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Not worth much

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  • Not worth much

    I was having a really bad day. I mean I was annoyed by every little thing because I had to stay over by like an hour or so due to my co-worker being a big baby about taking his break a little later.

    Anyway, I'm already pissed and wouldn't you know I get all the jerks??

    I greeted this guy who put down some change on my counter and wanted to make it into bills.

    I noticed that two of the coins he put down weren't American. They were canadian. Well, we don't accept canadian coins, just bills.

    Me: Unfortunately it looks as though you have some canadian coins. We don't take those.

    SC: Well, YOUR machine gave them to me!

    Me: (not sure what to say to that) Um, we still can't take them.

    Most of the time its BS that our machine did this. I've personally made the deposits for the coins that go into the Kiosk and its highly unlikely that it would happen. But not impossible.

    SC: Well YOU better find someone who can!

    I tore out of there and went back to my supervisor.

    Me: Do I have to take them?

    SV: Yes... Unfortunately.

    So, feeling like a dumbass I had to go out there with a big and tell him of course sir, I'll take anything.

    And he ends up having like two dollars worth of canadian coins! I was furious but took them and told his stupid ass to have a great day.

    A few days later I had a guy who was drunk as a skunk in my window. I could smell the booze radiating off of him. It was disgusting. He put down a hundred dollars to cash out in chips.

    DG: Drunk Guy
    Me: Moi.

    DG: Its my birthday...

    Me: Well, I hope you're having a good one.

    DG: Why yes I am... (enter sly smile) Say, how much money would it take for me to get you to come up to my room?


    I was so stunned by this I didn't know what to say... So I just started to pay him out.

    DG: Aww, its okay. You're blushing!

    I was so grossed out. I prayed he'd just walk away. And I wish I could've said: Not for all the money in the world.

    I had to keep smiling and keep the customer happy while I needed a shower afterwards.


    Then I had a woman who refused to believe that she needed a players card from OUR casino to write a check. She kept trying to give me another casinos insisting that it would work too. Nuh uh. Took quite a while of explanation on that one.

  • #2
    Quoth Anakah View Post
    Say, how much money would it take for me to get you to come up to my room?
    You couldn't possibly hope to fathom how much it would require for me to 'come up to your room'.
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      DG: Aww, its okay. You're blushing!

      "No sir, that blush is supressed rage because my professional pride means I have to try to stay patient when drunken strangers suggest that I am a slut. However, since you think it is funny, I cannot restrain my impatience. I am now calling security to escort you from the building, to prevent you from making such insulting comments to our other, more valued customers."


      • #4
        Quoth Anakah View Post
        I noticed that two of the coins he put down weren't American. They were canadian. Well, we don't accept canadian coins, just bills.

        Me: Unfortunately it looks as though you have some canadian coins. We don't take those.

        SC: Well, YOUR machine gave them to me!

        Me: (not sure what to say to that) Um, we still can't take them.
        Every single time I go the supermarket they stick me with foreign money and than hem and haw about replacing it with valid currency. I used to not give them crap about it, except that it started to add up. So it's a fair bet the customer was telling the truth about where the money originated from. Either that or he's secretly laundering canadian money, one coin at a time.

        Canadian money is a valid as monopoly money. You wouldn't like it if I tried to pay with monoply money, I don't like it when you give me change comprised of coins that are worthless in this country.

        What he actually gave you was a bunch of worthless coins, that your store had given him in leiu of $2.00.

        Sooooo to recap, your store is stealing from their customers, by sticking them with worthless currency, and you're upset because he's actually asking you to rectify the situation. Which you should rightly do, since you have no concrete evidence that the money DIDN'T come from your store. And, it's like $2.00. Which is completely worth losing a customer over.
        Last edited by Ree; 11-17-2007, 12:39 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting
        Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


        • #5
          Umm, Canadian money is just as valid as any other legal tender that can be exchanged at a bank. Hell, right now it's pretty much exactly equal to US money in worth.
          "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


          • #6
            Quoth Anakah View Post
            DG: Why yes I am... (enter sly smile) Say, how much money would it take for me to get you to come up to my room?


            I was so stunned by this I didn't know what to say... So I just started to pay him out.
            I know exactly what I would have done.
            *Stares at the man* "You drunken piece of *&^%.. .. How dare you stand there and talk to me like that. Get out. NOW."

            And I don't usually swear.
            "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


            • #7
              Quoth CancelMyService View Post
              Umm, Canadian money is just as valid as any other legal tender that can be exchanged at a bank. Hell, right now it's pretty much exactly equal to US money in worth.
              No one I've ever tried to give it to will take it, which means it's worthless. NO VALUE and it's not legal currency.

              But, you're right about the bank. Which is where the store should take it back too, since that's probably where it came from.

              Still not the customers problem.

              What your expecting, is their reward for doing business with you is unnecessary trip to the bank YAAYYYY!!!

              Because forcing a customer to solve a problem that your store has with it's bank is really what customer service is all about.
              Last edited by LifeCarnie; 11-15-2007, 09:54 PM.
              Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


              • #8
                Quoth Anakah View Post
                DG: Why yes I am... (enter sly smile) Say, how much money would it take for me to get you to come up to my room?
                Here's how it should have gone:

                You: You don't have enough money.

                DG: How would you know?

                You: There isn't enough money.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  Quoth CancelMyService View Post
                  Umm, Canadian money is just as valid as any other legal tender that can be exchanged at a bank. Hell, right now it's pretty much exactly equal to US money in worth.
                  Actually it's worth more than American money now.
                  Mon aéroglisseur est plein des anguilles!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth LifeCarnie View Post
                    No one I've ever tried to give it to will take it, which means it's worthless. NO VALUE and it's not legal currency.

                    Oh come on, now. No, it doesn't have any value in the US. Doesn't mean it's not legal currency. But this is nitpicking, and beside the point.

                    I very much doubt that the money came from the bank. Why? They won't take it. If a buisness tries to put canadian coins in their drop, the bank will not count it towards their total. When I was working at the coffeehouse, if we didn't catch it in time, that canadian cash would inevitably end up in our tip jar, meaning that because a customer shoved his or her funny money off on us, we'd be out the money in our pockets.

                    I'm a bit off-put by your weird choice of things to be sarcastic about. Granted, this site's in the buisness of assuming the worst of customers and figuring that they're out to get us, which isn't always fair to the customers who have a legitimate complaint; but neither is it our thing to do as the customer usually does and automatically make us out to be the bad guys. Which is what it feels like you're doing, y'know? It's Anakah's company's fault or the bank's fault. What other possibilities are out there, though? Hell, maybe he actually brought them back from Canada. My grandfather went up there for the hunting, years back, and brought me back a bunch of canadian coins. They were shiny, it was neat. But now I've got a few dollars worth of the stuff in my drawer. And it I was really a twit, I could go pawn it off on some poor CSR.

                    Who knows if that was this guy's plan. Maybe Anaka's machine DID give it to him. Maybe some other jerk at a different store foisted it off on him and he's just trying to pass it on in turn. Maybe he's a little-league scammer. The point is: He was being a jerk about it. And Anakah was having a pisser of a day anyway, and didn't need it the trouble. So she's venting here, instead of sniping back at the customer. She's a good girl. So back off, yeah?
                    Last edited by Ree; 11-17-2007, 12:39 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting


                    • #11
                      I dont think either party is at fault, though the customer could have been nicer.

                      Its funny about canadian coin. Up here, we'll take US coins without batting an eye and just count it as Canadian.
                      Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                      • #12
                        I hated it when I was in the US and got a Canadian coin in my change, didn't even NOTICE it, and then when I tried to give it to another person as part of a payment or something, they'd treat me as if I was trying pass off arcade tokens or candy coins as real money. Just because it's not your national currency doesn't mean it has no value. And right now, we're on par with y'all, so if you hate our pretty, pretty coins that much, take them to the bank and get your States-born equivalent. That's exactly what I would do, except we Canadians, like Horsetuna said, don't seem to have a problem accepting American coin. I don't understand what the big farkin' deal is.


                        • #13
                          Yeah anything quarter sized or smaller we'll take as canadian. Hell we get american pennies and nickels in the rolls we get from the bank!


                          • #14
                            Quoth the_std View Post
                            we Canadians, like Horsetuna said, don't seem to have a problem accepting American coin. I don't understand what the big farkin' deal is.

                            Since Canadian coins are made from wood shavings and recycled tin cans, it just doesn't "feel" right. Also, a lot of folks don't want to have money that the evil French Canadians might have used.

                            [Or it could just be that since most folks can't use foreign currency it does no good to have it... but what do I know? ]
                            Last edited by Ree; 11-17-2007, 12:36 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting
                            Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                            • #15
                              I don't know where you all are from where Canadian money is "no good" or isn't accepted. I'm from MA and the only places I've ever had trouble with Canadian coins (again, quarter-sized or smaller) is in the school lunchrooms back in elementary school and high school, and vending machines.

                              As it stands, if I went out right now and offered everyone in the USA to trade their Canadian coins for my American equivalent-looking coins, I'd end up in the black probably half a million dollars since Canadian currency is more valuable than American right now.

                              1.00 CAD = 1.02828 USD
                              That's the exchange rate right off of XE. Whether thats up-to-the-minute I don't know, but Canadian money has been increasing in value steadily and I don't see it suddenly dropping anytime soon.

                              Quoth LifeCarnie View Post
                              No one I've ever tried to give it to will take it, which means it's worthless. NO VALUE and it's not legal currency.


                              What your expecting, is their reward for doing business with you is unnecessary trip to the bank YAAYYYY!!!

                              Because forcing a customer to solve a problem that your store has with it's bank is really what customer service is all about.
                              I'm going to agree with MinimaMagistra and note that your use of sarcasm is pretty offensive. And I feel it necessary to point out that just because you personally haven't been able to give Canadian currency to anyone, does not make it worthless. It only makes it worthless to you, in the specific transactions you were trying to perform.

                              Finally, most banks will only give US currency, as I have yet to find a bank that doles out Canadian and American money as equal. Some banks, at least up here, will take Canadian money and credit it towards your account as its American equivalent, but I don't know which ones do and which don't.

                              It's probably a good business model for banks because they appear more customer-friendly for taking foreign currency and as long as the customer is informed that the Canadian money will be processed as its American counterpart (meaning a Canadian quarter would be entered into their account as 25 cents) it is entirely legal (to my knowledge) to keep the extra fractions of a cent for "exchange fees" or some similar term, and turn a small profit, which could then be either hoarded for tribute to Gravekeeper after the great purging of phone-asshattery (you know he's plotting world domination, right?) or given back to the customers in the form of free checks or other services, or even donated to charity to further enhance the image of the bank (and help people at the same time).
                              "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper

