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She actually followed through with this....

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  • She actually followed through with this....

    An SC who threatened to call the cops...actually did.

    I didn't see this entire thing (and was stationed directly across from the register this happened at but was trying to look busy), but suddenly saw one shift lead and two managers converge on the register.

    An SC was paying with WIC, and we were out of the brand/size of bread that is permitted. SC wanted us to override the system and give her a 24-ounce loaf of a big name brand. We can't do that, and even if we could doing so would mean that the store potentially loses the ability to accept WIC at all so why would we risk it?

    SC starts in about how she "gets WIC here all the time" (on its own that statement means nothing) and how it's not her fault that the store is out of "her" bread (um, it's a few days after panic-buying due to a snowstorm that wasn't, what did you think was gonna happen? not the store's fault if the warehouse screws with our delivery schedule). It's not our fault either that the town lost its collective shit at the first hint of snow. She then starts in about how she doesn't know what WIC will cover and that we, no. The training materials consist of a basic list and then point out that it is the customer's responsibility to know what they can get/check specific products online or via the app.

    So SC pays for what WIC will cover, and still has a balance due for the bread and some other things that I can see from my desk weren't even in the realm of eligibility. She starts in on how we have to give her the rest of the items for free because we're out of the WIC-approved bread. SC yells that she's gonna call the police. At that point two of the biggest guys from the produce department stalk over and start watching things.

    After the third manager explains to SC that no, we can't override the state system and we aren't required to give her anything for free...SC whips out her phone and yes, calls the cops. I didn't hear what she said (probably something about 'being robbed'), but they showed up fast.

    The officers listen to both sides of the story, and then SC whines that she only pays with WIC and doesn't have any other payment. Maybe it's just me but if your only means of payment is restrictive wouldn't you use the tools they give to determine if something is actually covered, and carry some cash just in case?

    End result is that one of the cops pays her balance (around $15). I think I saw the cashier's jaw hit the floor, and after all other parties left we started wondering if that was what SC was expecting from one of us. Sure, I'll spot someone a dollar or two if they're obviously in need (and not being a raging jerk about it) but that much? This SC was rocking designer everything, so I find it a little bit hard to believe that she had no money whatsoever on her.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

  • #2
    I'm surprised the cops didn't fine her for abusing the 911 system with a non-emergency call. (Assuming she called 911 and not the non-emergency number, still not a good thing.)
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


    • #3
      I can't decide if I'm thrilled someone paid for her stuff, or cheesed off because the cops weren't strict with her for misusing their services.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        OP, you don't happen to live in Victoria bc do you? We had some snowflakes and people were having a panic because snoooooow. I am so glad I got out of the grocery stores. Worse job I've had.
        "It's a joke not a dick. No need to take it so hard."

        “Here’s $10, go to Walmart and buy a houseplant. Carry it around to make up for all of that oxygen you waste.”


        • #5
          I'm in the States (New England; we're supposed to be used to snow). I'm very surprised that the cops didn't fine her; I'm presuming she did call 911 given how fast they showed up (the deli manager was taking his break outside at the time and said that they screeched up with lights and siren). All of us were pissed that she made the cop pay for her stuff...yes it was a 'nice' gesture, but now she knows she can get away with the same shit again. She potentially could have been reported to WIC for attempting to scam the system as well...if only the store manager had a spine.

          Yesterday was a kickass AM's last day with the company and even he said to me "stuff like this is one of the reasons I decided I couldn't put up with it anymore--upper management encouraging the crazy and we're not allowed to do anything about it"
          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


          • #6
            Even worse...She now knows how to get stuff for free that she may or may not actually need. Sad.
            "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
            "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
            "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
            "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
            "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
            "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
            Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
            "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


            • #7
              SC came back today, but didn't call the cops this time. This time she had one of those OTC cards, and also EBT. There was a balance that the OTC didn't cover, and she was screeching about how that was our problem and that she didn't need to call the issuer (lady, it's not our card, we have no idea what that program does and doesn't cover and there is literally no way to check; the onus is on the recipient to know these things).

              I think that splitting payments when using benefit cards need to be done in a specific way on the customer side and she didn't do it right.

              She told the cashier that she was "in a hurry" (clearly not, seeing as how you have time to argue about this) and going to walk out without paying...I wish she had, as then we would have a case (and film!) for the cops.

              I think she eventually paid the balance due, not without extreme histrionics and shouting. She then sat herself down on one of the register bag carousels and yammered on to someone on the phone about how we were racist, screwing her, etc (cashier is the same race as SC). Eventually left, but not before trying and failing to drag me into whatever it was.

              In talking with the cashier later, this SC has quite the history going back to before I was hired the first time (so the store has been dealing with her since at least 2010). She seems to seek out certain "types" of cashiers to harass, and she is well known to the local cops as well(!). If we had a manager with a spine she would have been banned years ago.
              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

