10.

    In his letters to Timothy and to the Corinthians, Paul mentions this again. In 1 Timothy, 5:18, he says not to muzzle an ox while he is threshing, and that the worker is worthy of his reward. In Corinthians, it's in 1 Corinthians 9:9, and only mentions the ox, but if you read the surrounding passages it's clear that it's a reiteration of this concept.

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  • Jester
    I don't mind people believing in their religion, or even expressing such belief.

    But someone arguing about their bill telling me it is not the Christian thing to do?
    Or arguing a political point and saying this country is a Christian country?

    As a non-Christian, these things irritate me in ways that most Christians just can't seem to understand. Sort of like trying to explain anti-black racism to a weathy WASP from Connecticut.....

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    This is meant as no disrespect towards anyone, but I've found that people from the south will end the call with Jesus loves you or God Bless you. I don't know why it is.

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  • ShadedWings
    Quoth Bright_Star View Post
    Thou shall NOT piss off the customer service worker who's only doing their job & who could care less if you're pagan, gothic or Christian. Can we get an Amen?.....LOL.

    Personally, I don't follow a particular faith, but if I HAD to put a name to my belief, I'd say pagan. It's the closest I've found so far. So, I just have to be very amused at people who do the religious rant thing.

    I even had one lady that interspersed every sentence with "lord bless us" and "jesus save me" and "the lord provides" and.. the one that got me.. every number I gave her had the holy trinity in it, including her confirmation number for her payment. Had something like two threes and three ones or something, and when she asked my name again, even stated that (somehow) my name spelled a cross.

    I was amused.

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  • bigjimaz
    Sometimes when I write my CS stories I space, sometimes I can't be bothered.
    I'm the opposite to the point of being anal about it. I can read any form of writing. Believe me, being a moderator on an adult website and chat room (actually I'm now an admin ) you adapt pretty quickly to typing styles. My only complaints about anyone's typing habits is when the guy comes in to the chat andeverythinghetypesisallbunchedtogetherwithoutspa cesorpunctuation or another guy whose-space-bar-seems-to-be-broken-because-he-uses-dashes-for-spaces. At least the latter is legible.

    To give you a clue about my anal-ness, I posted a blast from my past this morning. It is a long story that most likely could have been shorter had I just wrote it as I remember it, but no, not me. I have to get all the periods, commas, quotes, underlines, smileys, etc., just right, or at least what seems right to me. Then I go back and put in things that happened that I forgot on the rough, rough draft or add funny comments or name changes to make the story appealing without changing the actual events.

    After I've gotten that all done to my satisfaction, I post it. Once I see it in the place where it falls on the board, I'll tweak it so that a smiley doesn't fall on the next line away from what it is emphasizing, add BBCode to make something stand out with bold, color or italics. The way I feel is that if I'm going to share a story, it might as well be as entertaining as I can make it.

    That Limo story takes about 5 minutes to read. From the time I typed the first letter of the title to the time I was finally satisfied was about 3 hours. I've always written like this, even when I was in school. The only thing that would speed things up for me would be if could quit saying to myself, "Now where did the letter 'P' go?" I'm an old-school hunt and peck, one index finger at a time, have to look at the keys on every stroke typist. Still, as slow as I type, I'd like to have a penny for every stroke I've made on a key in my life.
    Last edited by bigjimaz; 09-11-2007, 11:06 PM.

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  • Tria
    Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
    That's pretty funny. The Christian thing to do? Where in the bible does it say "Thou shalt give people money for no good reason"?
    I dunno, but somewhere it says not to charge the children of Israel interest.

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  • Bright_Star
    Thou shall NOT piss off the customer service worker who's only doing their job & who could care less if you're pagan, gothic or Christian. Can we get an Amen?.....LOL.

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