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Maybe I'm an ungrateful bastard, but...

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  • Maybe I'm an ungrateful bastard, but...

    We have quite a few military families in house, due to a brigade that has returned from Iraq. It's a stressful time for these folks and we go out of our way to be as patient and understanding as possible. We realize emotions are running high. But, what to do when the SC is a returning soldier and his family.

    I started my shift at 11pm, just as families and soldiers were coming back to the hotel from the welcome home ceremony. Around 1pm, a guest called to complain about a party, slamming doors, yelling in the halls. I sent our night security up to get them to quiet down. The whole family, father, mother, son, girlfriend, were belligerent as hell, even menacing when told to quiet down. This went on until 4am this morning, when we finally had to threaten these people with eviction and the police if they didn't stop. My whole night was spent fielding angry people about the racket, some of the calls from other families who came back from the same welcome ceremony. These people just kept getting puffed up and throwing "Iraq" in our face.

    Believe me, I understand their need to let off some steam. Now the angry phone calls are turning into angry people at the desk. It's hard to argue with them, because they have a right to be upset for being kept awake all night. I'm sorry, but Iraq is not a good enough excuse to cause all the trouble they did.

    I left the GM a note to speak to these people, they are not due to leave until Friday. I have to do the overnight again tonight, if I have to deal with them again, I think I'll either walk out or kill myself.

  • #2
    Tell them straight out that that some of the people complaining are also just back as well?
    ludo ergo sum


    • #3
      Kick them out if it continues. The soldier wasn't forced to serve....he joined all on his own...and he should know better. When my ex husband came back from Iraq, we had to stay in a hotel for a few days as we had a bunch of classes to attend on reintergration of the soldier to civilian life. If people got rowdy, it was at the bar, and at night everyone was too tired or too focused on "other" things to run amok in the hotel.


      • #4
        The Police should have already been called when they were so nasty about it. Serving in a war does not give anyone the right to distrurb the peace. Period.


        • #5
          Just for "crediblity", but I'm a military wife. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior, I don't care if you just got back from Iraq, Afghanistan, or the freaking moon.

          I called the cops on my neighbors when their wild return party woke my husband and baby up at 1am, 2am, and then again at 3am. About 4 the police finally arrived, and these group was still going(I did go and try and talk to them several times, the would get quiet for about 10 min then start up again)

          I am sorry you had to deal with that. Most are good, but there are some really crappy attitudes on some people.
          Shamus: Why hasn't anybody designs a cranium-anus extraction kit yet? It seems that so many people suffer from a improperly-stored head.


          • #6
            Personally, when they threw Iraq in my face I'd tell them that I appreciated the fact that they were serving our country, and fighting for what it stands for, but if they can fight for everyone's rights overseas, then they should be able to respect those same rights when they get back to the good old U.S. of A. Seriously, you think that you're the only one who just got back from the war? Or maybe you thing that your pursuit of happiness is more important than everyone else's? If I get one more call, we'll see what the police think about it, how about that? You have the right to party, they have the right to sleep. If you think you supercede their rights, you've got another think coming. [/rant]

            Btw, I don't believe that this war has anything to do with what our country stands for (other than oil and the consumer lifestyle) that's just the argument I'd make to the asshat soldier and family.
            If ignorance is bliss, no wonder I'm so unhappy.


            • #7
              An SC is an SC and should be dealt with accordingly. "Iraq" is irrelevant. Kick 'em out or call the cops, however your hotel usually treats guests like this.

              Sorry you're having to deal with this mess, it sounds like a nightmare.

