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my mother deserves a medal

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  • my mother deserves a medal

    In an earlier thread I promised to tell you why my mother (and her boss at the time) deserved a medal so here it goes.
    Backstory, she worked at a restaraunt near humbolt state during college, this was back in the 70s when waitresses wore skirts.
    As she was working one day, she was heading out with a pot of coffee to refill a customers cup when the guy she was walking past reached up her skirt... and you get the idea. Anyway, she without hesitating turned around and threw the entire pot of coffee on this guy (something you couldn't do now because our legal system is so broken, but this isn't the place for that discussion).
    Needless to say, customer is irate, demands to speak to the manager, enter the manager
    mwdam- mom who deserves a medal
    bwdam- boss who deserves a medal
    cwbf- customer with burnt face

    bwdam- "what's going on here"
    cwbf- "that bitch just threw a pot of coffee in my face, i want her fired immediately, if not I'll call the police and have this place shut down for good"
    mwdam- "... but he grabbed my ass..."
    bwdam- "yes I saw that, but that still doesn't get you off the hook"\
    cwbf- "thank God you will do the right thing"
    bwdam- "sir, shut up, and let me finish what I was saying, mwdam, did you use a new pot of coffee?"
    mwdam- "yes, i did"
    bwdam- "damnit, how many times do I have to tell you, always use an old pot of coffee when dealing with perverts, I even set one aside specifically for throwing at guys like this, now I have to go back there and brew a new pot of coffee"
    mwdam- "i'm so sorry sir, it won't happen again, what would you like me to do now"
    bwdam- "well, seeing as we have customers waiting for coffee I'd suggest that you go back to the kitchen and get another pot brewing right away, (slightly louder) and for all my guests, would you all be so kind as to focus intently on your morning papers while I haul this weasal out to the curb" (of course everyone else there was a regular who saw the whole thing, many of them were old enough that my mother could have been their daughter, so they were more than happy to ignore any action that could be considered criminal)
    cwbf- "this won't be the last time you hear from me, I intend on getting proper compensation for my injury, i'll be contacting my lawyer about this"
    bwdam- "go ahead sir, but remember, we have several witnesses that will tell the police that you were sexually harrassing my employees, these same witnesses btw aren't paying attention to anything I may do if you don't leave this instant"
    the perv ran out with his tail between his legs, and i'm pretty sure he never came back

    actually looking back at this, maybe i should have named the thread, my mother's old boss deserves a medal.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    And see, this is why I can't be a waitress nowadays. I'm kind of an instinctive reacting person, and when startled and annoyed, because you just put your hand somewhere it shouldn't be, I'd probably throw a punch, then get fired.

    But props to your mom, and her boss, because they both are awesome, in my book.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #3
      You can STILL throw a pot of coffee in some jerk's face for sexually harrassing a waitress & said waitress won't have any reprisals. Since when does some jerk have the right to physically touch a waitress cause they think it's their right to?
      Nowadays if the same thing happened the jerk would get his ass handed to him on a plate. OR in other words-he'd get his ass beat.


      • #4
        Major credit to both your ma and her boss for dealing with that perv. These days, pervy customers think they're totally untouchable. A pot of coffee for the lot of 'em!
        Enslaved by WhSmith's since 2005


        • #5
          This made me think of a Babylon 5 episode, when a reporter complains to Captain Sheridan that Ivanova threatened to take him by the collar and throw him out an airlock.

          Sheridan: "Commander! Did you threaten to grab hold of this man by the collar and throw him out an airlock?"
          Ivanova: "Yes I did."
          Sheridan: "I'm shocked. Shocked and dismayed. I'd remind you that we are short on supplies here. We can't afford to take perfectly good clothing and throw it out into space. Always take the jacket off first, I've told you that before. Sorry, she meant to say: Stripped naked and thrown out an airlock. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused."


          • #6
            Major PWNage! I'd say both your mom and her boss deserve medals. And that creep deserves this:
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              Quoth Arucard View Post
              This made me think of a Babylon 5 episode, when a reporter complains to Captain Sheridan that Ivanova threatened to take him by the collar and throw him out an airlock.

              Sheridan: "Commander! Did you threaten to grab hold of this man by the collar and throw him out an airlock?"
              Ivanova: "Yes I did."
              Sheridan: "I'm shocked. Shocked and dismayed. I'd remind you that we are short on supplies here. We can't afford to take perfectly good clothing and throw it out into space. Always take the jacket off first, I've told you that before. Sorry, she meant to say: Stripped naked and thrown out an airlock. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused."
              I miss that show.


              • #8
                Quoth Arucard View Post
                This made me think of a Babylon 5 episode, when a reporter complains to Captain Sheridan that Ivanova threatened to take him by the collar and throw him out an airlock.

                Sheridan: "Commander! Did you threaten to grab hold of this man by the collar and throw him out an airlock?"
                Ivanova: "Yes I did."
                Sheridan: "I'm shocked. Shocked and dismayed. I'd remind you that we are short on supplies here. We can't afford to take perfectly good clothing and throw it out into space. Always take the jacket off first, I've told you that before. Sorry, she meant to say: Stripped naked and thrown out an airlock. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused."
                OMG, that is like my favorite episode of Babylon 5 too, i didn't even think of that before though.
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  That reminds me of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, at the end when Judge Reinhold throws the coffee at the robber.

                  What I would have given to dump a pot of boiling coffee on the groin of the trucker who kept batting his eyes and licking his lips at every female hostess/waitress at the honky tonk restaurant that awful Sunday morning. Oh he would have so deserved it.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    I'm a waitress at my new job and the day a stranger touches me inappropriately without my consent is the day I get fired for decking them one.


                    • #11
                      Just to point it out, throwing the coffee could be called a reactionary movement to being molested, hence it's self defense against an attack. Kudos to your mom!!
                      Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                      • #12
                        Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                        You can STILL throw a pot of coffee in some jerk's face for sexually harrassing a waitress & said waitress won't have any reprisals.
                        Sadly, it depends where you work, both as far as what establishment and within what judicial jurisdiction. Trust me when I say that there are areas where the coffee thrower would lose their job/have legal problems/both.

                        Quoth piratemonkey View Post
                        These days, pervy customers think they're totally untouchable. A pot of coffee for the lot of 'em!
                        I would like to propose a new smiley, one I have not seen. To wit: one smiley throwin a pot of coffee in the other smiley's face. Anyone who can create this, I will applaud you!

                        Quoth BaristaGirl View Post
                        I'm a waitress at my new job and the day a stranger touches me inappropriately without my consent is the day I get fired for decking them one.
                        BG, the sad news is that that day is coming sooner than you think. It is a part of the job. Not a good part of the job. Not an acceptable part of the job. But something that just about every female in the service industry has to deal with. HOW you deal with it will have a lot to do with how future slimeballs deal with you, admittedly......

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."

