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The gates of retail hell have opened!

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  • The gates of retail hell have opened!

    This is a long one... here goes.

    I got hired for my first official job, which is at a telecom business. Just a small store which might be the size of a standard living room. In a small, boring town... with boring people. I started last Friday, only for 2 hours from 7 till 9pm, had no other choice since my classes at university ended at 5.30 that day and since I study at the other side of my province, it takes a while to travel back.


    My first 2 hours were no big deal, standing around with my trainee badge watching what the boss did, observed my colleagues, learned how to use all the stuff etc. Only one little SC situation which I, as a newbie, thought was no big deal. Lady bringing her cellphone in, wanted to have us sent it to repair, but she had no receipt, no insurance papers, no whatever, so she couldn't be helped. Threw a little hissy since she didn't want to go back again, she just got the phone back from repair blah blah blah. Eventually she stomped out. I asked if that was the worst thing that could happen and my manager (we spent a year in high school together) said: oh that's nothing yet. *evil grin* You're scheduled from 9 am till 5.30 pm tomorrow? We have our nicest people and a few recurring nightmares in solid form who have the tendency the return during the weekends...


    Managed to match the phone models with the right descriptions, got some more instructions, did my first transactions, heard a story about one of the SC's who seem to return. We are allowed to go on break time whenever we want, as long as someone is in the store. I get out for some food, dove into the back room, a guy comes into the store and I hear him going apeshit over his phone. Some things he said: that darker guy sucks (the mgr, who wasn't there that day), only the tall one (as. mgr/ex-classmate) does his job fairly well, the short guy (the one he was talking to) sucks too, incompetent, problems with my phone, do something or I'll pull you over the counter, yak yak yak, threats, threats.

    My ex-classmate K came walking into the back room and told me that I had to notice his voice, I did and we decided to go into popcorn-mode while listening how P, the shorter guy, dealt with it. The SC, notoriously and sarcasticly known as the Screaming Gentleman said he wanted to hand all his 'papers and shit' to the store and wanted a contract in case stuff got lost so he could blame us. Some more yakking and he took 5 and went out. I finished my lunch and moved my rear back behind the counter. Seemed the guy had problems with his software and he couldn't enter his security code.

    The take 5 was literal. He came back. Rant rant rant and suddenly he notices me. The following conversation took place:

    Me: the slightly nervous newbie
    P: my colleague
    SG: Screaming Gentleman. Some 35 year old guy which can be categorized along the lines of the term 'white trash'. Everything he says was in a raised voice. If I feel the need to capitalize the letters... it was really bad.

    SG: *to P* You have the contract and the copies ready? I am not letting you getting away with it this time.
    P: We are doing the best we can, sir. We'll send it to reparation as soon as possible.
    SG: GOOD! Would be about time you people did something! I want to have it back soon!
    Me: *thinking* why do you come here then if you don't like the service?
    P: Reparation might take a while though.
    SG: Just don't try to SCAM ME!! Or I will GRAB you by the collar and PULL you OVER THE COUNTER!! *notices me*
    Me: *notices that SG notices me, thinking: shit!*
    SG: you new here?
    Me: yes sir, I...
    SG: Good, maybe you can do something about this place, I am sure you can, everyone here sucks, only the tall one is making it bearable. Don't you think this place is horrible and that they *nodding to colleagues* suck? They try to get all intelligent with me, but that's not my style! (we all tried not to laugh at that comment)
    Me: Uhm, no sir, I just started yesterday and I am expected to follow the example of my co-workers and managers.
    SG: Then keep an eye on the tall one and you should do fine. *jerks head towards P and starts ripping him a new one, just out of the blue*
    P: *mumbles something back, clearly annoyed*
    SG: *looks at me again* What are you doing after work, sweety? *starts looking at a something which are not my eyes*
    Me: celebrating weekend, sir *thinking: damn, just my luck!*
    SG: You want me to kiss you?
    K, who was walking around stood still, P who was busy behind the pc looked up and we all turned in to the 3 what-the-fudgeketeers.
    Me: no, thank you (I was so stunned I couldn't think of anything else)
    SG: WHY NOT? *starts leaning over the counter*
    (before I could respond) K: Sir, this is no way to treat our employees. *grabs contract and signs it and smacks it on the counter* Your phone will be sent out to repair. I demand you to leave this store at once now before I have you arrested for threatening my staff and sexual harassment.
    SG: *yells a lot of stuff*
    K: *grabs the phone*
    *SG stomps out of the store*

    As soon as he was out K said: 'no wonder you're the only female in the local telecom business with these idiots on the loose. You sure did act like you couldn't care.'
    I wasn't acting, I don't care about flirting from guys, especially not during my working time. A nice lady is always welcome, but preferably not during my working day as well

    That guy usually comes in on Saturdays... I work on Saturdays... I will bring popcorn for lunch...

  • #2
    He did WHAT???
    GOod on K for telling him off. If he does it again, call the police on his ass - he obviously has gotten away with it before, and who knows how far he'd go if he isn't stopped!!
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      Jerk & Perv

      On your first Perv. There will be more, especialy if your the only female in the store.
      There are several responses to such Jerks:
      2 I WILL call security
      3 You are the reason I like girls.
      When dealing with teen boys this has become a personal favorite:
      Boy: Uses stupid pick-up line
      Me:No, I'm gay
      Me:Yes really
      Boy: w/leer
      Me:No you can't watch
      Me:Get out
      Bonus point if you can embaress him in front of friends.
      Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
      The following is subject to change:
      If Your Going Through Hell,
      Keep Going...


      • #4
        iradney: I heard they already contacted the police a few times, but you know, someone actually has to get his rear kicked or worse before any action is taken. Otherwise the police will tell him that he was a bad boy and that he should be nice to people... you know the story, it ends with the police giving him a pat on the head saying 'Behave next time'.

        Lady Heather: thanks for congratulating and with the useful info

        Option 3 turns out to be a risk, especially if they keep persisting, I usually stick with: I have a bf already, but you may buy me a drink if you REALLY want to
        I'll find a good substitute for that at work.

