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I got applause from my line of customers! (bad words within)

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  • I got applause from my line of customers! (bad words within)

    Well, I've been in retail for 8 years, close to one-third of my life, and this is the very first time I've gotten an ovation from a line of customers.

    I guess I should start at the beginning:

    As I've mentioned before, I work at a super Wal-Mart. We have 27 registers. I was on register 14. Register 15 is our designated tobacco register. It is CORPORATE policy that ALL tobacco sales be confined to a caged-in area of one or two registers, and under NO circumstances whatsoever are tobacco products to be sold at any register other than the designated one(s). In fact, only register 15 (in our store) is programmed to handle a tobacco sale. Cigs and tobacco will prompt an "item not found" on any register other than 15.

    I should also point out that register 15 is an express lane, with a sign there saying "10 items or less." Now, I have had issue with that sign in the past, as customers often get confused and think if they have a big order they can't buy cigs there. As long as they have a tobacco purchase, we'll usually let them through.

    Now, onto Sir Jackass:

    He immediately asks for 2 packs of Marlboro red box. I say "Sir, you can only purchase tobacco products at register 15"

    Him: "That sign there says 10 items or less. I have 14. Instead of feeding me a line of shit, why don't you walk over there and get me 2 packs of Marb red box?"

    Me (more firm now): Sir, I can't do that. Our policy is that you can only purchase tobacco products at register 15.

    Him; (To a passing CSM, J *who rocks*): Hey, can you get me two packs of Marlboro box? (as if going over my head will help his case)

    J: Sir, you can only purchase tobacco at register 15.

    Him: The SIGN says 10 items or less. You're telling me I have to pay for this, then go back and WAIT in line again and pay for my cigarettes?

    J: Yes, that's our policy.

    Him: Well, your policy is shit.

    J: Sorry you feel that way. I can give you the number to home office if you like and you can talk to them.

    Him: Like they'd listen to one guy. No wonder Wal-Mart's stock is going down. MAYBE I'LL HAVE TO START SHOPPING SOMEWHERE ELSE! (Ok, he said that last part loud enough for most everyone to hear, like he WANTED to make a scene. I muttered "please do" under my breath, but he didn't hear me).

    Me: Sir, I can call to a manager if you like.

    Him: I just talked to a manager who told me she didn't give a shit about my problem.

    Me:Well, sir, I can sympathise, but you're complaining to the wrong person about your problem. I'm powerless here.

    Him: Wal-Mart and their fucking policies....

    Me: Do you want to suspend the order and go over to 15 and you can pay for it all at once there?

    Him: Yeah, why don't we do that, chief?

    So, I call CSM J over and she suspends the order and walks him over to 15, him ranting and raving all the while. As he's walking away, I say "Have a nice day!" loud enough for the 3 people in my line to hear. As soon as the words escape my mouth, he gives me the finger. However, I got 3 "YEAH'S!" and a round of applause from all the customers in my lane. It felt pretty good.

  • #2
    I LOVE THE OLD "HAVE ANICE DAY!" bit. They can complaine there buts off but really, all you say is HAVE A NICE DAY and its not our fault they took it as condiscending


    • #3
      I had a lady once get pissed because she had a 'buy x get y free' coupon, and I wouldn't give her y for free if she wasn't going to buy x. She huffed out, I told her to have a nice day. She hollered back "You too, smartass", right in front of her young child.

      The best part is I could tell from the beginning that she was having a rough day, and honestly wished her well.

